Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.storage_objects.channel_buffer_state

from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import BUFFERING_OPERATIONS

import struct

[docs]class ChannelBufferState(object): """ Stores information related to a single channel output\ buffering state, as it is retrieved at the end of a simulation on the\ SpiNNaker system. """ __slots__ = [ # start buffering area memory address (32 bits) "_start_address", # address where data was last written (32 bits) "_current_write", # address where the dma write got up to (32 bits) "_current_dma_write", # address where data was last read (32 bits) "_current_read", # The address of first byte after the buffer (32 bits) "_end_address", # The id of the region (8 bits) "_region_id", # True if the region overflowed during the simulation (8 bits) "_missing_info", # Last operation performed on the buffer - read or write (8 bits) "_last_buffer_operation", # bool check for if its extracted data from machine "_update_completed", ] # 4 for _start_address, 4 for _current_write, 4 for current_dma_write, # 4 for _current_read, 4 for _end_address, 1 for _region_id, # 1 for _missing_info, 1 for _last_buffer_operation, ChannelBufferStateSize = 24 def __init__( self, start_address, current_write, current_dma_write, current_read, end_address, region_id, missing_info, last_buffer_operation): """ :param start_address: start buffering area memory address (32 bits) :param current_write: address where data was last written (32 bits) :param current_read: address where data was last read (32 bits) :param end_address: The address of first byte after the buffer\ (32 bits) :param region_id: The id of the region (8 bits) :param missing_info: True if the region overflowed during the\ simulation (8 bits) :param last_buffer_operation: Last operation performed on the buffer\ - read or write (8 bits) """ self._start_address = start_address self._current_write = current_write self._current_dma_write = current_dma_write self._current_read = current_read self._end_address = end_address self._region_id = region_id self._missing_info = missing_info self._last_buffer_operation = last_buffer_operation self._update_completed = False @property def start_address(self): return self._start_address @property def current_write(self): return self._current_write @property def current_read(self): return self._current_read @property def end_address(self): return self._end_address @property def region_id(self): return self._region_id @property def missing_info(self): return self._missing_info @property def last_buffer_operation(self): return self._last_buffer_operation @property def is_state_updated(self): return self._update_completed
[docs] def update_last_operation(self, operation): self._last_buffer_operation = operation
[docs] def update_read_pointer(self, read_ptr): self._current_read = read_ptr
[docs] def set_update_completed(self): self._update_completed = True
[docs] @staticmethod def create_from_bytearray(data): (start_address, current_write, current_dma_write, current_read, end_address, region_id, missing_info, last_buffer_operation) = \ struct.unpack_from("<IIIIIBBBx", data) if last_buffer_operation == 0: last_buffer_operation = BUFFERING_OPERATIONS.BUFFER_READ.value else: last_buffer_operation = BUFFERING_OPERATIONS.BUFFER_WRITE.value buffer_state = ChannelBufferState( start_address, current_write, current_dma_write, current_read, end_address, region_id, missing_info, last_buffer_operation) return buffer_state
[docs] @staticmethod def size_of_channel_state(): return ChannelBufferState.ChannelBufferStateSize