Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions.provenance_xml_writer

from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.helpful_functions \
    import generate_unique_folder_name

# general imports
from lxml import etree
import itertools
import string

[docs]class ProvenanceXMLWriter(object): """ Write provenance data into XML """ __slots__ = [] VALID_CHARS = frozenset( "-_.() {}{}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits)) def __call__(self, provenance_data_items, provenance_data_path): """ writes provenance in xml format :param provenance_data_items: data items for provenance :param provenance_data_path: the file path to store provenance in :return: None """ # Group data by the first name items = sorted(provenance_data_items, key=lambda item: item.names[0]) for name, group in itertools.groupby( items, lambda item: item.names[0]): filename = "".join( c if c in self.VALID_CHARS else '_' for c in name) # generate file path for xml file_path = generate_unique_folder_name( provenance_data_path, filename, ".xml") # Create a root node root = etree.Element("provenance_data_items", name=name) # Keep track of sub-categories categories = {root: dict()} # Go through the items and add them for item in group: # Add the "categories" for the item (any name between the first # and last) super_element = root cats = categories[root] for cat_name in item.names[1:-1]: if cat_name in cats: # If there is already a category of this name under the # super element, use it super_element = cats[cat_name] else: # Otherwise, create a new category under the super # element super_element = etree.SubElement( super_element, "provenance_data_items", name=cat_name) cats[cat_name] = super_element categories[super_element] = dict() # Get the next category for the next run of the loop cats = categories[super_element] # Add the item element = etree.SubElement( super_element, "provenance_data_item", name=item.names[-1]) element.text = str(item.value) # write xml form into file provided with open(file_path, "w") as writer: writer.write(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))