Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.sqlite_db

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import sqlite3
import struct
from typing import Optional, Type, Union
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanValueError
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import DatabaseException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SQLiteDB(object): """ General support class for SQLite databases. This handles a lot of the low-level detail of setting up a connection. Basic usage (with the default row type):: with SQLiteDB("db_file.sqlite3") as database: with database.transaction() as cursor: for row in cursor.execute("SELECT thing FROM ..."): print(row["thing"]) This class is designed to be either used as above or by subclassing. See the `SQLite SQL documentation <>`_ for details of how to write queries, and the Python :py:mod:`sqlite3` module for how to do parameter binding. .. note:: If you plan to use the WAL journal mode for the DB, you are *recommended* to set this up in the DDL file via:: PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL; This is because the journal mode is persistent for database. For details, see the `SQLite documentation <>`_ on the write-ahead log. """ __slots__ = ( # the cursor object to use "__cursor", # the database holding the data to store "__db") def __init__( self, database_file: Optional[str] = None, *, read_only: bool = False, ddl_file: Optional[str] = None, row_factory: Optional[Union[ Type[sqlite3.Row], Type[tuple]]] = sqlite3.Row, text_factory: Optional[Union[ Type[memoryview], Type[str]]] = memoryview, case_insensitive_like: bool = True, timeout: float = 5.0): """ :param str database_file: The name of a file that contains (or will contain) an SQLite database holding the data. If omitted, an unshared in-memory database will be used (suitable only for testing). :param bool read_only: Whether the database is in read-only mode. When the database is in read-only mode, it *must* already exist. :param ddl_file: The name of a file (typically containing SQL DDL commands used to create the tables) to be evaluated against the database before this object completes construction. If ``None``, nothing will be evaluated. You probably don't want to specify a DDL file at the same time as setting ``read_only=True``. :type ddl_file: str or None :param row_factory: Callable used to create the rows of result sets. Either ``tuple`` or ``sqlite3.Row`` (default); can be ``None`` to use the DB driver default. :type row_factory: or None :param text_factory: Callable used to create the Python values of non-numeric columns in result sets. Usually ``memoryview`` (default) but should be ``str`` when you're expecting string results; can be ``None`` to use the DB driver default. :type text_factory: or None :param bool case_insensitive_like: Whether we want the ``LIKE`` matching operator to be case-sensitive or case-insensitive (default). :param float timeout: How many seconds the connection should wait before raising an `OperationalError` when a table is locked. If another connection opens a transaction to modify a table, that table will be locked until the transaction is committed. Default five seconds. :param Synchronisation synchronisation: The synchronisation level. Doesn't normally need to be altered. """ self.__db = None self.__cursor = None if database_file is None: self.__db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") # Magic name! # in-memory DB is never read-only elif read_only: if not os.path.exists(database_file): raise FileNotFoundError(f"no such DB: {database_file}") db_uri = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(database_file)).as_uri() # self.__db = sqlite3.connect( f"{db_uri}?mode=ro", uri=True, timeout=timeout) else: self.__db = sqlite3.connect(database_file, timeout=timeout) # We want to assume control over transactions ourselves self.__db.isolation_level = None if row_factory is not None: self.__db.row_factory = row_factory if text_factory is not None: self.__db.text_factory = text_factory if not read_only and ddl_file: with open(ddl_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: sql = self.__db.executescript(sql) # Stamp the DB with a schema version, which is the first four # bytes of the MD5 hash of the content of the schema file used to # set it up. We don't currently validate this at all. # # The application_id pragma would be used within the DDL schema. ddl_hash, = struct.unpack_from( ">I", hashlib.md5(sql.encode()).digest()) self.__pragma("user_version", ddl_hash) if case_insensitive_like: self.__pragma("case_sensitive_like", False) # Official recommendations! self.__pragma("foreign_keys", True) self.__pragma("recursive_triggers", True) self.__pragma("trusted_schema", False) def _context_entered(self): """ Work to do when then context is entered. May be extended by super classes """ if self.__db is None: raise DatabaseException("database has been closed") if self.__cursor is not None: raise DatabaseException("double cursor") if not self.__db.in_transaction: self.__db.execute("BEGIN") self.__cursor = self.__db.cursor() def __enter__(self): self._context_entered() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.__db is not None: if exc_type is None: self.__db.commit() else: self.__db.rollback() self.__cursor = None self.close() def __del__(self) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Finalises and closes the database. """ try: if self.__db is not None: self.__db.close() self.__db = None except AttributeError: self.__db = None
def __pragma(self, pragma_name: str, value: Union[bool, int, str]): """ Set a database ``PRAGMA``. See the `SQLite PRAGMA documentation <>`_ for details. :param str pragma_name: The name of the pragma to set. *Must be the name of a supported pragma!* :param value: The value to set the pragma to. If a string, must not contain a single quote. :type value: bool or int or str """ if not self.__db: raise AttributeError("database has been closed") if isinstance(value, bool): if value: self.__db.executescript(f"PRAGMA {pragma_name}=ON;") else: self.__db.executescript(f"PRAGMA {pragma_name}=OFF;") elif isinstance(value, int): self.__db.executescript(f"PRAGMA {pragma_name}={int(value)};") elif isinstance(value, str): if "'" in value: # Safety check! raise PacmanValueError( "DB pragma values must not contain single quotes") self.__db.executescript(f"PRAGMA {pragma_name}='{str(value)}';") else: raise TypeError("can only set pragmas to bool, int or str")
[docs] def execute(self, sql, parameters=()): """ Executes a query by passing it to the database :param str sql: :param parameters: :raises DatabaseException: If there is no cursor. Typically because database was used outside of a with """ if self.__cursor is None: raise DatabaseException( "This method should only be used inside a with") return self.__cursor.execute(sql, parameters)
[docs] def executemany(self, sql, parameters=()): """ Repeatedly executes a query by passing it to the database :param str sql: :param parameters: :raises DatabaseException: If there is no cursor. Typically because database was used outside of a with """ if self.__cursor is None: raise DatabaseException( "This method should only be used inside a with") return self.__cursor.executemany(sql, parameters)
@property def lastrowid(self) -> int: """ Gets the lastrowid from the last query run/ execute :rtype: int :raises DatabaseException: If there is no cursor. Typically because database was used outside of a with """ if self.__cursor is None: raise DatabaseException( "This method should only be used inside a with") return self.__cursor.lastrowid @property def rowcount(self) -> int: """ Gets the rowcount from the last query run/ execute :rtype: int :raises DatabaseException: If there is no cursor. Typically because database was used outside of a with """ if self.__cursor is None: raise DatabaseException( "This method should only be used inside a with") return self.__cursor.rowcount
[docs] def fetchone(self): """ Gets the fetchone from the last query run :raises DatabaseException: If there is no cursor. Typically because database was used outside of a with """ if self.__cursor is None: raise DatabaseException( "This method should only be used inside a with") return self.__cursor.fetchone()