Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.report_functions.fixed_route_from_machine_report

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

[docs]class FixedRouteFromMachineReport(object): """ Generate a report of the fixed routes from the machine. """ def __call__(self, transceiver, machine, report_default_directory, app_id): """ Writes the fixed routes from the machine :param transceiver: spinnMan instance :param machine: SpiNNMachine instance :param report_default_directory: folder where reports reside :param loaded_fixed_routes_on_machine_token: \ Token that states fixed routes have been loaded :param app_id: the application ID the fixed routes were loaded with :rtype: None """ file_name = os.path.join( report_default_directory, "fixed_route_routers") with open(file_name, "w") as output: self._write_fixed_routers(output, transceiver, machine, app_id) def _write_fixed_routers(self, f, txrx, machine, app_id): """ How to actually describe the fixed routes :param f: Where we are writing :param txrx: The spinnman transceiver instance :type txrx: ~spinnman.transceiver.Transceiver :param machine: The spinn_machine machine instance :type txrx: ~spinn_machine.Machine :param app_id: Which application is running on the machine :rtype: None """ progress = ProgressBar(machine.n_chips, "Writing fixed route report") f.write(" x y route [cores][links]\n") for chip in progress.over(machine.chips): if not chip.virtual: fixed_route = txrx.read_fixed_route(chip.x, chip.y, app_id) f.write("{: <3s}:{: <3s} contains route {: <10s} {}\n".format( str(chip.x), str(chip.y), self._reduce_route_value( fixed_route.processor_ids, fixed_route.link_ids), self._expand_route_value( fixed_route.processor_ids, fixed_route.link_ids))) @staticmethod def _reduce_route_value(processors_ids, link_ids): value = 0 for link in link_ids: value += 1 << link for processor in processors_ids: value += 1 << (processor + 6) return str(value) @staticmethod def _expand_route_value(processors_ids, link_ids): """ Convert a 32-bit route word into a string which lists the target\ cores and links. """ # Convert processor targets to readable values: route_string = "[" separator = "" for processor in processors_ids: route_string += separator + str(processor) separator = ", " route_string += "] [" # Convert link targets to readable values: link_labels = {0: 'E', 1: 'NE', 2: 'N', 3: 'W', 4: 'SW', 5: 'S'} separator = "" for link in link_ids: route_string += separator + link_labels[link] separator = ", " route_string += "]" return route_string