Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.storage_objects.sqllite_database

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import sqlite3
import time
import sys
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.storage_objects \
    import AbstractDatabase
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides

if sys.version_info < (3,):
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, undefined-variable
    memoryview = buffer  # noqa

_DDL_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "db.sql")

def _timestamp():
    return int(time.time() * _SECONDS_TO_MICRO_SECONDS_CONVERSION)

[docs]class SqlLiteDatabase(AbstractDatabase): """ Specific implementation of the Database for SQLite 3. .. note:: NOT THREAD SAFE ON THE SAME DB. \ Threads can access different DBs just fine. """ __slots__ = [ # the database holding the data to store "_db", ] def __init__(self, database_file=None): """ :param database_file: The name of a file that contains (or will\ contain) an SQLite database holding the data. If omitted, an\ unshared in-memory database will be used. :type database_file: str """ if database_file is None: database_file = ":memory:" # Magic name! self._db = sqlite3.connect(database_file) self.__init_db() def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDatabase.close) def close(self): if self._db is not None: self._db.close() self._db = None
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDatabase.clear) def clear(self): with self._db: cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute( "UPDATE region " + "SET content = CAST('' AS BLOB), content_len = 0, " + "fetches = 0, append_time = NULL") cursor.execute("DELETE FROM region_extra")
def __init_db(self): """ Set up the database if required. """ self._db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self._db.text_factory = memoryview with open(_DDL_FILE) as f: sql = self._db.executescript(sql) def __read_contents(self, cursor, x, y, p, region): for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT region_id, content, have_extra FROM region_view " + "WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ? " + "AND local_region_index = ? LIMIT 1", (x, y, p, region)): r_id, data, extra = ( row["region_id"], row["content"], row["have_extra"]) break else: raise LookupError("no record for region ({},{},{}:{})".format( x, y, p, region)) if extra: c_buffer = None for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT r.content_len + (" + " SELECT SUM(x.content_len) " + " FROM region_extra AS x " + " WHERE x.region_id = r.region_id" + ") AS len FROM region AS r WHERE region_id = ? LIMIT 1", (r_id, )): c_buffer = bytearray(row["len"]) c_buffer[:len(data)] = data idx = len(data) for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT content FROM region_extra " + "WHERE region_id = ? ORDER BY extra_id ASC", (r_id, )): item = row["content"] c_buffer[idx:idx + len(item)] = item idx += len(item) data = c_buffer return memoryview(data) @staticmethod def __get_core_id(cursor, x, y, p): for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT core_id FROM region_view " + "WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ? ", (x, y, p)): return row["core_id"] cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO core(x, y, processor) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (x, y, p)) return cursor.lastrowid def __get_region_id(self, cursor, x, y, p, region): for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT region_id FROM region_view " + "WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND processor = ? " + "AND local_region_index = ?", (x, y, p, region)): return row["region_id"] core_id = self.__get_core_id(cursor, x, y, p) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO region(core_id, local_region_index, content, " + "content_len, fetches) " + "VALUES(?, ?, CAST('' AS BLOB), 0, 0)", (core_id, region)) return cursor.lastrowid
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDatabase.store_data_in_region_buffer) def store_data_in_region_buffer(self, x, y, p, region, data): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments datablob = sqlite3.Binary(data) with self._db: cursor = self._db.cursor() region_id = self.__get_region_id(cursor, x, y, p, region) if self.__use_main_table(cursor, region_id): cursor.execute( "UPDATE region SET content = CAST(? AS BLOB), " + "content_len = ?, fetches = fetches + 1, " + "append_time = ? WHERE region_id = ?", (datablob, len(data), _timestamp(), region_id)) else: cursor.execute( "UPDATE region SET " + "fetches = fetches + 1, append_time = ? " + "WHERE region_id = ?", (_timestamp(), region_id)) assert cursor.rowcount == 1 cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO region_extra(region_id, content, content_len)" + " VALUES (?, CAST(? AS BLOB), ?)", (region_id, datablob, len(data))) assert cursor.rowcount == 1
def __use_main_table(self, cursor, region_id): for row in cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS existing FROM region " + "WHERE region_id = ? AND fetches = 0", (region_id, )): existing = row["existing"] return existing == 1 return False
[docs] @overrides(AbstractDatabase.get_region_data) def get_region_data(self, x, y, p, region): try: with self._db: c = self._db.cursor() data = self.__read_contents(c, x, y, p, region) # TODO missing data return data, False except LookupError: return memoryview(b''), True