Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
import logging
import math
import os
import time
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import (
    get_config_int, get_config_int_or_none, get_config_str)
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from spinn_machine import Chip, CoreSubsets, RoutingEntry
from import SpiNNManDataWriter
from spinnman.messages.scp.enums.signal import Signal
from spinnman.model import ExecutableTargets
from spinnman.model.enums import ExecutableType
from import PacmanDataWriter
from pacman.model.routing_tables import MulticastRoutingTables
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.notification_protocol import (
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management import BufferManager
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.spalloc_allocator \
    import SpallocJobController
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.java_caller import JavaCaller
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import (
    DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex, ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex)
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.impl import (
from .fec_data_view import FecDataView, _FecDataModel

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
__temp_dir = None


[docs] class FecDataWriter(PacmanDataWriter, SpiNNManDataWriter, FecDataView): """ See :py:class:``. This class is designed to only be used directly by :py:class:`AbstractSpinnakerBase` and within the Non-PyNN repositories unit tests as all methods are available to subclasses. """ __fec_data = _FecDataModel() __slots__ = () # pylint: disable=protected-access @overrides(PacmanDataWriter._mock) def _mock(self) -> None: PacmanDataWriter._mock(self) self._spinnman_mock() self.__fec_data._clear() # run numbers start at 1 and when not running this is the next one self.__fec_data._run_number = 1 self.set_up_timings(1000, 1) @overrides(PacmanDataWriter._setup) def _setup(self) -> None: PacmanDataWriter._setup(self) self._spinnman_setup() self.__fec_data._clear() # run numbers start at 1 and when not running this is the next one self.__fec_data._run_number = 1 self.__create_reports_directory() self.__create_timestamp_directory() self.__create_run_dir_path()
[docs] @overrides(PacmanDataWriter.finish_run) def finish_run(self) -> None: PacmanDataWriter.finish_run(self) assert self.__fec_data._run_number is not None self.__fec_data._run_number += 1
@overrides(PacmanDataWriter._hard_reset) def _hard_reset(self) -> None: if self.is_ran_last(): self.__fec_data._reset_number += 1 PacmanDataWriter._hard_reset(self) SpiNNManDataWriter._local_hard_reset(self) self.__fec_data._hard_reset() self.__create_run_dir_path() @overrides(PacmanDataWriter._soft_reset) def _soft_reset(self) -> None: if self.is_ran_last(): self.__fec_data._reset_number += 1 PacmanDataWriter._soft_reset(self) SpiNNManDataWriter._local_soft_reset(self) self.__fec_data._soft_reset() def __create_run_dir_path(self) -> None: self.set_run_dir_path(self._child_folder( self.__fec_data._timestamp_dir_path, f"run_{self.__fec_data._run_number}")) def __create_reports_directory(self) -> None: default_report_file_path = get_config_str( "Reports", "default_report_file_path") # determine common report folder if default_report_file_path == "DEFAULT": directory = os.getcwd() else: directory = default_report_file_path # global reports folder self.set_report_dir_path( self._child_folder(directory, REPORTS_DIRNAME)) def __create_timestamp_directory(self) -> None: while True: try: now = timestamp = ( f"{now.year:04}-{now.month:02}-{}-{now.hour:02}" f"-{now.minute:02}-{now.second:02}-{now.microsecond:06}") self.__fec_data._timestamp_dir_path = self._child_folder( self.get_report_dir_path(), timestamp, must_create=True) return except OSError: time.sleep(0.5)
[docs] def set_allocation_controller(self, allocation_controller: Optional[ MachineAllocationController]): """ Sets the allocation controller variable. :param MachineAllocationController allocation_controller: """ if allocation_controller and not isinstance( allocation_controller, MachineAllocationController): raise TypeError( "allocation_controller must be a MachineAllocationController") self.__fec_data._spalloc_job = None self.__fec_data._allocation_controller = allocation_controller if allocation_controller is None: return if allocation_controller.proxying: if not isinstance(allocation_controller, SpallocJobController): raise NotImplementedError( "Expecting only the SpallocJobController to be proxying") self.__fec_data._spalloc_job = allocation_controller.job
[docs] def set_buffer_manager(self, buffer_manager: BufferManager): """ Sets the Buffer manager variable. :param BufferManager buffer_manager: """ if not isinstance(buffer_manager, BufferManager): raise TypeError("buffer_manager must be a BufferManager") self.__fec_data._buffer_manager = buffer_manager
[docs] def increment_current_run_timesteps(self, increment: Optional[int]): """ Increment the current_run_timesteps and sets first_machine_time_step. A `None` increment signals run_forever :param increment: The timesteps for this do_run loop :type increment: int or None """ if increment is None: if self.__fec_data._current_run_timesteps != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Run forever after another run") self.__fec_data._current_run_timesteps = None return if not isinstance(increment, int): raise TypeError("increment should be an int (or None") if increment < 0: raise ConfigurationException( f"increment {increment} must not be negative") if self.__fec_data._current_run_timesteps is None: raise NotImplementedError("Run after run forever") self.__fec_data._first_machine_time_step = \ self.__fec_data._current_run_timesteps self.__fec_data._current_run_timesteps += increment
[docs] def set_max_run_time_steps(self, max_run_time_steps: int): """ Sets the max_run_time_steps value :param int max_run_time_steps: new value """ if not isinstance(max_run_time_steps, int): raise TypeError("max_run_time_steps should be an int") if max_run_time_steps <= 0: raise ConfigurationException( f"max_run_time_steps {max_run_time_steps} must be positive") self.__fec_data._max_run_time_steps = max_run_time_steps
[docs] def set_up_timings( self, simulation_time_step_us: Optional[int], time_scale_factor: Optional[float], default_time_scale_factor: Optional[float] = None): """ Set up timings for the simulation. :param simulation_time_step_us: An explicitly specified time step for the simulation in . If `None`, the value is read from the configuration :type simulation_time_step_us: int or None :param time_scale_factor: An explicitly specified time scale factor for the simulation. If `None`, the value is read from the configuration :type time_scale_factor: float or None :param default_time_scale_factor: A back up time scale factor for the simulation. Only used if time_scale_factor parameter and configuration are both `None`. If `None`, the value is based on `simulation_time_step` :type default_time_scale_factor: float or None """ try: self._set_simulation_time_step(simulation_time_step_us) self._set_time_scale_factor( time_scale_factor, default_time_scale_factor) self._set_hardware_timestep() except ConfigurationException: self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_us = None self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_ms = None self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_per_ms = None self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_per_s = None self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_s = None self.__fec_data._time_scale_factor = None self.__fec_data._hardware_time_step_us = None self.__fec_data._hardware_time_step_ms = None raise
def _set_simulation_time_step( self, simulation_time_step_us: Optional[int]): """ :param simulation_time_step_us: An explicitly specified time step for the simulation. If `None`, the value is read from the configuration :type simulation_time_step: int or None """ if simulation_time_step_us is None: simulation_time_step_us = get_config_int( "Machine", "simulation_time_step") if not isinstance(simulation_time_step_us, int): raise TypeError("simulation_time_step_us should be an int") if simulation_time_step_us <= 0: raise ConfigurationException( f'invalid simulation_time_step {simulation_time_step_us}' ': must greater than zero') self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_us = simulation_time_step_us self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_ms = ( simulation_time_step_us / MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION) self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_per_ms = ( MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION / simulation_time_step_us) self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_per_s = ( MICRO_TO_SECOND_CONVERSION / simulation_time_step_us) self.__fec_data._simulation_time_step_s = ( simulation_time_step_us / MICRO_TO_SECOND_CONVERSION) def _set_time_scale_factor( self, time_scale_factor: Optional[float], default_time_scale_factor: Optional[float]): """ Set up time_scale_factor. If time_scale_factor is provide that is used Then if configuration is not `None` that is used Then if default is provided that is used Lastly it is set based on the simulation_time_step :param time_scale_factor: An explicitly specified time scale factor for the simulation. If `None`, the value is read from the configuration :type time_scale_factor: float or None """ if time_scale_factor is None: # Note while this reads from the cfg the cfg default is None time_scale_factor = get_config_int_or_none( "Machine", "time_scale_factor") if time_scale_factor is None: if default_time_scale_factor is not None: time_scale_factor = default_time_scale_factor if time_scale_factor is None: time_scale_factor = max( 1.0, math.ceil(self.get_simulation_time_step_per_ms())) if time_scale_factor > 1.0: logger.warning( "A timestep was entered that has forced SpiNNaker to " "automatically slow the simulation down from real time " f"by a factor of {time_scale_factor}.") if not isinstance(time_scale_factor, (int, float)): raise TypeError("app_id should be an int (or float)") if time_scale_factor <= 0: raise ConfigurationException( f'invalid time_scale_factor {time_scale_factor}' ': must greater than zero') self.__fec_data._time_scale_factor = time_scale_factor def _set_hardware_timestep(self) -> None: raw = (self.get_simulation_time_step_us() * self.get_time_scale_factor()) rounded = round(raw) if abs(rounded - raw) > 0.0001: raise ConfigurationException( "The multiplication of simulation time step in microseconds: " f"{self.get_simulation_time_step_us()} and times scale factor" f": {self.get_time_scale_factor()} produced a non integer " f"hardware time step of {raw}") "Setting hardware timestep as {} microseconds based on " "simulation time step of {} and timescale factor of {}", rounded, self.get_simulation_time_step_us(), self.get_time_scale_factor()) self.__fec_data._hardware_time_step_us = rounded self.__fec_data._hardware_time_step_ms = ( rounded / MICRO_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERSION)
[docs] def set_system_multicast_routing_data( self, data: Tuple[ MulticastRoutingTables, Dict[XY, int], Dict[XY, int]]): """ Sets the system_multicast_routing_data. These are: `data_in_multicast_routing_tables`, `data_in_multicast_key_to_chip_map`, `system_multicast_router_timeout_keys` :param data: new value :type data: tuple(~pacman.model.routing_tables.MulticastRoutingTables, dict(tuple(int,int),int), dict(tuple(int,int),int)) """ routing_tables, key_to_chip_map, timeout_keys = data if not isinstance(routing_tables, MulticastRoutingTables): raise TypeError("First element must be a MulticastRoutingTables") if not isinstance(key_to_chip_map, dict): raise TypeError("Second element must be dict") if not isinstance(timeout_keys, dict): raise TypeError("Third element must be a dict") self.__fec_data._data_in_multicast_key_to_chip_map = key_to_chip_map self.__fec_data._data_in_multicast_routing_tables = routing_tables self.__fec_data._system_multicast_router_timeout_keys = timeout_keys
[docs] def set_ipaddress(self, ip_address: str): """ :param str ip_address: """ if not isinstance(ip_address, str): raise TypeError("ipaddress must be a str") self.__fec_data._ipaddress = ip_address
[docs] def set_fixed_routes( self, fixed_routes: Dict[Tuple[int, int], RoutingEntry]): """ :param fixed_routes: :type fixed_routes: dict((int, int), ~spinn_machine.RoutingEntry) """ if not isinstance(fixed_routes, dict): raise TypeError("fixed_routes must be a dict") self.__fec_data._fixed_routes = fixed_routes
[docs] def set_java_caller(self, java_caller: JavaCaller): """ :param JavaCaller java_caller: """ if not isinstance(java_caller, JavaCaller): raise TypeError("java_caller must be a JavaCaller") self.__fec_data._java_caller = java_caller
[docs] def reset_sync_signal(self) -> None: """ Returns the sync signal to the default value. """ self.__fec_data._next_sync_signal = Signal.SYNC0
[docs] def set_executable_types(self, executable_types: Dict[ ExecutableType, CoreSubsets]): """ :param executable_types: :type executable_types: dict( ~spinnman.model.enum.ExecutableType, ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets) """ if not isinstance(executable_types, dict): raise TypeError("executable_types must be a Dict") self.__fec_data._executable_types = executable_types
[docs] def set_live_packet_gatherer_parameters(self, params): """ testing method will not work outside of mock """ if not self._is_mocked(): raise NotImplementedError("This call is only for testing") self.__fec_data._live_packet_recorder_params = params
[docs] def set_database_file_path(self, database_file_path: Optional[str]): """ Sets the database_file_path variable. Possibly to `None`. :param database_file_path: :type database_file_path: str or None """ if not isinstance(database_file_path, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError("database_file_path must be a str or None") self.__fec_data._database_file_path = database_file_path
[docs] def set_executable_targets(self, executable_targets: ExecutableTargets): """ Sets the executable_targets :param ~spinnman.model.ExecutableTargets executable_targets: """ if not isinstance(executable_targets, ExecutableTargets): raise TypeError("executable_targets must be a ExecutableTargets") self.__fec_data._executable_targets = executable_targets
[docs] def set_ds_database_path(self, ds_database_path: str): """ Sets the Data Spec targets database. :param str ds_database_path: Existing path to the database """ if not os.path.isfile(ds_database_path): raise TypeError("ds_database path must be a filee") self.__fec_data._ds_database_path = ds_database_path
def __gatherer_map_error(self) -> TypeError: return TypeError( "gatherer_map must be a dict(Chip, " "DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex)")
[docs] def set_gatherer_map(self, gatherer_map: Dict[ Chip, DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex]): """ Sets the map of Chip to Gatherer Vertices. :param gatherer_map: :type gatherer_map: dict(Chip, DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex) """ if not isinstance(gatherer_map, dict): raise self.__gatherer_map_error() try: for chip, vertex in gatherer_map.items(): if not isinstance(chip, Chip): raise self.__gatherer_map_error() if not isinstance( vertex, DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex): raise self.__gatherer_map_error() break # assume if first is OK all are except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise self.__gatherer_map_error() from ex self.__fec_data._gatherer_map = gatherer_map
def __monitor_map_error(self) -> TypeError: return TypeError( "monitor_map must be a dict(Chip, " "ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex)")
[docs] def set_monitor_map(self, monitor_map: Dict[ Chip, ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex]): """ Sets the map of Chip to Monitor Vertices. :param monitor_map: :type monitor_map: dict(Chip, ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex) """ if not isinstance(monitor_map, dict): raise self.__monitor_map_error() try: for chip, vertex in monitor_map.items(): if not isinstance(chip, Chip): raise self.__monitor_map_error() if not isinstance(vertex, ExtraMonitorSupportMachineVertex): raise self.__monitor_map_error() break # assume if first is OK all are except TypeError: raise except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise self.__monitor_map_error() from ex self.__fec_data._monitor_map = monitor_map
[docs] def set_notification_protocol( self, notification_protocol: NotificationProtocol): """ Sets the notification_protocol. :param NotificationProtocol notification_protocol: """ self.__fec_data._clear_notification_protocol() if not isinstance(notification_protocol, NotificationProtocol): raise TypeError( "notification_protocol must be a NotificationProtocol") self.__fec_data._notification_protocol = notification_protocol
[docs] def clear_notification_protocol(self) -> None: """ Closes an existing notification_protocol and sets the value to `None`. If no notification_protocol exist this method silently returns. If the close causes an Exception it is logged and ignored """ self.__fec_data._clear_notification_protocol()
[docs] @classmethod @overrides(FecDataView.add_vertex) def add_vertex(cls, vertex: ApplicationVertex): # Avoid the safety check in FecDataView PacmanDataWriter.add_vertex(vertex)
[docs] def next_run_step(self) -> int: """ Starts or increases the run step count. Run steps start at 1 :return: The next step number :rtype: int """ if self.__fec_data._run_step is None: self.__fec_data._run_step = 1 return 1 self.__fec_data._run_step += 1 return self.__fec_data._run_step
[docs] def clear_run_steps(self) -> None: """ Clears the run step. get_run_step will go back to returning `None` next_run_step will restart at 1 """ self.__fec_data._run_step = None