Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.profiling.profile_data

import numpy
import logging

import scipy.stats

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define profiler time scale in ms
_MS_SCALE = (1.0 / 200000.0)

# Define the positions in tags

[docs]class ProfileData(object): """ A container for profile data """ START_TIME = 0 DURATION = 1 __slots__ = ( # A dictionary of tag label to numpy array of start times and durations "_tags", # A list of tag labels indexed by the tag id "_tag_labels", # The maximum time recorded "_max_time" ) def __init__(self, tag_labels): """ :param tag_labels: A list of labels indexed by tag id :type tag_labels: list(str) """ self._tag_labels = tag_labels self._tags = dict()
[docs] def add_data(self, data): """ Add profiling data read from the profile section :param data: Data read from the profile section on the machine :type data: bytearray """ samples = numpy.asarray(data, dtype="uint8").view(dtype="<u4") # Slice data to separate times, tags and flags sample_times = samples[::2] sample_tags_and_flags = samples[1::2] # Further split the tags and flags word into separate arrays of tags # and flags sample_tags = numpy.bitwise_and(sample_tags_and_flags, 0x7FFFFFFF) sample_flags = numpy.right_shift(sample_tags_and_flags, 31) # Find indices of samples relating to entries and exits sample_entry_indices = numpy.where(sample_flags == 1) sample_exit_indices = numpy.where(sample_flags == 0) # Convert count-down times to count up times from 1st sample sample_times = numpy.subtract(sample_times[0], sample_times) sample_times_ms = numpy.multiply( sample_times, _MS_SCALE, dtype=numpy.float) # Slice tags and times into entry and exits entry_tags = sample_tags[sample_entry_indices] entry_times_ms = sample_times_ms[sample_entry_indices] exit_tags = sample_tags[sample_exit_indices] exit_times_ms = sample_times_ms[sample_exit_indices] # Loop through unique tags unique_tags = numpy.unique(sample_tags) for tag in unique_tags: tag_label = self._tag_labels.get(tag, None) if tag_label is None: logger.warn("Unknown tag {} in profile data".format(tag)) tag_label = "UNKNOWN" # Get indices where these tags occur tag_entry_indices = numpy.where(entry_tags == tag) tag_exit_indices = numpy.where(exit_tags == tag) # Use these to get subset for this tag tag_entry_times_ms = entry_times_ms[tag_entry_indices] tag_exit_times_ms = exit_times_ms[tag_exit_indices] # If the first exit is before the first # Entry, add a dummy entry at beginning if tag_exit_times_ms[0] < tag_entry_times_ms[0]: logger.warn("Profile starts mid-tag") tag_entry_times_ms = numpy.append(0.0, tag_entry_times_ms) if len(tag_entry_times_ms) > len(tag_exit_times_ms): logger.warn("profile finishes mid-tag") tag_entry_times_ms = tag_entry_times_ms[ :len(tag_exit_times_ms) - len(tag_entry_times_ms)] # Subtract entry times from exit times to get durations of each # call tag_durations_ms = numpy.subtract( tag_exit_times_ms, tag_entry_times_ms) # Add entry times and durations to dictionary self._tags[tag_label] = (tag_entry_times_ms, tag_durations_ms) # Keep track of the maximum time self._max_time = numpy.max(tag_entry_times_ms + tag_durations_ms)
@property def tags(self): """ The tags recorded as labels :rtype: list of str """ return self._tags.keys()
[docs] def get_mean_ms(self, tag): """ Get the mean time in milliseconds spent on operations with the\ given tag :param tag: The tag to get the mean time for :type tag: str :rtype: float """ return numpy.average(self._tags[tag][_DURATION])
[docs] def get_n_calls(self, tag): """ Get the number of times the given tag was recorded :param tag: The tag to get the number of calls of :type tag: str :rtype: int """ return self._tags[tag][_DURATION].size
[docs] def get_mean_n_calls_per_ts(self, tag, run_time_ms, machine_time_step_ms): """ Get the mean number of times the given tag was recorded per\ timestep :param tag: The tag to get the data for :type tag: str :param machine_time_step_ms:\ The time step of the simulation in microseconds :type machine_time_step_ms: int :param run_time_ms: The run time of the simulation in milliseconds :type run_time_ms: float :rtype: float """ bins = numpy.arange( 0, self._max_time + machine_time_step_ms, machine_time_step_ms) return numpy.average(numpy.histogram( self._tags[tag][_START_TIME], bins)[0])
[docs] def get_mean_ms_per_ts(self, tag, run_time_ms, machine_time_step_ms): """ Get the mean time in milliseconds spent on operations with the\ given tag per timestep :param tag: The tag to get the data for :type tag: str :param machine_time_step_ms:\ The time step of the simulation in microseconds :type machine_time_step_ms: int :param run_time_ms: The run time of the simulation in milliseconds :type run_time_ms: float :rtype: float """ bins = numpy.arange( 0, self._max_time + machine_time_step_ms, machine_time_step_ms) mean_per_ts = scipy.stats.binned_statistic( self._tags[tag][_START_TIME], self._tags[tag][_DURATION], "mean", bins).statistic mean_per_ts[numpy.isnan(mean_per_ts)] = 0 return numpy.average( mean_per_ts[numpy.logical_not(numpy.isnan(mean_per_ts))])