Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_calls

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Utility calls for interpreting bits of the DSG

import io
import os
import threading
from typing import (Optional, Union, TextIO, Tuple, TypeVar)
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool
from spinn_machine import Chip
from spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections import SCAMPConnection
from spinnman.utilities.utility_functions import (
    reprogram_tag, reprogram_tag_to_listener)
from spinnman.spalloc import SpallocEIEIOListener, SpallocEIEIOConnection
from pacman.model.placements import Placements
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from import FecDataView

# used to stop file conflicts
_lock_condition = threading.Condition()
#: :meta private:
T = TypeVar("T")

def _mkdir(directory: str):
    Make a directory if it doesn't exist.

    .. note::
        This code is not intended to be secure against malicious third parties

    :param str directory: The directory to create
    # Guarded to stop us from hitting things twice internally; it's not
    # perfect since other processes could also happen along.
    with _lock_condition:
            if not os.path.exists(directory):
        except OSError:  # pragma: no cover
            # Assume an external race beat us

[docs] def get_region_base_address_offset( app_data_base_address: int, region: int) -> int: """ Find the address of the of a given region for the DSG. :param int app_data_base_address: base address for the core :param int region: the region ID we're looking for """ return (app_data_base_address + APP_PTR_TABLE_HEADER_BYTE_SIZE + (region * APP_PTR_TABLE_REGION_BYTE_SIZE))
_DAT_TMPL = "dataSpec_{}_{}_{}.dat" _RPT_TMPL = "dataSpec_{}_{}_{}.txt" _RPT_DIR = "data_spec_text_files"
[docs] def get_report_writer( processor_chip_x: int, processor_chip_y: int, processor_id: int, use_run_number: bool = False) -> Optional[TextIO]: """ Check if text reports are needed, and if so initialise the report writer to send down to DSG. :param int processor_chip_x: X coordinate of the chip :param int processor_chip_y: Y coordinate of the chip :param int processor_id: The processor ID :param bool use_run_number: If set the directory will include the run number :return: the report_writer_object, or `None` if not reporting :rtype: ~io.FileIO or None """ # check if text reports are needed at all if not get_config_bool("Reports", "write_text_specs"): return None # initialise the report writer to send down to DSG dir_name = _RPT_DIR if use_run_number: dir_name += str(FecDataView.get_run_number()) new_report_directory = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), dir_name) _mkdir(new_report_directory) name = os.path.join(new_report_directory, _RPT_TMPL.format( processor_chip_x, processor_chip_y, processor_id)) return io.TextIOWrapper(io.FileIO(name, "w"))
[docs] def parse_old_spalloc( spalloc_server: str, spalloc_port: int, spalloc_user: str) -> Tuple[str, int, str]: """ Parse a URL to the old-style service. This may take the form: spalloc:// The leading ``spalloc://`` is the mandatory part (as is the actual host name). If the port and user are omitted, the defaults given in the other arguments are used (or default defaults). A bare hostname can be used instead. If that's the case (i.e., there's no ``spalloc://`` prefix) then the port and user are definitely used. :param str spalloc_server: Hostname or URL :param int spalloc_port: Default port :param str spalloc_user: Default user :return: hostname, port, username :rtype: tuple(str,int,str) """ if spalloc_port is None or spalloc_port == "": spalloc_port = 22244 if spalloc_user is None or spalloc_user == "": spalloc_user = "unknown user" parsed = urlparse(spalloc_server, "spalloc") if parsed.netloc == "" or parsed.hostname is None: return spalloc_server, spalloc_port, spalloc_user return parsed.hostname, (parsed.port or spalloc_port), \ (parsed.username or spalloc_user)
[docs] def retarget_tag( connection: Union[SpallocEIEIOListener, SpallocEIEIOConnection, SCAMPConnection], x: int, y: int, tag: int, ip_address: Optional[str] = None, strip: bool = True): """ Make a tag deliver to the given connection. :param connection: The connection to deliver to. :type connection: ~spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections.UDPConnection :param int x: The X coordinate of the Ethernet-enabled chip we are sending the message to. :param int y: The Y coordinate of the Ethernet-enabled chip we are sending the message to. :param int tag: The ID of the tag to retarget. :param str ip_address: What IP address to send the message to. If ``None``, the connection is assumed to be connected to a specific board already. :param bool strip: Whether the tag should strip the SDP header before sending to the connection. """ # If the connection itself knows how, delegate to it if isinstance(connection, SpallocEIEIOListener): connection.update_tag(x, y, tag) elif isinstance(connection, SpallocEIEIOConnection): connection.update_tag(tag) elif ip_address: reprogram_tag_to_listener(connection, x, y, ip_address, tag, strip) else: reprogram_tag(connection, tag, strip)
[docs] def open_scp_connection( chip_x: int, chip_y: int, chip_ip_address: str) -> SCAMPConnection: """ Create an SCP connection to the given Ethernet-enabled chip. SpiNNaker will not be configured to map that connection to a tag; that is the caller's responsibility. :param int chip_x: X coordinate of the Ethernet-enabled chip to connect to. :param int chip_y: Y coordinate of the Ethernet-enabled chip to connect to. :param str chip_ip_address: IP address of the Ethernet-enabled chip to connect to. :rtype: ~spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections.SCAMPConnection """ if FecDataView.has_allocation_controller(): # See if the allocation controller wants to do it conn = FecDataView.get_allocation_controller().open_sdp_connection( chip_x, chip_y) if conn: return conn return SCAMPConnection(chip_x, chip_y, remote_host=chip_ip_address)
[docs] def pick_core_for_system_placement( system_placements: Placements, chip: Chip) -> int: """ Get a core number for use putting a system placement on a chip. :param ~pacman.model.placements.Placements system_placements: Already-made system placements :param ~spinn_machine.Chip chip: Chip of interest :return: a core that a system placement could be put on :rtype: int """ cores = chip.placable_processors_ids return cores[system_placements.n_placements_on_chip(chip)]