Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.report_functions.energy_report

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, Final, TextIO
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import is_config_none
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.typing.coords import XY
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance import (
    FecTimer, GlobalProvenance, TimerCategory)
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import ChipPowerMonitorMachineVertex
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.compute_energy_used\
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import PowerUsed

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

class EnergyReport(object):
    This class creates a report about the approximate total energy
    consumed by a SpiNNaker job execution.

    __slots__ = ()

    #: converter between joules to kilowatt hours
    JOULES_TO_KILOWATT_HOURS: Final = 3600000

    # energy report file name
    _DETAILED_FILENAME = "detailed_energy_report.rpt"
    _SUMMARY_FILENAME = "summary_energy_report.rpt"

[docs] def write_energy_report(self, power_used: PowerUsed): """ Writes the report. :param ~spinn_machine.Machine machine: the machine :param PowerUsed power_used: """ report_dir = FecDataView.get_run_dir_path() # detailed report path detailed_report = os.path.join(report_dir, self._DETAILED_FILENAME) # summary report path summary_report = os.path.join(report_dir, self._SUMMARY_FILENAME) # create detailed report with open(detailed_report, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: self._write_detailed_report(power_used, f) # create summary report with open(summary_report, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: self._write_summary_report(f, power_used)
@classmethod def _write_summary_report(cls, f: TextIO, power_used: PowerUsed): """ Write summary file. :param ~io.TextIOBase f: file writer :param PowerUsed power_used: """ # figure runtime in milliseconds with time scale factor runtime_total_ms = ( FecDataView.get_current_run_time_ms() * FecDataView.get_time_scale_factor()) # write summary data f.write("Summary energy file\n-------------------\n\n") f.write( "Energy used by chips during runtime is " f"{power_used.chip_energy_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(runtime_total_ms / 1000)}\n") f.write( f"Energy used by FPGAs is {power_used.fpga_total_energy_joules} " "Joules over the entire time the machine was booted " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.booted_time_secs)}\n") f.write( f"Energy used by FPGAs is {power_used.fpga_exec_energy_joules} " "Joules over the runtime period " f"{cls.__report_time(runtime_total_ms / 1000)}\n") f.write( "Energy used by outside router / cooling during the runtime " f"period is {power_used.baseline_joules} Joules\n") f.write( "Energy used by packet transmissions is " f"{power_used.packet_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.total_time_secs)}\n") f.write( "Energy used during the mapping process is " f"{power_used.mapping_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.mapping_time_secs)}\n") f.write( "Energy used by the data generation process is " f"{power_used.data_gen_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.data_gen_time_secs)}\n") f.write( "Energy used during the loading process is " f"{power_used.loading_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.loading_time_secs)}\n") f.write( "Energy used during the data extraction process is " f"{power_used.saving_joules} Joules " f"{cls.__report_time(power_used.saving_time_secs)}\n") # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string f.write( "Total energy used by the simulation over {} milliseconds is:\n" " {} Joules, or\n" " {} estimated average Watts, or\n" " {} kWh\n".format( power_used.total_time_secs * 1000, power_used.total_energy_joules, power_used.total_energy_joules / power_used.total_time_secs, power_used.total_energy_joules / cls.JOULES_TO_KILOWATT_HOURS)) @staticmethod def __report_time(time: float) -> str: """ :param float time: :rtype: str """ if time < 1: return f"(over {time * 1000} milliseconds)" else: return f"(over {time} seconds)" def _write_detailed_report(self, power_used: PowerUsed, f: TextIO): """ Write detailed report and calculate costs. :param PowerUsed power_used: :param ~io.TextIOBase f: file writer """ runtime_total_ms = ( FecDataView.get_current_run_time_ms() * FecDataView.get_time_scale_factor()) # write warning about accuracy etc self._write_warning(f) # figure out packet cost f.write(f"The packet cost is {power_used.packet_joules} Joules\n") # figure FPGA cost over all booted and during runtime cost self._write_fpga_cost(power_used, f) # figure load time cost self._write_load_time_cost(power_used, f) # figure extraction time cost self._write_data_extraction_time_cost(power_used, f) # sort what to report by chip active_chips: Dict[XY, Dict[int, str]] = defaultdict(dict) for placement in FecDataView.iterate_placements_by_vertex_type( ChipPowerMonitorMachineVertex): labels = active_chips[placement.x, placement.y] labels[placement.p] = placement.vertex.label or "None" for xy in active_chips: self._write_chips_active_cost( xy, active_chips[xy], runtime_total_ms, power_used, f) def _write_warning(self, f: TextIO): """ Writes the warning about this being only an estimate. :param ~io.TextIOBase f: the writer """ f.write( "This report is based off energy estimates for individual " "components of the SpiNNaker machine. It is not meant to be " "completely accurate. But does use provenance data gathered from " "the machine to estimate the energy usage and therefore should " "be in the right ballpark.\n\n\n") f.write( "The energy components we use are as follows:\n\n" "The energy usage for a chip when all cores are 100% active for " f"a millisecond is {MILLIWATTS_PER_CHIP_ACTIVE_OVERHEAD} Joules.\n" "The energy usage for a chip when all cores are not active for a " f"millisecond is {MILLIWATTS_PER_IDLE_CHIP} Joules.\n" "The energy used by the machine for firing a packet is " f"{JOULES_PER_SPIKE} Joules.\n" "The energy used by each active FPGA per millisecond is " f"{MILLIWATTS_PER_FPGA} Joules.\n\n\n") def _write_fpga_cost(self, power_used: PowerUsed, f: TextIO): """ FPGA cost model calculation. :param PowerUsed power_used: the runtime :param ~io.TextIOBase f: the file writer """ version = FecDataView.get_machine_version().number # if not spalloc, then could be any type of board if (is_config_none("Machine", "spalloc_server") and is_config_none("Machine", "remote_spinnaker_url")): # if a spinn2 or spinn3 (4 chip boards) then they have no FPGAs if version in (2, 3): f.write( f"A SpiNN-{version} board does not contain any FPGA's, " f"and so its energy cost is 0\n") return elif version not in (4, 5): # no idea where we are; version unrecognised raise ConfigurationException( "Do not know what the FPGA setup is for this version of " "SpiNNaker machine.") # if a spinn4 or spinn5 board, need to verify if wrap-arounds # are there, if not then assume FPGAs are turned off. if power_used.num_fpgas == 0: # no active FPGAs f.write( f"The FPGA's on the SpiNN-{version} board are turned off " f"and therefore the energy used by the FPGA is 0\n") return # active FPGAs; fall through to shared main part report # print out as needed for spalloc and non-spalloc versions if version is None: f.write( f"{power_used.num_fpgas} FPGAs on the Spalloc-ed boards are " "turned on and therefore the energy used by the FPGA during " "the entire time the machine was booted (which was " f"{power_used.total_time_secs * 1000} ms) is " f"{power_used.fpga_total_energy_joules} Joules. " "The usage during execution was " f"{power_used.fpga_exec_energy_joules} Joules.") else: f.write( f"{power_used.num_fpgas} FPGA's on the SpiNN-{version} board " "are turned on and therefore the energy used by the FPGA " "during the entire time the machine was booted (which was " f"{power_used.total_time_secs * 1000} ms) is " f"{power_used.fpga_total_energy_joules} Joules. " "The usage during execution was " f"{power_used.fpga_exec_energy_joules} Joules.") @staticmethod def _write_chips_active_cost( chip_coord: XY, labels: Dict[int, str], runtime_total_ms: float, power_used: PowerUsed, f: TextIO): """ Figure out the chip active cost during simulation. :param tuple(int,int) chip_coord: the x,y of the chip to consider :param dict(int,str) labels: vertex labels for the active cores :param float runtime_total_ms: :param PowerUsed power_used: :param ~io.TextIOBase f: file writer :return: energy cost """ (x, y) = chip_coord f.write("\n") # detailed report print out n_cores = FecDataView.get_machine_version().max_cores_per_chip for core in range(n_cores): if core in labels: label = f" (running {labels[core]})" else: label = "" energy = power_used.get_core_active_energy_joules(x, y, core) f.write( f"processor {x}:{y}:{core}{label} used {energy} Joules by " "being active during the execution of the simulation\n") # TAKE INTO ACCOUNT IDLE COST idle_cost = runtime_total_ms * MILLIWATTS_PER_IDLE_CHIP f.write( f"The chip at {x},{y} used {idle_cost} Joules by " "being idle during the execution of the simulation\n") @staticmethod def _write_load_time_cost(power_used: PowerUsed, f: TextIO): """ Energy usage from the loading phase. :param PowerUsed power_used: :param ~io.TextIOBase f: file writer """ # find time in milliseconds with GlobalProvenance() as db: total_time_ms = db.get_timer_sum_by_category(TimerCategory.LOADING) # handle active routers etc active_router_cost = ( power_used.loading_time_secs * 1000 * power_used.num_frames * MILLIWATTS_PER_FRAME_ACTIVE_COST) # detailed report write f.write( "The amount of time used during the loading process is " f"{total_time_ms} milliseconds.\nAssumed only 2 monitor cores is " "executing that this point. We also assume that there is a " "baseline active router/cooling component that is using " f"{active_router_cost} Joules. Overall the energy usage is " f"{power_used.loading_joules} Joules.\n") @staticmethod def _write_data_extraction_time_cost(power_used: PowerUsed, f: TextIO): """ Data extraction cost. :param PowerUsed power_used: :param ~io.TextIOBase f: file writer """ # find time with GlobalProvenance() as db: total_time_ms = db.get_timer_sum_by_algorithm( FecTimer.APPLICATION_RUNNER) # handle active routers etc energy_cost_of_active_router = ( total_time_ms * power_used.num_frames * MILLIWATTS_PER_FRAME_ACTIVE_COST) # detailed report f.write( "The amount of time used during the data extraction process is " f"{total_time_ms} milliseconds.\nAssumed only 2 monitor cores is " "executing at this point. We also assume that there is a baseline " "active router/cooling component that is using " f"{energy_cost_of_active_router} Joules. Hence the overall energy " f"usage is {power_used.saving_joules} Joules.\n")