Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.scp.reinjector_control_process

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import logging
import traceback
from typing import Dict
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_machine import Chip, CoreSubsets, CoreSubset
from spinnman.processes import AbstractMultiConnectionProcess
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import ReInjectionStatus
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs.extra_monitor_scp_messages\
    import (
        ClearReinjectionQueueMessage, ResetCountersMessage,
        GetReinjectionStatusMessage, SetReinjectionPacketTypesMessage,
        SetRouterTimeoutMessage, GetReinjectionStatusMessageResponse)
from import FecDataView
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

class ReinjectorControlProcess(AbstractMultiConnectionProcess):
    How to send messages to the packet reinjection system.
    __slots__ = ()

[docs] def clear_queue(self, core_subsets: CoreSubsets): """ Clear the reinjection queue. :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: """ with self._collect_responses(): for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self._send_request(ClearReinjectionQueueMessage( core_subset.x, core_subset.y, processor_id))
[docs] def reset_counters(self, core_subsets: CoreSubsets): """ Reset the packet counters. :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: """ with self._collect_responses(): for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self._send_request(ResetCountersMessage( core_subset.x, core_subset.y, processor_id))
@staticmethod def __handle_response( result: Dict[Chip, ReInjectionStatus], response: GetReinjectionStatusMessageResponse): """ :param dict result: :param GetReinjectionStatusMessageResponse response: """ status = response.reinjection_functionality_status header = response.sdp_header chip = FecDataView.get_chip_at( header.source_chip_x, header.source_chip_y) result[chip] = status
[docs] def get_reinjection_status( self, x: int, y: int, p: int) -> ReInjectionStatus: """ Get the reinjection status of a particular monitor. :param int x: :param int y: :param int p: :rtype: ReInjectionStatus """ chip = FecDataView.get_chip_at(x, y) status: Dict[Chip, ReInjectionStatus] = dict() with self._collect_responses(): self._send_request( GetReinjectionStatusMessage(x, y, p), functools.partial(self.__handle_response, status)) return status[chip]
[docs] def get_reinjection_status_for_core_subsets( self, core_subsets: CoreSubsets) -> Dict[Chip, ReInjectionStatus]: """ Get the reinjection status of a collection of monitors. :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: :rtype: dict(~spinn_machine.Chip, ReInjectionStatus) """ status: Dict[Chip, ReInjectionStatus] = dict() with self._collect_responses(check_error=False): for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self._send_request(GetReinjectionStatusMessage( core_subset.x, core_subset.y, processor_id), functools.partial(self.__handle_response, status)) if self.is_error(): logger.warning("Error(s) reading reinjection status:") for (e, tb) in zip(self._exceptions, self._tracebacks): traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, tb) return status
[docs] def set_packet_types( self, core_subsets: CoreSubsets, point_to_point: bool, multicast: bool, nearest_neighbour: bool, fixed_route: bool): """ Set what types of packets should be reinjected. :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: sets of cores to send command to :param bool point_to_point: If point-to-point should be set :param bool multicast: If multicast should be set :param bool nearest_neighbour: If nearest neighbour should be set :param bool fixed_route: If fixed route should be set """ with self._collect_responses(): for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self._send_request(SetReinjectionPacketTypesMessage( core_subset.x, core_subset.y, processor_id, multicast, point_to_point, fixed_route, nearest_neighbour))
[docs] def set_wait1_timeout( self, mantissa: int, exponent: int, core_subsets: CoreSubsets): """ The wait1 timeout is the time from when a packet is received to when emergency routing becomes enabled. :param int mantissa: Timeout mantissa (0 to 15) :param int exponent: Timeout exponent (0 to 15) :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: Where the extra monitors that manage the routers are located. """ for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self.__set_timeout( core_subset, processor_id, mantissa, exponent, wait=1)
[docs] def set_wait2_timeout( self, mantissa: int, exponent: int, core_subsets: CoreSubsets): """ The wait2 timeout is the time from when a packet has emergency routing enabled for it to when it is dropped. :param int mantissa: Timeout mantissa (0 to 15) :param int exponent: Timeout exponent (0 to 15) :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubsets core_subsets: Where the extra monitors that manage the routers are located. """ for core_subset in core_subsets.core_subsets: for processor_id in core_subset.processor_ids: self.__set_timeout( core_subset, processor_id, mantissa, exponent, wait=2)
def __set_timeout( self, core: CoreSubset, processor_id: int, mantissa: int, exponent: int, *, wait: int): """ Set a timeout for a router controlled by an extra monitor on a core. This is not a parallelised operation in order to aid debugging when it fails. :param ~spinn_machine.CoreSubset core: :param int processor_id: :param int mantissa: :param int exponent: :param int wait: Which wait to set """ with self._collect_responses(): self._send_request(SetRouterTimeoutMessage( core.x, core.y, processor_id, timeout_mantissa=mantissa, timeout_exponent=exponent, wait=wait))