spinn_front_end_common.interface package


spinn_front_end_common.interface.abstract_spinnaker_base module

main interface for the SpiNNaker tools

class spinn_front_end_common.interface.abstract_spinnaker_base.AbstractSpinnakerBase(data_writer_cls=None)[source]

Bases: spinn_front_end_common.interface.config_handler.ConfigHandler

Main interface into the tools logic flow.

  • n_chips_required (int) – Overrides the number of chips to allocate from spalloc
  • n_boards_required (int) – Overrides the number of boards to allocate from spalloc
  • data_writer_cls (FecDataWriter) – The Global data writer class

Continue a simulation that has been started in stepped mode

exception_handler(exctype, value, traceback_obj)[source]

Handler of exceptions

  • exctype (type) – the type of exception received
  • value (Exception) – the value of the exception
  • traceback_obj (traceback) – the trace back stuff

The number of available cores on the machine after taking into account preallocated resources.

Returns:number of available cores
Return type:int

Code that puts the simulation back at time zero

run(run_time, sync_time=0)[source]

Run a simulation for a fixed amount of time

  • run_time (int) – the run duration in milliseconds.
  • sync_time (float) – If not 0, this specifies that the simulation should pause after this duration. The continue_simulation() method must then be called for the simulation to continue.

Run a simulation until it completes

Parameters:n_steps (int) – If not None, this specifies that the simulation should be requested to run for the given number of steps. The host will still wait until the simulation itself says it has completed

End running of the simulation.


Request that the current infinite run stop.


This will need to be called from another thread as the infinite run call is blocking.

raises SpiNNUtilsException:
If the stop_run was not expected in the current state.

spinn_front_end_common.interface.config_handler module

class spinn_front_end_common.interface.config_handler.ConfigHandler(data_writer_cls=None)[source]

Bases: object

Superclass of AbstractSpinnakerBase that handles function only dependent of the config and the order its methods are called.

Parameters:data_writer (FecDataWriter) – The Global data writer object

Writes a errored file that allows file removal to only remove folders that are errored if requested to do so :rtype:


Write a finished file that allows file removal to only remove folders that are finished. :rtype: None

spinn_front_end_common.interface.config_setup module


Add the local cfg and all dependent cfg files.


Does all the steps that may be required before a unittest

Resets the configs so only the local default configs are included.

Unsets any previous simulators and tempdirs


This file should only be called from spinn_front_end_common tests

spinn_front_end_common.interface.java_caller module

class spinn_front_end_common.interface.java_caller.JavaCaller[source]

Bases: object

Support class that holds all the stuff for running stuff in Java. This includes the work of preparing data for transmitting to Java and back.

This separates the choices of how to call the Java batch vs streaming, jar locations, parameters, etc from the rest of the python code.

Creates a java caller and checks the user/config parameters.

Raises:ConfigurationException – if simple parameter checking fails.
Writes all the data specs for application cores,
uploading the result to the machine.
Parameters:use_monitors (bool) –
Raises:PacmanExternalAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException – On failure of the Java code.

Writes all the data specs, uploading the result to the machine.

Raises:PacmanExternalAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException – On failure of the Java code.
Writes all the data specs for system cores,
uploading the result to the machine.
Raises:PacmanExternalAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException – On failure of the Java code.
Gets all the data from the previously set placements
and put these in the previously set database.
Raises:PacmanExternalAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException – On failure of the Java code.
Return type:None
Passes in the placements leaving this class to decide pass it to

Currently the extra information extracted is recording region base address but this could change if recording region saved in the database.

Currently this method uses JSON but that may well change to using the database.

Parameters:used_placements (Placements) – Placements that are recording. May not be all placements

Module contents