Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.database.database_writer

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_machine import Machine
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.application.abstract import (
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import get_keys
from pacman.model.graphs.abstract_edge_partition import AbstractEdgePartition
from import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.sqlite_db import SQLiteDB
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
    AbstractSupportsDatabaseInjection, HasCustomAtomKeyMap, LiveOutputDevice)
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import (
    LivePacketGather, LivePacketGatherMachineVertex)
    from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.live_packet_gather import (

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
DB_NAME = "input_output_database.sqlite3"
INIT_SQL = "db.sql"

def _extract_int(x):
    return None if x is None else int(x)

class DatabaseWriter(SQLiteDB):
    The interface for the database system for main front ends.
    Any special tables needed from a front end should be done
    by subclasses of this interface.

    __slots__ = (
        # the path of the database
        # the identifier for the SpiNNaker machine
        # Mappings used to accelerate inserts
        "__machine_to_id", "__vertex_to_id")

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._database_path = os.path.join(FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(),
        init_sql_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), INIT_SQL)

        # delete any old database
        if os.path.isfile(self._database_path):

        super().__init__(self._database_path, ddl_file=init_sql_path)
        self.__machine_to_id: Dict[Machine, int] = dict()
        self.__vertex_to_id: Dict[AbstractVertex, int] = dict()

        # set up checks
        self._machine_id = 0

[docs] @staticmethod def auto_detect_database() -> bool: """ Auto detects if there is a need to activate the database system. :return: whether the database is needed for the application :rtype: bool """ if FecDataView.get_vertices_by_type(LivePacketGather): return True for vertex in FecDataView.get_vertices_by_type( AbstractSupportsDatabaseInjection): if vertex.is_in_injection_mode: return True return False
@property def database_path(self) -> str: """ :rtype: str """ return self._database_path def __insert(self, sql: str, *args) -> int: """ :param str sql: :rtype: int """ try: self.execute(sql, args) return self.lastrowid except Exception: logger.exception("problem with insertion; argument types are {}", str(map(type, args))) raise
[docs] def add_machine_objects(self) -> None: """ Store the machine object into the database. """ machine = FecDataView.get_machine() self.__machine_to_id[machine] = self._machine_id = self.__insert( """ INSERT INTO Machine_layout( x_dimension, y_dimension) VALUES(?, ?) """, machine.width, machine.height) self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO Machine_chip( no_processors, chip_x, chip_y, machine_id, ip_address, nearest_ethernet_x, nearest_ethernet_y) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( (chip.n_processors, chip.x, chip.y, self._machine_id, chip.ip_address, chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y) for chip in machine.chips))
[docs] def add_application_vertices(self) -> None: """ Stores the main application graph description (vertices, edges). """ # add vertices for vertex in FecDataView.iterate_vertices(): vertex_id = self.__insert( "INSERT INTO Application_vertices(vertex_label) VALUES(?)", vertex.label) self.__vertex_to_id[vertex] = vertex_id for m_vertex in vertex.machine_vertices: m_vertex_id = self.__add_machine_vertex(m_vertex) self.__insert( """ INSERT INTO graph_mapper_vertex ( application_vertex_id, machine_vertex_id) VALUES(?, ?) """, vertex_id, m_vertex_id)
def __add_machine_vertex(self, m_vertex: MachineVertex) -> int: m_vertex_id = self.__insert( "INSERT INTO Machine_vertices (label) VALUES(?)", str(m_vertex.label)) self.__vertex_to_id[m_vertex] = m_vertex_id return m_vertex_id
[docs] def add_system_params(self, runtime: Optional[float]): """ Write system parameters into the database. :param int runtime: the amount of time the application is to run for """ self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO configuration_parameters ( parameter_id, value) VALUES (?, ?) """, [ ("machine_time_step", FecDataView.get_simulation_time_step_us()), ("time_scale_factor", FecDataView.get_time_scale_factor()), ("infinite_run", str(runtime is None)), ("runtime", -1 if runtime is None else runtime), ("app_id", FecDataView.get_app_id())])
[docs] def add_proxy_configuration(self) -> None: """ Store the proxy configuration. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access job = FecDataView.get_spalloc_job() if job is not None: config = job.get_session_credentials_for_db() self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO proxy_configuration(kind, name, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?) """, [(k1, k2, v) for (k1, k2), v in config.items()])
[docs] def add_placements(self) -> None: """ Adds the placements objects into the database. """ # Make sure machine vertices are represented for placement in FecDataView.iterate_placemements(): if placement.vertex not in self.__vertex_to_id: self.__add_machine_vertex(placement.vertex) # add records self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO Placements( vertex_id, chip_x, chip_y, chip_p, machine_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( (self.__vertex_to_id[placement.vertex], placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, self._machine_id) for placement in FecDataView.iterate_placemements()))
[docs] def add_tags(self) -> None: """ Adds the tags into the database. """ tags = FecDataView.get_tags() self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO IP_tags( vertex_id, tag, board_address, ip_address, port, strip_sdp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( (self.__vertex_to_id[vert], ipt.tag, ipt.board_address, ipt.ip_address, ipt.port or 0, 1 if ipt.strip_sdp else 0) for ipt, vert in tags.ip_tags_vertices))
[docs] def create_atom_to_event_id_mapping( self, machine_vertices: Optional[ Iterable[Tuple[MachineVertex, str]]]): """ :param machine_vertices: :type machine_vertices: list(tuple(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex,str)) """ routing_infos = FecDataView.get_routing_infos() # This could happen if there are no LPGs if machine_vertices is None: return for (m_vertex, partition_id) in machine_vertices: atom_keys: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]] = () if isinstance(m_vertex.app_vertex, HasCustomAtomKeyMap): atom_keys = m_vertex.app_vertex.get_atom_key_map( m_vertex, partition_id, routing_infos) else: r_info = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_pre_vertex( m_vertex, partition_id) # r_info could be None if there are no outgoing edges, # at which point there is nothing to do here anyway if r_info is not None: vertex_slice = m_vertex.vertex_slice keys = get_keys(r_info.key, vertex_slice) start = vertex_slice.lo_atom atom_keys = [(i, k) for i, k in enumerate(keys, start)] m_vertex_id = self.__vertex_to_id[m_vertex] self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO event_to_atom_mapping( vertex_id, event_id, atom_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ((m_vertex_id, int(key), int(i)) for i, key in atom_keys) )
[docs] def create_device_atom_event_id_mapping( self, devices: Iterable[LiveOutputDevice]): """ Add output mappings for devices. """ for device in devices: for m_vertex, atom_keys in device.get_device_output_keys().items(): m_vertex_id = self.__vertex_to_id[m_vertex] self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO event_to_atom_mapping( vertex_id, event_id, atom_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ((m_vertex_id, int(key), int(i)) for i, key in atom_keys) )
def _get_machine_lpg_mappings( self, part: AbstractEdgePartition) -> Iterable[ Tuple[MachineVertex, str, MachineVertex]]: """ Get places where an LPG Machine vertex has been added to a graph "directly" (via SpiNNakerGraphFrontEnd); and so it's application vertex *isn't* a LivePacketGather """ for edge in part.edges: if (isinstance(edge.pre_vertex, AbstractOneAppOneMachineVertex) and isinstance(edge.post_vertex, AbstractOneAppOneMachineVertex) and isinstance(edge.post_vertex.machine_vertex, LivePacketGatherMachineVertex) and not isinstance(edge.post_vertex, LivePacketGather)): yield (edge.pre_vertex.machine_vertex, part.identifier, edge.post_vertex.machine_vertex) @staticmethod def __lpg_splitter(vertex: LivePacketGather) -> _LPGSplitter: return cast('_LPGSplitter', vertex.splitter)
[docs] def add_lpg_mapping(self) -> List[Tuple[MachineVertex, str]]: """ Add mapping from machine vertex to LPG machine vertex. :return: A list of (source vertex, partition id) :rtype: list(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex, str) """ targets: List[Tuple[MachineVertex, str, MachineVertex]] = [ (m_vertex, part_id, lpg_m_vertex) for vertex in FecDataView.iterate_vertices() if isinstance(vertex, LivePacketGather) for lpg_m_vertex, m_vertex, part_id in self.__lpg_splitter(vertex).targeted_lpgs] targets.extend( (m_vertex, part_id, lpg_m_vertex) for part in FecDataView.iterate_partitions() for (m_vertex, part_id, lpg_m_vertex) in self._get_machine_lpg_mappings(part)) self.executemany( """ INSERT INTO m_vertex_to_lpg_vertex( pre_vertex_id, partition_id, post_vertex_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?) """, ((self.__vertex_to_id[m_vertex], part_id, self.__vertex_to_id[lpg_m_vertex]) for m_vertex, part_id, lpg_m_vertex in targets)) return [(source, part_id) for source, part_id, _target in targets]