Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.data_speed_up_packet_gatherer_machine_vertex

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    from import defaultdict
except ImportError:
    from collections import defaultdict
import os
import datetime
import logging
import time
import struct
import sys
from enum import Enum
from six.moves import xrange
from six import reraise
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinnman.exceptions import SpinnmanTimeoutException
from spinnman.messages.sdp import SDPMessage, SDPHeader, SDPFlag
from spinnman.messages.scp.impl.iptag_set import IPTagSet
from spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections import SCAMPConnection
from spinnman.model.enums.cpu_state import CPUState
from pacman.executor.injection_decorator import inject_items
from pacman.model.graphs.common import EdgeTrafficType
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
from pacman.model.resources import (
    ConstantSDRAM, IPtagResource, ResourceContainer)
from spinn_storage_handlers import FileDataReader
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.globals_variables import get_simulator
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.helpful_functions import (
    convert_vertices_to_core_subset, emergency_recover_state_from_failure)
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
    AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification)
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import (
    ExecutableType, ProvenanceDataItem)
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import SpinnFrontEndException
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.simulation import simulation_utilities

log = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = "Failed to hear from the machine during {} attempts. "\
    "Please try removing firewalls."
    "During the extraction of data of {} bytes from memory address {}, "
    "attempt {} had {} sequences that were lost.")
    "During the extraction of data from chip {}, there were {} cases of "
    "serious data loss. The system recovered, but the speed of download "
    "was compromised. Reduce the number of executing applications and remove "
    "routers between yourself and the SpiNNaker machine to reduce the chance "
    "of this occurring.")

# Size of a SpiNNaker word

# number of items used up by the retransmit code for its header

# size of config region in bytes

# items of data a SDP packet can hold when SCP header removed
WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET = 68  # 272 bytes as removed SCP header

# size of items the sequence number uses

# items of data from SDP packet with a sequence number

# points where SDP beats data speed up due to overheads

# offset where data in starts on first command
# (command, base_address, x&y, max_seq_number)

# offset where data starts after a command id and seq number

# size for data to store when first packet with command and address

# size for data in to store when not first packet

# size of data in key space
# x, y, key (all ints) for possible 48 chips,

# DSG data regions
    names=[('SYSTEM', 0),
           ('CONFIG', 1),
           ('CHIP_TO_KEY_SPACE', 2)])

# command IDs for the SDP packets for data out
    value="DATA_OUT_COMMANDS", names=[
        ("START_SENDING", 100),
        ("START_MISSING_SEQ", 1000),
        ("MISSING_SEQ", 1001),
        ("CLEAR", 2000)])

# command IDs for the SDP packets for data in
    value="DATA_IN_COMMANDS", names=[
        ("SEND_DATA_TO_LOCATION", 200),
        ("SEND_SEQ_DATA", 2000),
        ("SEND_DONE", 2002),
        ("RECEIVE_FIRST_MISSING_SEQ", 2003),
        ("RECEIVE_MISSING_SEQ_DATA", 2004),
        ("RECEIVE_FINISHED", 2005)])

# precompiled structures
_ONE_WORD = struct.Struct("<I")
_TWO_WORDS = struct.Struct("<II")
_THREE_WORDS = struct.Struct("<III")
_FOUR_WORDS = struct.Struct("<IIII")

# Set to true to check that the data is correct after it has been sent in.
# This is expensive, and only works in Python 3.5 or later.

[docs]def ceildiv(dividend, divisor): """ How to divide two possibly-integer numbers and round up. """ assert divisor > 0 q, r = divmod(dividend, divisor) return int(q) + (r != 0)
# SDRAM requirement for storing missing SDP packets seq nums SDRAM_FOR_MISSING_SDP_SEQ_NUMS = ceildiv( 120.0 * 1024 * 1024, WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET_WITH_SEQUENCE_NUM * WORD_SIZE)
[docs]class DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex( MachineVertex, AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, AbstractProvidesLocalProvenanceData): __slots__ = [ "_x", "_y", "_app_id", "_connection", # store of the extra monitors to location. helpful in data in "_extra_monitors_by_chip", # boolean tracker for handling out of order packets "_have_received_missing_seq_count_packet", # path for the data in report "_in_report_path", "_ip_address", # store for the last reinjection status "_last_status", # the max seq num expected given a data retrieval "_max_seq_num", # holder for missing seq nums for data in "_missing_seq_nums_data_in", # holder of data from out "_output", # my placement for future lookup "_placement", # provenance holder "_provenance_data_items", "_remote_tag", # path to the data out report "_out_report_path", # tracker for expected missing seq nums "_total_expected_missing_seq_packets", "_write_data_speed_up_reports", # data holder for output "_view"] # base key (really nasty hack to tie in fixed route keys) BASE_KEY = 0xFFFFFFF9 NEW_SEQ_KEY = 0xFFFFFFF8 FIRST_DATA_KEY = 0xFFFFFFF7 END_FLAG_KEY = 0xFFFFFFF6 # to use with multicast stuff BASE_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFB NEW_SEQ_KEY_OFFSET = 1 FIRST_DATA_KEY_OFFSET = 2 END_FLAG_KEY_OFFSET = 3 # throttle on the transmission TRANSMISSION_THROTTLE_TIME = 0.000001 # TRAFFIC_TYPE = EdgeTrafficType.MULTICAST TRAFFIC_TYPE = EdgeTrafficType.FIXED_ROUTE # report names for tracking used routers OUT_REPORT_NAME = "routers_used_in_speed_up_process.rpt" IN_REPORT_NAME = "speeds_gained_in_speed_up_process.rpt" # the end flag is set when the high bit of the sequence number word is set LAST_MESSAGE_FLAG_BIT_MASK = 0x80000000 # corresponding mask for the actual sequence numbers SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MASK = 0x7fffffff # time outs used by the protocol for separate bits TIMEOUT_PER_RECEIVE_IN_SECONDS = 1 TIME_OUT_FOR_SENDING_IN_SECONDS = 0.01 # end flag for missing seq nums MISSING_SEQ_NUMS_END_FLAG = 0xFFFFFFFF _ADDRESS_PACKET_BYTE_FORMAT = struct.Struct( "<{}B".format(BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS)) # Router timeouts, in mantissa,exponent form. See datasheet for details LONG_TIMEOUT = (14, 14) SHORT_TIMEOUT = (1, 1) TEMP_TIMEOUT = (15, 4) ZERO_TIMEOUT = (0, 0) # Initial port for the reverse IP tag (to be replaced later) _TAG_INITIAL_PORT = 10000 def __init__( self, x, y, extra_monitors_by_chip, ip_address, report_default_directory, write_data_speed_up_reports, constraints=None): super(DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex, self).__init__( label="SYSTEM:PacketGatherer({},{})".format(x, y), constraints=constraints) # data holders for the output, and sequence numbers self._view = None self._max_seq_num = None self._output = None # store of the extra monitors to location. helpful in data in self._extra_monitors_by_chip = extra_monitors_by_chip self._total_expected_missing_seq_packets = 0 self._have_received_missing_seq_count_packet = False self._missing_seq_nums_data_in = list() self._missing_seq_nums_data_in.append(list()) # Create a connection to be used self._x = x self._y = y self._ip_address = ip_address self._remote_tag = None self._connection = None # local provenance storage self._provenance_data_items = defaultdict(list) self._placement = None self._app_id = None # create report if it doesn't already exist self._out_report_path = \ os.path.join(report_default_directory, self.OUT_REPORT_NAME) self._in_report_path = \ os.path.join(report_default_directory, self.IN_REPORT_NAME) self._write_data_speed_up_reports = write_data_speed_up_reports # Stored reinjection status for resetting timeouts self._last_status = None def __throttled_send(self, message): """ slows down transmissions to allow spinnaker to keep up. :param message: message to send :param connection: the connection to send down :rtype: None """ # send first message self._connection.send_sdp_message(message) time.sleep(self.TRANSMISSION_THROTTLE_TIME) @property @overrides(MachineVertex.resources_required) def resources_required(self): return self.static_resources_required()
[docs] @staticmethod def static_resources_required(): return ResourceContainer( sdram=ConstantSDRAM( SYSTEM_BYTES_REQUIREMENT + CONFIG_SIZE + SDRAM_FOR_MISSING_SDP_SEQ_NUMS + SIZE_DATA_IN_CHIP_TO_KEY_SPACE), iptags=[IPtagResource( port=DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex._TAG_INITIAL_PORT, strip_sdp=True, ip_address="localhost", traffic_identifier="DATA_SPEED_UP")])
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_start_type) def get_binary_start_type(self): return ExecutableType.SYSTEM
[docs] @inject_items({ "machine_graph": "MemoryMachineGraph", "routing_info": "MemoryRoutingInfos", "tags": "MemoryTags", "machine_time_step": "MachineTimeStep", "time_scale_factor": "TimeScaleFactor", "mc_data_chips_to_keys": "DataInMulticastKeyToChipMap", "machine": "MemoryExtendedMachine", "app_id": "APPID" }) @overrides( AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification.generate_data_specification, additional_arguments={ "machine_graph", "routing_info", "tags", "machine_time_step", "time_scale_factor", "mc_data_chips_to_keys", "machine", "app_id" }) def generate_data_specification( self, spec, placement, machine_graph, routing_info, tags, machine_time_step, time_scale_factor, mc_data_chips_to_keys, machine, app_id): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, arguments-differ # update my placement for future knowledge self._placement = placement self._app_id = app_id # Create the data regions for hello world self._reserve_memory_regions(spec) # write data for the simulation data item spec.switch_write_focus(_DATA_REGIONS.SYSTEM.value) spec.write_array(simulation_utilities.get_simulation_header_array( self.get_binary_file_name(), machine_time_step, time_scale_factor)) # the keys for the special cases if self.TRAFFIC_TYPE == EdgeTrafficType.MULTICAST: base_key = routing_info.get_first_key_for_edge( list(machine_graph.get_edges_ending_at_vertex(self))[0]) new_seq_key = base_key + self.NEW_SEQ_KEY_OFFSET first_data_key = base_key + self.FIRST_DATA_KEY_OFFSET end_flag_key = base_key + self.END_FLAG_KEY_OFFSET else: new_seq_key = self.NEW_SEQ_KEY first_data_key = self.FIRST_DATA_KEY end_flag_key = self.END_FLAG_KEY spec.switch_write_focus(_DATA_REGIONS.CONFIG.value) spec.write_value(new_seq_key) spec.write_value(first_data_key) spec.write_value(end_flag_key) # locate the tag ID for our data and update with a port # Note: The port doesn't matter as we are going to override this later iptags = tags.get_ip_tags_for_vertex(self) iptag = iptags[0] spec.write_value(iptag.tag) self._remote_tag = iptag.tag # write mc chip key map spec.switch_write_focus(_DATA_REGIONS.CHIP_TO_KEY_SPACE.value) chips_on_board = list(machine.get_existing_xys_on_board( machine.get_chip_at(placement.x, placement.y))) # write how many chips to read spec.write_value(len(chips_on_board)) # write each chip x and y and base key for chip_xy in chips_on_board: board_chip_x, board_chip_y = machine.get_local_xy( machine.get_chip_at(*chip_xy)) spec.write_value(board_chip_x) spec.write_value(board_chip_y) spec.write_value(mc_data_chips_to_keys[chip_xy]) log.debug("for chip {}:{} base key is {}", chip_xy[0], chip_xy[1], mc_data_chips_to_keys[chip_xy]) # End-of-Spec: spec.end_specification()
@staticmethod def _reserve_memory_regions(spec): """ Writes the DSG regions memory sizes. Static so that it can be used\ by the application vertex. :param spec: spec file :param system_size: size of system region :rtype: None """ spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DATA_REGIONS.SYSTEM.value, size=SIMULATION_N_BYTES, label='systemInfo') spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DATA_REGIONS.CONFIG.value, size=CONFIG_SIZE, label="config") spec.reserve_memory_region( region=_DATA_REGIONS.CHIP_TO_KEY_SPACE.value, size=SIZE_DATA_IN_CHIP_TO_KEY_SPACE, label="mc_key_map")
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_file_name) def get_binary_file_name(self): return "data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.aplx"
[docs] @overrides(AbstractProvidesLocalProvenanceData.get_local_provenance_data) def get_local_provenance_data(self): prov_items = list() significant_losses = defaultdict(list) for (placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes) in \ self._provenance_data_items.keys(): # handle duplicates of the same calls times_extracted_the_same_thing = 0 top_level_name = "Provenance_for_{}".format(self._label) for time_taken, lost_seq_nums in self._provenance_data_items[ placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes]: # handle time chip_name = "chip{}:{}".format(placement.x, placement.y) last_name = "Memory_address:{}:Length_in_bytes:{}"\ .format(memory_address, length_in_bytes) iteration_name = "iteration{}".format( times_extracted_the_same_thing) prov_items.append(ProvenanceDataItem( [top_level_name, "extraction_time", chip_name, last_name, iteration_name], time_taken, report=False, message=None)) times_extracted_the_same_thing += 1 # handle lost sequence numbers for i, n_lost_seq_nums in enumerate(lost_seq_nums): # Zeroes are not reported at all if n_lost_seq_nums: prov_items.append(ProvenanceDataItem( [top_level_name, "lost_seq_nums", chip_name, last_name, iteration_name, "iteration_{}".format(i)], n_lost_seq_nums, report=( n_lost_seq_nums > _MINOR_LOSS_THRESHOLD), message=_MINOR_LOSS_MESSAGE.format( length_in_bytes, memory_address, i, n_lost_seq_nums))) if n_lost_seq_nums > _MAJOR_LOSS_THRESHOLD: significant_losses[placement.x, placement.y] += [i] for chip in significant_losses: n_times = len(significant_losses[chip]) chip_name = "chip{}:{}".format(*chip) prov_items.append(ProvenanceDataItem( [top_level_name, "serious_lost_seq_num_count", chip_name], n_times, report=True, message=_MAJOR_LOSS_MESSAGE.format( chip, n_times))) return prov_items
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_correct_write_data_function_for_chip_location( uses_advanced_monitors, machine, x, y, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores_to_ethernet_connection_map): """ supports other components figuring out which gather and function \ to call for writing data onto spinnaker :param uses_advanced_monitors: \ Whether the system is using advanced monitors :type uses_advanced_monitors: bool :param machine: the SpiNNMachine instance :param x: the chip x coordinate to write data to :param y: the chip y coordinate to write data to :param extra_monitor_cores_to_ethernet_connection_map: \ mapping between cores and connections :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :return: a write function of either a LPG or the spinnMan :rtype: func """ if not uses_advanced_monitors: return transceiver.write_memory chip = machine.get_chip_at(x, y) ethernet_connected_chip = machine.get_chip_at( chip.nearest_ethernet_x, chip.nearest_ethernet_y) gatherer = extra_monitor_cores_to_ethernet_connection_map[ ethernet_connected_chip.x, ethernet_connected_chip.y] return gatherer.send_data_into_spinnaker
def _generate_data_in_report( self, time_diff, data_size, x, y, address_written_to, missing_seq_nums): """ writes the data in report for this stage :param time_took_ms: the time taken to write the memory :param data_size: the size of data that was written in bytes :param x: the location in machine where the data was written to X axis :param y: the location in machine where the data was written to Y axis :param address_written_to: where in SDRAM it was written to :param missing_seq_nums: \ the set of missing sequence numbers per data transmission attempt :rtype: None """ if not os.path.isfile(self._in_report_path): with open(self._in_report_path, "w") as writer: writer.write( "x\t\t y\t\t SDRAM address\t\t size in bytes\t\t\t" " time took \t\t\t Mb/s \t\t\t missing sequence numbers\n") writer.write( "------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------\n") time_took_ms = float(time_diff.microseconds + time_diff.total_seconds() * 1000000) megabits = (data_size * 8.0) / (1024.0 * 1024.0) if time_took_ms == 0: mbs = "unknown, below threshold" else: mbs = megabits / (float(time_took_ms) / 100000.0) with open(self._in_report_path, "a") as writer: writer.write( "{}\t\t {}\t\t {}\t\t {}\t\t\t\t {}\t\t\t {}\t\t {}\n".format( x, y, address_written_to, data_size, time_took_ms, mbs, missing_seq_nums))
[docs] def send_data_into_spinnaker( self, x, y, base_address, data, n_bytes=None, offset=0, cpu=0, is_filename=False): """ sends a block of data into SpiNNaker to a given chip :param x: chip x for data :param y: chip y for data :param base_address: the address in SDRAM to start writing memory :param data: the data to write :param n_bytes: how many bytes to read, or None if not set :param offset: where in the data to start from :param is_filename: whether data is actually a file. :type is_filename: bool :rtype: None """ # if file, read in and then process as normal if is_filename: if offset != 0: raise Exception( "when using a file, you can only have a offset of 0") reader = FileDataReader(data) if n_bytes is None: n_bytes = os.stat(data).st_size data = reader.readall() else: data = elif n_bytes is None: n_bytes = len(data) transceiver = get_simulator().transceiver # if not worth using extra monitors, send via SCP if not self._worse_via_scp(n_bytes): # start time recording start = # write the data transceiver.write_memory( x=x, y=y, base_address=base_address, n_bytes=n_bytes, data=data, offset=offset, is_filename=False, cpu=cpu) # record when finished end = self._missing_seq_nums_data_in = [[]] else: log.debug("sending {} bytes to {},{} via Data In protocol", n_bytes, x, y) # start time recording start = # send data self._send_data_via_extra_monitors( transceiver, x, y, base_address, data[offset:n_bytes + offset]) # end time recording end = if VERIFY_SENT_DATA: original_data = bytes(data[offset:n_bytes + offset]) verified_data = bytes(transceiver.read_memory( x, y, base_address, n_bytes)) if original_data != verified_data: log.error("VARIANCE: chip:{},{} address:{} len:{}", x, y, base_address, n_bytes) log.error("original:{}", original_data.hex()) log.error("verified:{}", verified_data.hex()) i = 0 for (a, b) in zip(original_data, verified_data): if a != b: break i += 1 raise Exception("damn at " + str(i)) # write report if self._write_data_speed_up_reports: self._generate_data_in_report( x=x, y=y, time_diff=end - start, data_size=n_bytes, address_written_to=base_address, missing_seq_nums=self._missing_seq_nums_data_in)
@staticmethod def _worse_via_scp(n_bytes): return (n_bytes is None or n_bytes >= THRESHOLD_WHERE_SDP_BETTER_THAN_DATA_INPUT_IN_BYTES) @staticmethod def __make_sdp_message(placement, port, payload): return SDPMessage( sdp_header=SDPHeader( destination_chip_x=placement.x, destination_chip_y=placement.y, destination_cpu=placement.p, destination_port=port.value, flags=SDPFlag.REPLY_NOT_EXPECTED), data=payload) def _send_data_via_extra_monitors( self, transceiver, destination_chip_x, destination_chip_y, start_address, data_to_write): """ sends data using the extra monitor cores :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param destination_chip_x: chip x :param destination_chip_y: chip y :param start_address: start address in sdram to write data to :param data_to_write: the data to write :rtype: None """ # how many packets after first one we need to send number_of_packets = ceildiv( len(data_to_write) - BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS, BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITHOUT_ADDRESS) # determine board chip IDs, as the LPG does not know machine scope IDs machine = transceiver.get_machine_details() chip = machine.get_chip_at(destination_chip_x, destination_chip_y) dest_x, dest_y = machine.get_local_xy(chip) # send first packet to lpg, stating where to send it to data = bytearray(WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET * WORD_SIZE) _FOUR_WORDS.pack_into( data, 0, DATA_IN_COMMANDS.SEND_DATA_TO_LOCATION.value, start_address, (dest_x << 16) | dest_y, number_of_packets) self._ADDRESS_PACKET_BYTE_FORMAT.pack_into( data, BYTES_FOR_COMMAND_AND_ADDRESS_HEADER, *data_to_write[0:BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS]) # debug # self._print_out_packet_data(data) # send first message self._connection = SCAMPConnection( chip_x=self._x, chip_y=self._y, remote_host=self._ip_address) self.__reprogram_tag(self._connection) self._connection.send_sdp_message(self.__make_sdp_message( self._placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_IN_SPEED_UP, data)) log.debug("sent initial {} bytes", BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS) # send initial attempt at sending all the data self._send_all_data_based_packets(number_of_packets, data_to_write) # verify completed received_confirmation = False time_out_count = 0 while not received_confirmation: try: # try to receive a confirmation of some sort from spinnaker data = self._connection.receive( timeout=self.TIMEOUT_PER_RECEIVE_IN_SECONDS) time_out_count = 0 # check which message type we have received received_confirmation = self._outgoing_process_packet( data, data_to_write) except SpinnmanTimeoutException: # if time out, keep trying # if the timeout has not occurred x times, keep trying if time_out_count > TIMEOUT_RETRY_LIMIT: emergency_recover_state_from_failure( transceiver, self._app_id, self, self._placement) raise SpinnFrontEndException( TIMEOUT_MESSAGE.format(time_out_count)) # reopen the connection and try again time_out_count += 1 remote_port = self._connection.remote_port local_port = self._connection.local_port local_ip = self._connection.local_ip_address remote_ip = self._connection.remote_ip_address self._connection.close() self._connection = SCAMPConnection( local_port=local_port, remote_port=remote_port, local_host=local_ip, remote_host=remote_ip) # if we have not received confirmation of finish, try to # retransmit missing seq nums if not received_confirmation: self._outgoing_retransmit_missing_seq_nums(data_to_write) def _read_in_missing_seq_nums(self, data, data_to_write, position): """ handles a missing seq num packet from spinnaker :param data: the data to translate into missing seq nums :param data_to_write: the data to write :param position: the position in the data to write. :rtype: None """ # find how many elements are in this packet n_elements = (len(data) - position) // WORD_SIZE # store missing self._missing_seq_nums_data_in[-1].extend(struct.unpack_from( "<{}I".format(n_elements), data, position)) # determine if last element is end flag if self._missing_seq_nums_data_in[-1][-1] == \ self.MISSING_SEQ_NUMS_END_FLAG: del self._missing_seq_nums_data_in[-1][-1] self._outgoing_retransmit_missing_seq_nums(data_to_write) if (self._total_expected_missing_seq_packets == 0 and self._have_received_missing_seq_count_packet): self._outgoing_retransmit_missing_seq_nums(data_to_write) def _outgoing_process_packet(self, data, data_to_write): """ processes a packet from SpiNNaker :param data: the packet data :param data_to_write: the data to write to spinnaker :return: if the packet contains a confirmation of complete :rtype: bool """ position = 0 command_id = _ONE_WORD.unpack_from(data, 0)[0] position += WORD_SIZE log.debug("received packet with id {}", command_id) # process first missing if command_id == DATA_IN_COMMANDS.RECEIVE_FIRST_MISSING_SEQ.value: # find total missing self._total_expected_missing_seq_packets += \ _ONE_WORD.unpack_from(data, position)[0] position += WORD_SIZE self._have_received_missing_seq_count_packet = True # write missing seq nums and retransmit if needed self._read_in_missing_seq_nums(data, data_to_write, position) # process missing seq packets if command_id == DATA_IN_COMMANDS.RECEIVE_MISSING_SEQ_DATA.value: # write missing seq nums and retransmit if needed self._total_expected_missing_seq_packets -= 1 self._read_in_missing_seq_nums(data, data_to_write, position) # process the confirmation of all data received return command_id == DATA_IN_COMMANDS.RECEIVE_FINISHED.value def _outgoing_retransmit_missing_seq_nums(self, data_to_write): """ Transmits back into SpiNNaker the missing data based off missing\ sequence numbers :param data_to_write: the data to write. :rtype: None """ for missing_seq_num in self._missing_seq_nums_data_in[-1]: message, _length = self._calculate_data_in_data_from_seq_number( data_to_write, missing_seq_num, DATA_IN_COMMANDS.SEND_SEQ_DATA.value, None) self.__throttled_send(message) self._missing_seq_nums_data_in.append(list()) self._total_expected_missing_seq_packets = 0 self._have_received_missing_seq_count_packet = False self._send_end_flag() def _calculate_position_from_seq_number(self, seq_num): """ Calculates where in the raw data to start reading from, given a\ sequence number :param seq_num: the sequence number to determine position from :return: the position in the byte data :rtype: int """ if seq_num == 0: return 0 return BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS + ( BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITHOUT_ADDRESS * (seq_num - 1)) def _calculate_data_in_data_from_seq_number( self, data_to_write, seq_num, command_id, position): """ Determine the data needed to be sent to the SpiNNaker machine\ given a sequence number :param data_to_write: the data to write to the SpiNNaker machine :param seq_num: the seq num to ge tthe data for :param position: the position in the data to write to spinnaker :type position: int or None :return: SDP message and how much data has been written :rtype: SDP message """ # check for last packet packet_data_length = BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITHOUT_ADDRESS # determine position in data if not given if position is None: position = self._calculate_position_from_seq_number(seq_num) # if less than a full packet worth of data, adjust length if position + packet_data_length > len(data_to_write): packet_data_length = len(data_to_write) - position if packet_data_length < 0: raise Exception() # determine the true packet length (with header) packet_length = ( packet_data_length + BYTES_FOR_COMMAND_AND_SEQ_HEADER) # create struct packet_data = bytearray(packet_length) _TWO_WORDS.pack_into(packet_data, 0, command_id, seq_num) struct.pack_into( "<{}B".format(packet_data_length), packet_data, BYTES_FOR_COMMAND_AND_SEQ_HEADER, *data_to_write[position:position+packet_data_length]) # debug # self._print_out_packet_data(packet_data) # build sdp packet message = self.__make_sdp_message( self._placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_IN_SPEED_UP, packet_data) # return message for sending, and the length in data sent return message, packet_data_length def _send_end_flag(self): # send end flag as separate message self._connection.send_sdp_message(self.__make_sdp_message( self._placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_IN_SPEED_UP, _ONE_WORD.pack(DATA_IN_COMMANDS.SEND_DONE.value))) def _send_all_data_based_packets( self, number_of_packets, data_to_write): """ Send all the data as one block :param number_of_packets: the number of packets expected to send :param data_to_write: the data to send :rtype: None """ # where in the data we are currently up to position_in_data = BYTES_IN_FULL_PACKET_WITH_ADDRESS # send rest of data total_data_length = len(data_to_write) for seq_num in range(1, number_of_packets + 1): # put in command flag and seq num message, length_to_send = \ self._calculate_data_in_data_from_seq_number( data_to_write, seq_num, DATA_IN_COMMANDS.SEND_SEQ_DATA.value, position_in_data) position_in_data += length_to_send # send the message self.__throttled_send(message) log.debug("sent seq {} of {} bytes", seq_num, length_to_send) # check for end flag if position_in_data == total_data_length: self._send_end_flag() log.debug("sent end flag")
[docs] @staticmethod def streaming(gatherers, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements): """ Helper method for setting the router timeouts to a state usable\ for data streaming via a Python context manager (i.e., using\ the 'with' statement). :param gatherers: All the gatherers that are to be set :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param extra_monitor_cores: the extra monitor cores to set :param placements: placements object :rtype: a context manager """ return _StreamingContextManager( gatherers, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements)
[docs] def set_cores_for_data_streaming( self, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements): """ Helper method for setting the router timeouts to a state usable\ for data streaming :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param extra_monitor_cores: the extra monitor cores to set :param placements: placements object :rtype: None """ lead_monitor = extra_monitor_cores[0] # Store the last reinjection status for resetting # NOTE: This assumes the status is the same on all cores self._last_status = lead_monitor.get_reinjection_status( placements, transceiver) # Set to not inject dropped packets lead_monitor.set_reinjection_packets( placements, extra_monitor_cores, transceiver, point_to_point=False, multicast=False, nearest_neighbour=False, fixed_route=False) # Clear any outstanding packets from reinjection lead_monitor.clear_reinjection_queue( transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) # set time outs lead_monitor.set_router_emergency_timeout( self.SHORT_TIMEOUT, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) lead_monitor.set_router_time_outs( self.LONG_TIMEOUT, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_application_routing_tables( transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements): """ Set all chips to have application table loaded in the router :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param extra_monitor_cores: the extra monitor cores to set :param placements: placements object :rtype: None """ extra_monitor_cores[0].load_application_mc_routes( placements, extra_monitor_cores, transceiver)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_system_routing_tables( transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements): """ Set all chips to have the system table loaded in the router :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param extra_monitor_cores: the extra monitor cores to set :param placements: placements object :rtype: None """ extra_monitor_cores[0].load_system_mc_routes( placements, extra_monitor_cores, transceiver)
[docs] def unset_cores_for_data_streaming( self, transceiver, extra_monitor_cores, placements): """ Helper method for setting the router timeouts to a state usable\ for data streaming :param transceiver: the SpiNNMan instance :param extra_monitor_cores: the extra monitor cores to set :param placements: placements object :rtype: None """ lead_monitor = extra_monitor_cores[0] # Set the routers to temporary values lead_monitor.set_router_time_outs( self.TEMP_TIMEOUT, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) lead_monitor.set_router_emergency_timeout( self.ZERO_TIMEOUT, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) if self._last_status is None: log.warning( "Cores have not been set for data extraction, so can't be" " unset") try: lead_monitor.set_router_time_outs( self._last_status.router_timeout_parameters, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) lead_monitor.set_router_emergency_timeout( self._last_status.router_emergency_timeout_parameters, transceiver, placements, extra_monitor_cores) lead_monitor.set_reinjection_packets( placements, extra_monitor_cores, transceiver, point_to_point=self._last_status.is_reinjecting_point_to_point, multicast=self._last_status.is_reinjecting_multicast, nearest_neighbour=( self._last_status.is_reinjecting_nearest_neighbour), fixed_route=self._last_status.is_reinjecting_fixed_route) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Error resetting timeouts") log.error("Checking if the cores are OK...") core_subsets = convert_vertices_to_core_subset( extra_monitor_cores, placements) try: error_cores = transceiver.get_cores_not_in_state( core_subsets, {CPUState.RUNNING}) if error_cores: log.error("Cores in an unexpected state: {}".format( error_cores)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Couldn't get core state")
def __reprogram_tag(self, connection): request = IPTagSet( self._x, self._y, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, self._remote_tag, strip=True, use_sender=True) data = connection.get_scp_data(request) einfo = None for _ in range(3): try: connection.send(data) _, _, response, offset = \ connection.receive_scp_response() request.get_scp_response().read_bytestring(response, offset) return except SpinnmanTimeoutException: einfo = sys.exc_info() reraise(*einfo)
[docs] def get_data( self, placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes, fixed_routes): """ Gets data from a given core and memory address. :param placement: placement object for where to get data from :param memory_address: the address in SDRAM to start reading from :param length_in_bytes: the length of data to read in bytes :param fixed_routes: the fixed routes, used in the report of which\ chips were used by the speed up process :return: byte array of the data """ start = float(time.time()) # if asked for no data, just return a empty byte array if length_in_bytes == 0: data = bytearray(0) end = float(time.time()) self._provenance_data_items[ placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes].append((end - start, [0])) return data transceiver = get_simulator().transceiver if (length_in_bytes < THRESHOLD_WHERE_SDP_BETTER_THAN_DATA_EXTRACTOR_IN_BYTES): data = transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, memory_address, length_in_bytes) end = float(time.time()) self._provenance_data_items[ placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes].append((end - start, [0])) return data # Update the IP Tag to work through a NAT firewall connection = SCAMPConnection( chip_x=self._x, chip_y=self._y, remote_host=self._ip_address) self.__reprogram_tag(connection) # send connection.send_sdp_message(self.__make_sdp_message( placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_SPEED_UP, _THREE_WORDS.pack( DATA_OUT_COMMANDS.START_SENDING.value, memory_address, length_in_bytes))) # receive self._output = bytearray(length_in_bytes) self._view = memoryview(self._output) self._max_seq_num = self.calculate_max_seq_num() lost_seq_nums = self._receive_data(transceiver, placement, connection) # Stop anything else getting through (and reduce traffic) connection.send_sdp_message(self.__make_sdp_message( placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_SPEED_UP, _ONE_WORD.pack(DATA_OUT_COMMANDS.CLEAR.value))) connection.close() end = float(time.time()) self._provenance_data_items[ placement, memory_address, length_in_bytes].append( (end - start, lost_seq_nums)) # create report elements if self._write_data_speed_up_reports: routers_been_in_use = self._determine_which_routers_were_used( placement, fixed_routes, transceiver.get_machine_details()) self._write_routers_used_into_report( self._out_report_path, routers_been_in_use, placement) return self._output
def _receive_data(self, transceiver, placement, connection): seq_nums = set() lost_seq_nums = list() timeoutcount = 0 finished = False while not finished: try: data = connection.receive( timeout=self.TIMEOUT_PER_RECEIVE_IN_SECONDS) timeoutcount = 0 seq_nums, finished = self._process_data( data, seq_nums, finished, placement, transceiver, lost_seq_nums) except SpinnmanTimeoutException: if timeoutcount > TIMEOUT_RETRY_LIMIT: raise SpinnFrontEndException( "Failed to hear from the machine during {} attempts. " "Please try removing firewalls".format(timeoutcount)) timeoutcount += 1 # self.__reset_connection() if not finished: finished = self._determine_and_retransmit_missing_seq_nums( seq_nums, transceiver, placement, lost_seq_nums) return lost_seq_nums @staticmethod def _determine_which_routers_were_used(placement, fixed_routes, machine): """ Traverse the fixed route paths from a given location to its\ destination. Used for determining which routers were used. :param placement: the source to start from :param fixed_routes: the fixed routes for each router :param machine: the spinnMachine instance :return: list of chip IDs """ routers = list() routers.append((placement.x, placement.y)) entry = fixed_routes[(placement.x, placement.y)] chip_x = placement.x chip_y = placement.y while len(entry.processor_ids) == 0: # can assume one link, as its a minimum spanning tree going to # the root machine_link = machine.get_chip_at( chip_x, chip_y).router.get_link(next(iter(entry.link_ids))) chip_x = machine_link.destination_x chip_y = machine_link.destination_y routers.append((chip_x, chip_y)) entry = fixed_routes[(chip_x, chip_y)] return routers @staticmethod def _write_routers_used_into_report( report_path, routers_been_in_use, placement): """ Write the used routers into a report :param report_path: the path to the report file :param routers_been_in_use: the routers been in use :param placement: the first placement used :rtype: None """ writer_behaviour = "w" if os.path.isfile(report_path): writer_behaviour = "a" with open(report_path, writer_behaviour) as writer: writer.write("[{}:{}:{}] = {}\n".format( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, routers_been_in_use)) def _calculate_missing_seq_nums(self, seq_nums): """ Determine which sequence numbers we've missed :param seq_nums: the set already acquired :return: list of missing sequence numbers """ return [sn for sn in xrange(0, self._max_seq_num) if sn not in seq_nums] def _determine_and_retransmit_missing_seq_nums( self, seq_nums, transceiver, placement, lost_seq_nums): """ Determine if there are any missing sequence numbers, and if so\ retransmits the missing sequence numbers back to the core for\ retransmission. :param seq_nums: the sequence numbers already received :param transceiver: spinnman instance :param placement: placement instance :return: whether all packets are transmitted :rtype: bool """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # locate missing sequence numbers from pile missing_seq_nums = self._calculate_missing_seq_nums(seq_nums) lost_seq_nums.append(len(missing_seq_nums)) # self._print_missing(missing_seq_nums) if not missing_seq_nums: return True # figure n packets given the 2 formats n_packets = 1 length_via_format2 = \ len(missing_seq_nums) - (WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET - 2) if length_via_format2 > 0: n_packets += ceildiv( length_via_format2, WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET - 1) # transmit missing sequence as a new SDP packet first = True seq_num_offset = 0 for _ in xrange(n_packets): length_left_in_packet = WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET offset = 0 # if first, add n packets to list if first: # get left over space / data size size_of_data_left_to_transmit = min( length_left_in_packet - 2, len(missing_seq_nums) - seq_num_offset) # build data holder accordingly data = bytearray( (size_of_data_left_to_transmit + 2) * WORD_SIZE) # pack flag and n packets _ONE_WORD.pack_into( data, offset, DATA_OUT_COMMANDS.START_MISSING_SEQ.value) _ONE_WORD.pack_into(data, WORD_SIZE, n_packets) # update state offset += 2 * WORD_SIZE length_left_in_packet -= 2 first = False else: # just add data # get left over space / data size size_of_data_left_to_transmit = min( WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET_WITH_SEQUENCE_NUM, len(missing_seq_nums) - seq_num_offset) # build data holder accordingly data = bytearray( (size_of_data_left_to_transmit + 1) * WORD_SIZE) # pack flag _ONE_WORD.pack_into( data, offset, DATA_OUT_COMMANDS.MISSING_SEQ.value) offset += 1 * WORD_SIZE length_left_in_packet -= 1 # fill data field struct.pack_into( "<{}I".format(size_of_data_left_to_transmit), data, offset, *missing_seq_nums[ seq_num_offset: seq_num_offset + size_of_data_left_to_transmit]) seq_num_offset += length_left_in_packet # build SDP message and send it to the core transceiver.send_sdp_message(self.__make_sdp_message( placement, SDP_PORTS.EXTRA_MONITOR_CORE_DATA_SPEED_UP, data)) # sleep for ensuring core doesn't lose packets time.sleep(self.TIME_OUT_FOR_SENDING_IN_SECONDS) # self._print_packet_num_being_sent(packet_count, n_packets) return False def _process_data( self, data, seq_nums, finished, placement, transceiver, lost_seq_nums): """ Take a packet and processes it see if we're finished yet :param data: the packet data :param seq_nums: the list of sequence numbers received so far :param finished: bool which states if finished or not :param placement: placement object for location on machine :param transceiver: spinnman instance :param lost_seq_nums: the list of n sequence numbers lost per iteration :return: set of data items, if its the first packet, the list of\ sequence numbers, the sequence number received and if its finished """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # self._print_out_packet_data(data) length_of_data = len(data) first_packet_element, = _ONE_WORD.unpack_from(data, 0) # get flags seq_num = first_packet_element & self.SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MASK is_end_of_stream = ( first_packet_element & self.LAST_MESSAGE_FLAG_BIT_MASK) != 0 # check seq num not insane if seq_num > self._max_seq_num: raise Exception( "got an insane sequence number. got {} when " "the max is {} with a length of {}".format( seq_num, self._max_seq_num, length_of_data)) # figure offset for where data is to be put offset = self._calculate_offset(seq_num) # write data true_data_length = offset + length_of_data - WORD_SIZE if not is_end_of_stream or length_of_data != WORD_SIZE: self._write_into_view( offset, true_data_length, data, WORD_SIZE, length_of_data, seq_num, length_of_data, False) # add seq num to list seq_nums.add(seq_num) # if received a last flag on its own, its during retransmission. # check and try again if required if is_end_of_stream: if not self._check(seq_nums): finished = self._determine_and_retransmit_missing_seq_nums( placement=placement, transceiver=transceiver, seq_nums=seq_nums, lost_seq_nums=lost_seq_nums) else: finished = True return seq_nums, finished def _calculate_offset(self, seq_num): return seq_num * WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET_WITH_SEQUENCE_NUM * WORD_SIZE def _write_into_view( self, view_start_position, view_end_position, data, data_start_position, data_end_position, seq_num, packet_length, is_final): """ Puts data into the view :param view_start_position: where in view to start :param view_end_position: where in view to end :param data: the data holder to write from :param data_start_position: where in data holder to start from :param data_end_position: where in data holder to end :param seq_num: the sequence number to figure :rtype: None """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments if view_end_position > len(self._output): raise Exception( "I'm trying to add to my output data, but am trying to add " "outside my acceptable output positions! max is {} and I " "received a request to fill to {} for sequence num {} from max" " sequence num {} length of packet {} and final {}".format( len(self._output), view_end_position, seq_num, self._max_seq_num, packet_length, is_final)) self._view[view_start_position: view_end_position] = \ data[data_start_position:data_end_position] def _check(self, seq_nums): """ Verify if the sequence numbers are correct. :param seq_nums: the received sequence numbers :return: Whether all the sequence numbers have been received :rtype: bool """ # hand back seq_nums = sorted(seq_nums) max_needed = self.calculate_max_seq_num() if len(seq_nums) > max_needed + 1: raise Exception("I've received more data than I was expecting!!") return len(seq_nums) == max_needed + 1
[docs] def calculate_max_seq_num(self): """ Deduce the max sequence number expected to be received :return: int of the biggest sequence num expected """ return ceildiv( len(self._output), WORDS_PER_FULL_PACKET_WITH_SEQUENCE_NUM * WORD_SIZE)
@staticmethod def _print_missing(seq_nums): """ Debug printer for the missing sequence numbers from the pile :param seq_nums: the sequence numbers received so far :rtype: None """ for seq_num in sorted(seq_nums):"from list I'm missing sequence num {}", seq_num) def _print_out_packet_data(self, data): """ Debug prints out the data from the packet :param data: the packet data :rtype: None """ reread_data = struct.unpack("<{}I".format( ceildiv(len(data), WORD_SIZE)), data)"converted data back into readable form is {}", reread_data) @staticmethod def _print_length_of_received_seq_nums(seq_nums, max_needed): """ Debug helper method for figuring out if everything been received :param seq_nums: sequence numbers received :param max_needed: biggest expected to have :rtype: None """ if len(seq_nums) != max_needed:"should have received {} sequence numbers, but received " "{} sequence numbers", max_needed, len(seq_nums)) @staticmethod def _print_packet_num_being_sent(packet_count, n_packets): """ Debug helper for printing missing sequence number packet\ transmission :param packet_count: which packet is being fired :param n_packets: how many packets to fire. :rtype: None """"send SDP packet with missing sequence numbers: {} of {}", packet_count + 1, n_packets)
class _StreamingContextManager(object): """ The implementation of the context manager object for streaming \ configuration control. """ __slots__ = ["_gatherers", "_monitors", "_placements", "_txrx"] def __init__(self, gatherers, txrx, monitors, placements): self._gatherers = list(gatherers) self._txrx = txrx self._monitors = monitors self._placements = placements def __enter__(self): for gatherer in self._gatherers: gatherer.set_cores_for_data_streaming( self._txrx, self._monitors, self._placements) def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _tb): for gatherer in self._gatherers: gatherer.unset_cores_for_data_streaming( self._txrx, self._monitors, self._placements) return False