Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.extra_monitor_support_machine_vertex

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
import logging
import struct
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, ContextManager

from typing_extensions import Literal

from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool

from spinn_machine import Chip, CoreSubsets, MulticastRoutingEntry, Router

from spinnman.model.enums import ExecutableType, UserRegister

from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
from pacman.model.resources import AbstractSDRAM, ConstantSDRAM
from pacman.model.placements import Placement

from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
    AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification)
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.scp import (
    ReinjectorControlProcess, LoadMCRoutesProcess)
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.helpful_functions import (
    convert_vertices_to_core_subset, get_region_base_address_offset)
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.emergency_recovery import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import ReInjectionStatus
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance import (
    AbstractProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachine, ProvenanceWriter)
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.ds import DataSpecificationGenerator

from .data_speed_up_packet_gatherer_machine_vertex import (
    DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex as Gatherer)

log = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

#: sequence key, 2.first data key, 3. transaction id key
# 4.end flag key, 5.base key

_ONE_WORD = struct.Struct("<I")
# pylint: disable=wrong-spelling-in-comment
# typedef struct extra_monitor_provenance_t {
#     uint n_sdp_packets;
#     uint n_in_streams;
#     uint n_out_streams;
#     uint n_router_changes;
# } extra_monitor_provenance_t;
_PROVENANCE_FORMAT = struct.Struct("<IIII")

# cap for stopping wrap arounds

# SDRAM requirement for containing router table entries
# 16 bytes per entry:
# 4 for a key, 4 for mask,
# 4 for word alignment for 18 cores and 6 links
# (24 bits, for word aligning)

class _DsgRegions(IntEnum):

class _KeyOffsets(IntEnum):

class _ProvLabels(str, Enum):
    N_CHANGES = "Number_of_Router_Configuration_Changes"
    N_PACKETS = "Number_of_Relevant_SDP_Messages"
    N_IN_STREAMS = "Number_of_Input_Streamlets"
    N_OUT_STREAMS = "Number_of_Output_Streamlets"

class ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex(
        MachineVertex, AbstractHasAssociatedBinary,
    Machine vertex for talking to extra monitor cores.
    Supports reinjection control and the faster data transfer protocols.

    Usually deployed once per chip.

    .. note::
        This is an unusual machine vertex, in that it has no associated
        application vertex.

    __slots__ = (
        # if we reinject multicast packets
        # if we reinject point to point packets
        # if we reinject nearest neighbour packets
        # if we reinject fixed route packets
        # placement holder for ease of access
        # app id, used for reporting failures on system core RTE
        # the local transaction id
        # provenance region address

    def __init__(
            self, reinject_point_to_point: bool = False,
            reinject_nearest_neighbour: bool = False,
            reinject_fixed_route: bool = False):
        :param bool reinject_point_to_point:
            if we reinject point-to-point packets
        :param bool reinject_nearest_neighbour:
            if we reinject nearest-neighbour packets
        :param bool reinject_fixed_route: if we reinject fixed route packets

        multicast = get_config_bool("Machine", "enable_reinjection")
        self._reinject_multicast = multicast if multicast is not None else True
        self._reinject_point_to_point = reinject_point_to_point
        self._reinject_nearest_neighbour = reinject_nearest_neighbour
        self._reinject_fixed_route = reinject_fixed_route
        # placement holder for ease of access
        self.__placement: Optional[Placement] = None
        self._app_id: Optional[int] = None
        self._transaction_id = 0
        self.__prov_region: Optional[int] = None

    def reinject_multicast(self) -> bool:
        :rtype: bool
        return self._reinject_multicast

    def transaction_id(self) -> int:
        The current transaction id.

        :rtype: int
        return self._transaction_id

[docs] def update_transaction_id(self) -> None: """ Advance the transaction ID. """ self._transaction_id = (self._transaction_id + 1) & TRANSACTION_ID_CAP
[docs] def update_transaction_id_from_machine(self) -> None: """ Looks up from the machine what the current transaction ID is and updates the extra monitor. """ placement = self.placement self._transaction_id = FecDataView.get_transceiver().read_user( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, UserRegister.USER_1)
@property def reinject_point_to_point(self) -> bool: """ :rtype: bool """ return self._reinject_point_to_point @property def reinject_nearest_neighbour(self) -> bool: """ :rtype: bool """ return self._reinject_nearest_neighbour @property def reinject_fixed_route(self) -> bool: """ :rtype: bool """ return self._reinject_fixed_route @property @overrides(MachineVertex.sdram_required) def sdram_required(self) -> AbstractSDRAM: return ConstantSDRAM( _CONFIG_REGION_REINJECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES + _CONFIG_DATA_SPEED_UP_SIZE_IN_BYTES + _CONFIG_MAX_EXTRA_SEQ_NUM_SIZE_IN_BYTES + # Data spec size DATA_SPECABLE_BASIC_SETUP_INFO_N_BYTES + # One malloc for extra sequence numbers SARK_PER_MALLOC_SDRAM_USAGE + _MAX_DATA_SIZE_FOR_DATA_IN_MULTICAST_ROUTING + _SDRAM_FOR_ROUTER_TABLE_ENTRIES + _CONFIG_DATA_IN_KEYS_SDRAM_IN_BYTES) @property def placement(self) -> Placement: """ :rtype: ~pacman.model.placements.Placement """ assert self.__placement is not None, "vertex not placed!" return self.__placement
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_start_type) def get_binary_start_type(self) -> ExecutableType: return self.static_get_binary_start_type()
[docs] @staticmethod def static_get_binary_start_type() -> ExecutableType: """ The type of the binary implementing this vertex. :rtype: ExecutableType """ return ExecutableType.SYSTEM
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_file_name) def get_binary_file_name(self) -> str: return self.static_get_binary_file_name()
[docs] @staticmethod def static_get_binary_file_name() -> str: """ The name of the binary implementing this vertex. :rtype: str """ return "extra_monitor_support.aplx"
[docs] @overrides(AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification.generate_data_specification) def generate_data_specification( self, spec: DataSpecificationGenerator, placement: Placement): # storing for future usage self.__placement = placement chip = placement.chip self._app_id = FecDataView.get_app_id() # write reinjection config self._generate_reinjection_config(spec, chip) # write data speed up out config self._generate_data_speed_up_out_config(spec) # write data speed up in config self._generate_data_speed_up_in_config(spec, chip) self._generate_provenance_area(spec) spec.end_specification()
def _generate_data_speed_up_out_config( self, spec: DataSpecificationGenerator): """ :param ~.DataSpecificationGenerator spec: spec file """ spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DsgRegions.DATA_OUT_CONFIG, size=_CONFIG_DATA_SPEED_UP_SIZE_IN_BYTES, label="data speed-up out config region") spec.switch_write_focus(_DsgRegions.DATA_OUT_CONFIG) spec.write_value(Gatherer.BASE_KEY) spec.write_value(Gatherer.NEW_SEQ_KEY) spec.write_value(Gatherer.FIRST_DATA_KEY) spec.write_value(Gatherer.TRANSACTION_ID_KEY) spec.write_value(Gatherer.END_FLAG_KEY) def _generate_reinjection_config( self, spec: DataSpecificationGenerator, chip: Chip): """ :param ~.DataSpecificationGenerator spec: spec file :param ~.Chip chip: """ spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DsgRegions.REINJECT_CONFIG, size=_CONFIG_REGION_REINJECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, label="re-injection config region") spec.switch_write_focus(_DsgRegions.REINJECT_CONFIG) for value in [ self._reinject_multicast, self._reinject_point_to_point, self._reinject_fixed_route, self._reinject_nearest_neighbour]: # Note that this is inverted! Why... I dunno! spec.write_value(int(not value)) # add the reinjection multi cast interface router_timeout_keys = \ FecDataView.get_system_multicast_router_timeout_keys() # Write the base key for multicast communication # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object spec.write_value(router_timeout_keys[ chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y]) def _generate_data_speed_up_in_config( self, spec: DataSpecificationGenerator, chip: Chip): """ :param ~.DataSpecificationGenerator spec: spec file :param ~.Chip chip: the chip where this monitor will run """ spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DsgRegions.DATA_IN_CONFIG, size=(_MAX_DATA_SIZE_FOR_DATA_IN_MULTICAST_ROUTING + _CONFIG_DATA_IN_KEYS_SDRAM_IN_BYTES), label="data speed-up in config region") spec.switch_write_focus(_DsgRegions.DATA_IN_CONFIG) # write address key and data key mc_data_chips_to_keys = \ FecDataView.get_data_in_multicast_key_to_chip_map() # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object base_key = mc_data_chips_to_keys[chip.x, chip.y] spec.write_value(base_key + _KeyOffsets.ADDRESS_KEY_OFFSET) spec.write_value(base_key + _KeyOffsets.DATA_KEY_OFFSET) spec.write_value(base_key + _KeyOffsets.BOUNDARY_KEY_OFFSET) # write table entries data_in_routing_tables = \ FecDataView.get_data_in_multicast_routing_tables() table = data_in_routing_tables.get_routing_table_for_chip( chip.x, chip.y) assert table is not None spec.write_value(table.number_of_entries) for entry in table.multicast_routing_entries: spec.write_value(entry.key) spec.write_value(entry.mask) spec.write_value(self.__encode_route(entry)) def __encode_route(self, entry: MulticastRoutingEntry) -> int: """ :param ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry entry: :rtype: int """ assert self._app_id is not None route = self._app_id << _BIT_SHIFT_TO_MOVE_APP_ID route |= Router.convert_routing_table_entry_to_spinnaker_route(entry) return route def _generate_provenance_area(self, spec: DataSpecificationGenerator): """ :param ~.DataSpecificationGenerator spec: spec file """ spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DsgRegions.PROVENANCE_AREA, size=_PROVENANCE_FORMAT.size, label="provenance collection region") def __provenance_address(self, place: Placement) -> int: """ :param ~pacman.model.placements.Placement place: :rtype: int """ if self.__prov_region is not None: return self.__prov_region txrx = FecDataView.get_transceiver() region_table_addr = txrx.get_region_base_address( place.x, place.y, place.p) region_entry_addr = get_region_base_address_offset( region_table_addr, _DsgRegions.PROVENANCE_AREA) r = txrx.read_word(place.x, place.y, region_entry_addr) self.__prov_region = r return r
[docs] @overrides(AbstractProvidesProvenanceDataFromMachine. get_provenance_data_from_machine) def get_provenance_data_from_machine(self, placement: Placement): # No standard provenance region, so no standard provenance data # But we do have our own. x, y = placement.x, placement.y data = FecDataView.get_transceiver().read_memory( x, y, self.__provenance_address(placement), _PROVENANCE_FORMAT.size) (n_sdp_packets, n_in_streams, n_out_streams, n_router_changes) = \ _PROVENANCE_FORMAT.unpack_from(data) with ProvenanceWriter() as db: db.insert_monitor(x, y, _ProvLabels.N_CHANGES, n_router_changes) db.insert_monitor(x, y, _ProvLabels.N_PACKETS, n_sdp_packets) db.insert_monitor(x, y, _ProvLabels.N_IN_STREAMS, n_in_streams) db.insert_monitor(x, y, _ProvLabels.N_OUT_STREAMS, n_out_streams)
def __recover(self) -> ContextManager[Placement]: """ Set up a context to recover what we can on failure. The value of the setup is the placement. """ return _Recoverer(self, self.placement)
[docs] def reset_reinjection_counters(self, extra_monitor_cores_to_set: Iterable[ ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex]): """ Resets the counters for reinjection. :param ~spinnman.transceiver.Transceiver transceiver: the spinnMan interface :param extra_monitor_cores_to_set: which monitors control the routers to reset the counters of :type extra_monitor_cores_to_set: iterable(ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex) """ core_subsets = convert_vertices_to_core_subset( extra_monitor_cores_to_set) process = ReinjectorControlProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) with self.__recover(): process.reset_counters(core_subsets)
[docs] def get_reinjection_status(self) -> ReInjectionStatus: """ Get the reinjection status from this extra monitor vertex. :return: the reinjection status for this vertex :rtype: ReInjectionStatus """ process = ReinjectorControlProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) with self.__recover() as placement: return process.get_reinjection_status( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p)
[docs] def get_reinjection_status_for_vertices(self) -> Dict[ Chip, ReInjectionStatus]: """ Get the reinjection status from a set of extra monitor cores. :rtype: dict(~spinn_machine.Chip, ReInjectionStatus) """ core_subsets = convert_vertices_to_core_subset( FecDataView.iterate_monitors()) process = ReinjectorControlProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) return process.get_reinjection_status_for_core_subsets(core_subsets)
[docs] def set_reinjection_packets( self, point_to_point: Optional[bool] = None, multicast: Optional[bool] = None, nearest_neighbour: Optional[bool] = None, fixed_route: Optional[bool] = None): """ :param point_to_point: If point to point should be set, or `None` if left as before :type point_to_point: bool or None :param multicast: If multicast should be set, or `None` if left as before :type multicast: bool or None :param nearest_neighbour: If nearest neighbour should be set, or `None` if left as before :type nearest_neighbour: bool or None :param fixed_route: If fixed route should be set, or `None` if left as before. :type fixed_route: bool or None """ if multicast is not None: self._reinject_multicast = multicast if point_to_point is not None: self._reinject_point_to_point = point_to_point if nearest_neighbour is not None: self._reinject_nearest_neighbour = nearest_neighbour if fixed_route is not None: self._reinject_fixed_route = fixed_route core_subsets = convert_vertices_to_core_subset( FecDataView.iterate_monitors()) process = ReinjectorControlProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) with self.__recover(): process.set_packet_types( core_subsets, self._reinject_point_to_point, self._reinject_multicast, self._reinject_nearest_neighbour, self._reinject_fixed_route)
[docs] def load_system_mc_routes(self) -> None: """ Get the extra monitor cores to load up the system-based multicast routes (used by the Data In protocol). """ core_subsets = self.__all_monitor_locations() process = LoadMCRoutesProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) with self.__recover(): process.load_system_mc_routes(core_subsets)
[docs] def load_application_mc_routes(self) -> None: """ Get the extra monitor cores to load up the application-based multicast routes (used by the Data In protocol). """ core_subsets = self.__all_monitor_locations() process = LoadMCRoutesProcess( FecDataView.get_scamp_connection_selector()) with self.__recover(): process.load_application_mc_routes(core_subsets)
@staticmethod def __all_monitor_locations() -> CoreSubsets: """ Convert vertices into the subset of cores where they've been placed. :return: where the vertices have been placed :rtype: ~.CoreSubsets """ core_subsets = CoreSubsets() for vertex in FecDataView.iterate_monitors(): placement = FecDataView.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex) core_subsets.add_processor(placement.x, placement.y, placement.p) return core_subsets class _Recoverer: """ Helper class that will run the emergency state recovery system if its context body throws. """ def __init__(self, vtx: ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex, placement: Placement): self.__vtx = vtx self.__placement = placement def __enter__(self) -> Placement: return self.__placement def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> Literal[False]: if exc_val: emergency_recover_state_from_failure(self.__vtx, self.__placement) return False