# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from sqlite3 import Binary, IntegrityError
import time
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool
from spinn_front_end_common.data import FecDataView
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.base_database import BaseDatabase
#: Name of the database in the data folder
def _timestamp():
return int(time.time() * _SECONDS_TO_MICRO_SECONDS_CONVERSION)
class BufferDatabase(BaseDatabase):
Specific implementation of the Database for SQLite 3.
There should only ever be a single Database Object in use at any time.
In the case of application_graph_changed the first should closed and
a new one created.
If 2 database objects where opened with the database_file they hold the
same data. Unless someone else deletes that file.
.. note::
*Not thread safe on the same database file!*
Threads can access different DBs just fine.
__slots__ = ()
def clear_recording_region(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> bool:
Clears the data for a single region.
.. note::
This method *loses information!*
:param int x: x coordinate of the chip
:param int y: y coordinate of the chip
:param int p: Core within the specified chip
:param int region: Region containing the data to be cleared
:return: True if any region was changed
:rtype: bool
for row in self.execute(
SELECT recording_region_id FROM recording_region_view
WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ?
AND local_region_index = ?
""", (x, y, p, region)):
region_id = int(row["recording_region_id"])
return False
return self._clear_recording_region(region_id)
def _clear_recording_region(self, region_id: int) -> bool:
Clears out a region leaving empty data and a missing of 2
:param region_id: region to clear
UPDATE recording_data SET
content = CAST('' AS BLOB), content_len = 0, missing_data = 2
WHERE recording_region_id = ?
""", (region_id,))
return True
def _read_recording(self, region_id: int) -> memoryview:
Read a recording region
:param int region_id:
:rtype: memoryview
content, _ = self._read_recording_with_missing(region_id)
return content
def _read_recording_with_missing(self, region_id: int) -> Tuple[
memoryview, bool]:
Get the contents from a recording region
:param int region_id:
:rtype: memoryview, bool
for row in self.execute(
SELECT count(*) as n_extractions,
SUM(content_len) as total_content_length
FROM recording_data
WHERE recording_region_id = ?
""", (region_id, )):
n_extractions = row["n_extractions"]
total_content_length = row["total_content_length"]
if n_extractions <= 1:
return self._read_contents_single(region_id)
return self._read_recording_multiple(
region_id, total_content_length)
def _read_contents_single(self, region_id: int) -> Tuple[
memoryview, bool]:
Reads the content for a single block for this recording region
:param int region_id:
:rtype: memoryview
for row in self.execute(
SELECT content, missing_data
FROM recording_data
WHERE recording_region_id = ?
""", (region_id,)):
return memoryview(row["content"]), row['missing_data'] != 0
if get_config_bool("Machine", "virtual_board"):
return memoryview(bytearray()), True
raise LookupError(f"no record for region {region_id}")
def _read_recording_by_extraction_id(
self, region_id: int,
extraction_id: int) -> Tuple[memoryview, bool]:
Reads the content for a single block for this region
:param int region_id:
:rtype: memoryview
if extraction_id < 0:
last_extraction_id = self.get_last_extraction_id()
extraction_id = last_extraction_id + 1 + extraction_id
for row in self.execute(
SELECT content, missing_data
FROM recording_data
WHERE recording_region_id = ? AND extraction_id = ?
""", (region_id, extraction_id)):
return memoryview(row["content"]), row['missing_data'] != 0
raise LookupError(
f"no record for {region_id=} and {extraction_id=}")
def _read_download_by_extraction_id(
self, region_id: int,
extraction_id: int) -> Tuple[memoryview, bool]:
Reads the content for a single block for this region
:param int region_id:
:rtype: memoryview
if extraction_id < 0:
last_extraction_id = self.get_last_extraction_id()
extraction_id = last_extraction_id + 1 + extraction_id
for row in self.execute(
SELECT content, missing_data
FROM download_data
WHERE download_region_id = ? AND extraction_id = ?
""", (region_id, extraction_id)):
return memoryview(row["content"]), row['missing_data'] != 0
raise LookupError(
f"no record for {region_id=} and {extraction_id=}")
def _read_recording_multiple(
self, region_id: int, total_content_length: int) -> Tuple[
memoryview, bool]:
Reads the contents of all blocks for this regions.
:param int region_id:
:param int total_content_length: total size of content for this region
:rtype: memoryview
c_buffer = bytearray(total_content_length)
missing_data = False
idx = 0
for row in self.execute(
SELECT content, missing_data FROM recording_data
WHERE recording_region_id = ? ORDER BY extraction_id ASC
""", (region_id, )):
item = row["content"]
c_buffer[idx:idx + len(item)] = item
idx += len(item)
missing_data = missing_data or row["missing_data"] != 0
return memoryview(c_buffer), missing_data
def _find_existing_recording_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> Optional[int]:
for row in self.execute(
SELECT recording_region_id
FROM recording_region_view
WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ?
AND local_region_index = ?
""", (x, y, p, region)):
return row["recording_region_id"]
return None
def _find_existing_download_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> Optional[int]:
for row in self.execute(
SELECT download_region_id
FROM download_region_view
WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ?
AND local_region_index = ?
""", (x, y, p, region)):
return row["download_region_id"]
return None
def _get_existing_recording_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> int:
region_id = self._find_existing_recording_region_id(x, y, p, region)
if region_id is None:
raise LookupError(
f"There is no region for {x=} {y=} {p=} {region=}")
return region_id
def _get_existing_download_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> int:
region_id = self._find_existing_download_region_id(x, y, p, region)
if region_id is None:
raise LookupError(
f"There is no region for {x=} {y=} {p=} {region=}")
return region_id
def _get_recording_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> int:
:param int x:
:param int y:
:param int p:
:param int region:
:param is_recording: Flag to say if this is a recording regions.
region_info = self._find_existing_recording_region_id(x, y, p, region)
if region_info is not None:
return region_info
core_id = self._get_core_id(x, y, p)
INSERT INTO recording_region(
core_id, local_region_index)
VALUES(?, ?)
""", (core_id, region))
region_id = self.lastrowid
assert region_id is not None
return region_id
def _get_download_region_id(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> int:
:param int x:
:param int y:
:param int p:
:param int region:
:param is_recording: Flag to say if this is a recording regions.
region_info = self._find_existing_download_region_id(x, y, p, region)
if region_info is not None:
return region_info
core_id = self._get_core_id(x, y, p)
INSERT INTO download_region(
core_id, local_region_index)
VALUES(?, ?)
""", (core_id, region))
region_id = self.lastrowid
assert region_id is not None
return region_id
def store_setup_data(self):
Stores data passed into simulator setup
for _ in self.execute(
SELECT hardware_time_step_ms
FROM setup
setup_id, hardware_time_step_ms, time_scale_factor)
VALUES(0, ?, ?)
""", (
def store_recording(self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int,
missing: bool, data: bytes):
Store some information in the corresponding buffer for a
specific chip, core and recording region.
:param int x: x coordinate of the chip
:param int y: y coordinate of the chip
:param int p: Core within the specified chip
:param int region: Region containing the data to be stored
:param bool missing: Whether any data is missing
:param bytearray data: data to be stored
.. note::
Must be shorter than 1GB
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, unused-argument
# TODO: Use missing
datablob = Binary(data)
region_id = self._get_recording_region_id(x, y, p, region)
extraction_id = self.get_last_extraction_id()
INSERT INTO recording_data(
recording_region_id, extraction_id, content, content_len,
VALUES (?, ?, CAST(? AS BLOB), ?, ?)
(region_id, extraction_id, datablob, len(data), missing))
assert self.rowcount == 1
def store_download(
self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int, missing: bool,
data: bytes):
Store some information in the corresponding buffer for a
specific chip, core and recording region.
:param int x: x coordinate of the chip
:param int y: y coordinate of the chip
:param int p: Core within the specified chip
:param int region: Region containing the data to be stored
:param bool missing: Whether any data is missing
:param bytearray data: data to be stored
:param is_recording: Flag to say if this is a recording regions.
.. note::
Must be shorter than 1GB
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, unused-argument
# TODO: Use missing
datablob = Binary(data)
download_region_id = self._get_download_region_id(x, y, p, region)
extraction_id = self.get_last_extraction_id()
INSERT INTO download_data(
download_region_id, extraction_id, content, content_len,
VALUES (?, ?, CAST(? AS BLOB), ?, ?)
""", (download_region_id, extraction_id, datablob, len(data),
assert self.rowcount == 1
def get_recording(self, x: int, y: int, p: int, region: int) -> Tuple[
memoryview, bool]:
Get the data stored for a given region of a given core.
If this is a recoding region the data for all extractions is combined.
For none recording regions only the last data extracted is returned.
:param int x: x coordinate of the chip
:param int y: y coordinate of the chip
:param int p: Core within the specified chip
:param int region: Region containing the data
A buffer containing all the data received during the
simulation, and a flag indicating if any data was missing.
.. note::
Implementations should not assume that the total buffer is
necessarily shorter than 1GB.
:rtype: tuple(memoryview, bool)
:raises LookupErrror: If no data is available nor marked missing.
region_id = self._get_existing_recording_region_id(
x, y, p, region)
return self._read_recording_with_missing(region_id)
def write_session_credentials_to_db(self) -> None:
Write Spalloc session credentials to the database if in use.
job = FecDataView.get_spalloc_job()
if job is not None:
config = job.get_session_credentials_for_db()
INSERT INTO proxy_configuration(kind, name, value)
VALUES(?, ?, ?)
""", [(k1, k2, v) for (k1, k2), v in config.items()])
def _set_core_name(self, x: int, y: int, p: int, core_name: Optional[str]):
:param int x:
:param int y:
:param int p:
:param str core_name:
INSERT INTO core (x, y, processor, core_name)
VALUES (?, ?, ? ,?)
""", (x, y, p, core_name))
except IntegrityError:
UPDATE core SET core_name = ?
WHERE x = ? AND y = ? and processor = ?
""", (core_name, x, y, p))
def store_vertex_labels(self) -> None:
Goes though all placement an monitor cores to set a label.
for placement in FecDataView.iterate_placemements():
placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, placement.vertex.label)
for chip in FecDataView.get_machine().chips:
for p in chip.scamp_processors_ids:
chip.x, chip.y, p, f"SCAMP(OS)_{chip.x}:{chip.y}")
def get_core_name(self, x: int, y: int, p: int) -> Optional[str]:
Gets the label (typically vertex label) for this core.
Returns None if the core at x, y, p is not known.
:param int x: core x
:param int y: core y
:param int p: core p
:rtype: str or None
for row in self.execute(
SELECT core_name
FROM core
WHERE x = ? AND y = ? and processor = ?
""", (x, y, p)):
return str(row["core_name"], 'utf8')
return None