Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_manager

# spinn_utilites imports
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar

# spinnman imports
from spinnman.constants import UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE
from spinnman.connections.udp_packet_connections import EIEIOConnection
from spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages \
    import EIEIOCommandMessage, StopRequests, SpinnakerRequestReadData
from spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages \
    import HostDataRead, SpinnakerRequestBuffers, PaddingRequest
from spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages \
    import HostSendSequencedData, EventStopRequest
from spinnman.utilities import utility_functions
from spinnman.messages.sdp import SDPHeader, SDPMessage, SDPFlag
from spinnman.exceptions import SpinnmanInvalidPacketException
from spinnman.messages.eieio import EIEIOType, create_eieio_command
from spinnman.messages.eieio.data_messages import EIEIODataMessage

# front end common imports
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities import helpful_functions as funs
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities import exceptions
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.storage_objects \
    import BuffersSentDeque, BufferedReceivingData, ChannelBufferState
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants \
from .recording_utilities import TRAFFIC_IDENTIFIER, \
    get_last_sequence_number, get_region_pointer

# general imports
import threading
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The minimum size of any message - this is the headers plus one entry
_MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE = EIEIODataMessage.min_packet_length(
    eieio_type=EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT, is_timestamp=True)

# The number of bytes in each key to be sent
_N_BYTES_PER_KEY = EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT.key_bytes  # @UndefinedVariable

[docs]class BufferManager(object): """ Manager of send buffers """ __slots__ = [ # placements object "_placements", # list of tags "_tags", # SpiNNMan instance "_transceiver", # Set of (ip_address, port) that are being listened to for the tags "_seen_tags", # Set of vertices with buffers to be sent "_sender_vertices", # Dictionary of sender vertex -> buffers sent "_sent_messages", # storage area for received data from cores "_received_data", # Lock to avoid multiple messages being processed at the same time "_thread_lock_buffer_out", # Lock to avoid multiple messages being processed at the same time "_thread_lock_buffer_in", # bool flag "_finished", # listener port "_listener_port", # Store to file flag "_store_to_file" ] def __init__(self, placements, tags, transceiver, store_to_file=False): """ :param placements: The placements of the vertices :type placements:\ :py:class:`pacman.model.placements.Placements` :param tags: The tags assigned to the vertices :type tags: :py:class:`pacman.model.tags.Tags` :param transceiver: The transceiver to use for sending and receiving\ information :type transceiver: :py:class:`spinnman.transceiver.Transceiver` :param store_to_file: True if the data should be temporarily stored\ in a file instead of in RAM (default uses RAM) :type store_to_file: bool """ self._placements = placements self._tags = tags self._transceiver = transceiver # Set of (ip_address, port) that are being listened to for the tags self._seen_tags = set() # Set of vertices with buffers to be sent self._sender_vertices = set() # Dictionary of sender vertex -> buffers sent self._sent_messages = dict() # storage area for received data from cores self._received_data = BufferedReceivingData(store_to_file) self._store_to_file = store_to_file # Lock to avoid multiple messages being processed at the same time self._thread_lock_buffer_out = threading.Lock() self._thread_lock_buffer_in = threading.Lock() self._finished = False self._listener_port = None
[docs] def receive_buffer_command_message(self, packet): """ Handle an EIEIO command message for the buffers :param packet: The eieio message received :type packet:\ :py:class:`spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages.eieio_command_message.EIEIOCommandMessage` """ try: if not self._finished: if isinstance(packet, SpinnakerRequestBuffers): with self._thread_lock_buffer_in: vertex = self._placements.get_vertex_on_processor( packet.x, packet.y, packet.p) if vertex in self._sender_vertices: # logger.debug( # "received send request with sequence: {1:d}," # " space available: {0:d}".format( # packet.space_available, # packet.sequence_no)) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._send_messages( packet.space_available, vertex, packet.region_id, packet.sequence_no) except Exception: logger.warn("problem when sending messages", exc_info=True) elif isinstance(packet, SpinnakerRequestReadData): with self._thread_lock_buffer_out: # logger.debug( # "received {} read request(s) with sequence: {}," # " from chip ({},{}, core {}".format( # packet.n_requests, packet.sequence_no, # packet.x, packet.y, packet.p)) try: self._retrieve_and_store_data(packet) except Exception: logger.warn("problem when handling data", exc_info=True) elif isinstance(packet, EIEIOCommandMessage): raise SpinnmanInvalidPacketException( str(packet.__class__), "The command packet is invalid for buffer management: " "command id {0:d}".format(packet.eieio_header.command)) else: raise SpinnmanInvalidPacketException( packet.__class__, "The command packet is invalid for buffer management") except Exception: logger.warn("problem when processing received packet", exc_info=True)
def _create_connection(self, tag): connection = self._transceiver.register_udp_listener( self.receive_buffer_command_message, EIEIOConnection, local_port=tag.port, local_host=tag.ip_address) self._seen_tags.add((tag.ip_address, connection.local_port)) utility_functions.send_port_trigger_message( connection, tag.board_address) "Listening for packets using tag {} on {}:{}".format( tag.tag, connection.local_ip_address, connection.local_port)) return connection def _add_buffer_listeners(self, vertex): """ Add listeners for buffered data for the given vertex """ # Find a tag for receiving buffer data tags = self._tags.get_ip_tags_for_vertex(vertex) if tags is not None: # locate tag associated with the buffer manager traffic for tag in tags: if tag.traffic_identifier == TRAFFIC_IDENTIFIER: # If the tag port is not assigned create a connection\ # and assign the port. Note that this *should* \ # update the port number in any tags being shared if tag.port is None: # If connection already setup, ensure subsequent # boards use same listener port in their tag if self._listener_port is None: connection = self._create_connection(tag) tag.port = connection.local_port self._listener_port = connection.local_port else: tag.port = self._listener_port # In case we have tags with different specified ports,\ # also allow the tag to be created here elif (tag.ip_address, tag.port) not in self._seen_tags: self._create_connection(tag)
[docs] def add_receiving_vertex(self, vertex): """ Add a vertex into the managed list for vertices\ which require buffers to be received from them during runtime """ self._add_buffer_listeners(vertex)
[docs] def add_sender_vertex(self, vertex): """ Add a vertex into the managed list for vertices which require buffers to be sent to them during runtime :param vertex: the vertex to be managed :type vertex:\ :py:class:`spinnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_models.buffer_models.AbstractSendsBuffersFromHost` """ self._sender_vertices.add(vertex) self._add_buffer_listeners(vertex)
[docs] def load_initial_buffers(self): """ Load the initial buffers for the senders using mem writes """ total_data = 0 for vertex in self._sender_vertices: for region in vertex.get_regions(): total_data += vertex.get_region_buffer_size(region) progress = ProgressBar( total_data, "Loading buffers ({} bytes)".format(total_data)) for vertex in self._sender_vertices: for region in vertex.get_regions(): self._send_initial_messages(vertex, region, progress) progress.end()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the buffered regions to start transmitting from the\ beginning of its expected regions and clears the buffered out data\ files """ # reset buffered out self._received_data = BufferedReceivingData(self._store_to_file) # rewind buffered in for vertex in self._sender_vertices: for region in vertex.get_regions(): vertex.rewind(region)
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resets any data structures needed before starting running again """ # update the received data items self._received_data.resume()
[docs] def clear_recorded_data(self, x, y, p, recording_region_id): """ Removes the recorded data stored in memory. :param x: placement x coord :param y: placement y coord :param p: placement p coord :param recording_region_id: the recording region id """ self._received_data.clear(x, y, p, recording_region_id)
def _generate_end_buffering_state_from_machine( self, placement, state_region_base_address): # retrieve channel state memory area channel_state_data = str(self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, state_region_base_address, ChannelBufferState.size_of_channel_state())) return ChannelBufferState.create_from_bytearray(channel_state_data) def _create_message_to_send(self, size, vertex, region): """ Creates a single message to send with the given boundaries. :param size: The number of bytes available for the whole packet :type size: int :param vertex: The vertex to get the keys from :type vertex:\ :py:class:`spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_models.buffer_models.AbstractSendsBuffersFromHost` :param region: The region of the vertex to get keys from :type region: int :return: A new message, or None if no keys can be added :rtype: None or\ :py:class:`spinnman.messages.eieio.data_messages.EIEIODataMessage` """ # If there are no more messages to send, return None if not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region): return None # Create a new message next_timestamp = vertex.get_next_timestamp(region) message = EIEIODataMessage.create( EIEIOType.KEY_32_BIT, timestamp=next_timestamp) # If there is no room for the message, return None if message.size + _N_BYTES_PER_KEY > size: return None # Add keys up to the limit bytes_to_go = size - message.size while (bytes_to_go >= _N_BYTES_PER_KEY and vertex.is_next_key(region, next_timestamp)): key = vertex.get_next_key(region) message.add_key(key) bytes_to_go -= _N_BYTES_PER_KEY return message def _send_initial_messages(self, vertex, region, progress): """ Send the initial set of messages :param vertex: The vertex to get the keys from :type vertex:\ :py:class:`spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_models.buffer_models.AbstractSendsBuffersFromHost` :param region: The region to get the keys from :type region: int :return: A list of messages :rtype: list of\ :py:class:`spinnman.messages.eieio.data_messages.EIEIODataMessage` """ # Get the vertex load details # region_base_address = self._locate_region_address(region, vertex) region_base_address = funs.locate_memory_region_for_placement( self._placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex), region, self._transceiver) placement = self._placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex) # Add packets until out of space sent_message = False bytes_to_go = vertex.get_region_buffer_size(region) if bytes_to_go % 2 != 0: raise exceptions.SpinnFrontEndException( "The buffer region of {} must be divisible by 2".format( vertex)) all_data = "" if vertex.is_empty(region): sent_message = True else: min_size_of_packet = _MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE while (vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and bytes_to_go > min_size_of_packet): space_available = min(bytes_to_go, 280) next_message = self._create_message_to_send( space_available, vertex, region) if next_message is None: break # Write the message to the memory data = next_message.bytestring all_data += data sent_message = True # Update the positions bytes_to_go -= len(data) progress.update(len(data)) if not sent_message: raise exceptions.BufferableRegionTooSmall( "The buffer size {} is too small for any data to be added for" " region {} of vertex {}".format(bytes_to_go, region, vertex)) # If there are no more messages and there is space, add a stop request if (not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and bytes_to_go >= EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()): data = EventStopRequest().bytestring # logger.debug( # "Writing stop message of {} bytes to {} on {}, {}, {}".format( # len(data), hex(region_base_address), # placement.x, placement.y, placement.p)) all_data += data bytes_to_go -= len(data) progress.update(len(data)) self._sent_messages[vertex] = BuffersSentDeque( region, sent_stop_message=True) # If there is any space left, add padding if bytes_to_go > 0: padding_packet = PaddingRequest() n_packets = bytes_to_go / padding_packet.get_min_packet_length() data = padding_packet.bytestring data *= n_packets all_data += data # Do the writing all at once for efficiency self._transceiver.write_memory( placement.x, placement.y, region_base_address, all_data) def _send_messages(self, size, vertex, region, sequence_no): """ Send a set of messages """ # Get the sent messages for the vertex if vertex not in self._sent_messages: self._sent_messages[vertex] = BuffersSentDeque(region) sent_messages = self._sent_messages[vertex] # If the sequence number is outside the window, return no messages if not sent_messages.update_last_received_sequence_number(sequence_no): return list() # Remote the existing packets from the size available bytes_to_go = size for message in sent_messages.messages: if isinstance(message.eieio_data_message, EIEIODataMessage): bytes_to_go -= message.eieio_data_message.size else: bytes_to_go -= (message.eieio_data_message .get_min_packet_length()) # Add messages up to the limits while (vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and not sent_messages.is_full and bytes_to_go > 0): space_available = min( bytes_to_go, UDP_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE - HostSendSequencedData.get_min_packet_length()) # logger.debug( # "Bytes to go {}, space available {}".format( # bytes_to_go, space_available)) next_message = self._create_message_to_send( space_available, vertex, region) if next_message is None: break sent_messages.add_message_to_send(next_message) bytes_to_go -= next_message.size # logger.debug("Adding additional buffer of {} bytes".format( # next_message.size)) # If the vertex is empty, send the stop messages if there is space if (not sent_messages.is_full and not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and bytes_to_go >= EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()): sent_messages.send_stop_message() # If there are no more messages, turn off requests for more messages if not vertex.is_next_timestamp(region) and sent_messages.is_empty(): # logger.debug("Sending stop") self._send_request(vertex, StopRequests()) # Send the messages for message in sent_messages.messages: # logger.debug("Sending message with sequence {}".format( # message.sequence_no)) self._send_request(vertex, message) def _send_request(self, vertex, message): """ Sends a request :param vertex: The vertex to send to :param message: The message to send """ placement = self._placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex) sdp_header = SDPHeader( destination_chip_x=placement.x, destination_chip_y=placement.y, destination_cpu=placement.p, flags=SDPFlag.REPLY_NOT_EXPECTED, destination_port=SDP_PORTS.INPUT_BUFFERING_SDP_PORT.value) sdp_message = SDPMessage(sdp_header, message.bytestring) self._transceiver.send_sdp_message(sdp_message)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Indicates that the simulation has finished, so no further\ outstanding requests need to be processed """ with self._thread_lock_buffer_in: with self._thread_lock_buffer_out: self._finished = True
[docs] def get_data_for_vertex(self, placement, recording_region_id): """ Get a pointer to the data container for all the data retrieved\ during the simulation from a specific region area of a core :param placement: the placement to get the data from :type placement: pacman.model.placements.Placement :param recording_region_id: desired recording data region :type recording_region_id: int :return: pointer to a class which inherits from\ AbstractBufferedDataStorage :rtype:\ :py:class:`spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_models.AbstractBufferedDataStorage` """ recording_data_address = \ placement.vertex.get_recording_region_base_address( self._transceiver, placement) # Ensure the last sequence number sent has been retrieved if not self._received_data.is_end_buffering_sequence_number_stored( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p): self._received_data.store_end_buffering_sequence_number( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, get_last_sequence_number( placement, self._transceiver, recording_data_address)) # Read the data if not already received if not self._received_data.is_data_from_region_flushed( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id): # Read the end state of the recording for this region if not self._received_data.is_end_buffering_state_recovered( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id): end_state_address = get_region_pointer( placement, self._transceiver, recording_data_address, recording_region_id) end_state = self._generate_end_buffering_state_from_machine( placement, end_state_address) self._received_data.store_end_buffering_state( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, end_state) else: end_state = self._received_data.\ get_end_buffering_state( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id) start_ptr = end_state.start_address write_ptr = end_state.current_write end_ptr = end_state.end_address read_ptr = end_state.current_read # current read needs to be adjusted in case the last portion of the # memory has already been read, but the HostDataRead packet has not # been processed by the chip before simulation finished # This situation is identified by the sequence number of the last # packet sent to this core and the core internal state of the # output buffering finite state machine seq_no_last_ack_packet = \ self._received_data.last_sequence_no_for_core( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p) # get the last sequence number last_sequence_number = \ self._received_data.get_end_buffering_sequence_number( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p) if last_sequence_number == seq_no_last_ack_packet: # if the last ACK packet has not been processed on the chip, # process it now last_sent_ack_sdp_packet = \ self._received_data.last_sent_packet_to_core( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p) last_sent_ack_packet = \ create_eieio_command.read_eieio_command_message(, 0) if not isinstance(last_sent_ack_packet, HostDataRead): raise Exception( "Something somewhere went terribly wrong - " "I was looking for a HostDataRead packet, " "while I got {0:s}".format(last_sent_ack_packet)) for i in xrange(last_sent_ack_packet.n_requests): last_ack_packet_is_of_this_region = \ recording_region_id == \ last_sent_ack_packet.region_id(i) if (last_ack_packet_is_of_this_region and not end_state.is_state_updated): read_ptr += last_sent_ack_packet.space_read(i) if (read_ptr == write_ptr or (read_ptr == end_ptr and write_ptr == start_ptr)): end_state.update_last_operation( BUFFERING_OPERATIONS.BUFFER_READ.value) if read_ptr == end_ptr: read_ptr = start_ptr elif read_ptr > end_ptr: raise Exception( "Something somewhere went terribly wrong - " "I was reading beyond the region area some " "unknown data".format( last_sent_ack_packet)) end_state.update_read_pointer(read_ptr) end_state.set_update_completed() # now state is updated, read back values for read pointer and # last operation performed last_operation = end_state.last_buffer_operation read_ptr = end_state.current_read # now read_ptr is updated, check memory to read if read_ptr < write_ptr: length = write_ptr - read_ptr data = self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, read_ptr, length) self._received_data.flushing_data_from_region( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) elif read_ptr > write_ptr: length = end_ptr - read_ptr if length < 0: raise exceptions.ConfigurationException( "The amount of data to read is negative!") data = self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, read_ptr, length) self._received_data.store_data_in_region_buffer( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) read_ptr = start_ptr length = write_ptr - read_ptr data = self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, read_ptr, length) self._received_data.flushing_data_from_region( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) elif (read_ptr == write_ptr and last_operation == BUFFERING_OPERATIONS.BUFFER_WRITE.value): length = end_ptr - read_ptr data = self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, read_ptr, length) self._received_data.store_data_in_region_buffer( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) read_ptr = start_ptr length = write_ptr - read_ptr data = self._transceiver.read_memory( placement.x, placement.y, read_ptr, length) self._received_data.flushing_data_from_region( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) elif (read_ptr == write_ptr and last_operation == BUFFERING_OPERATIONS.BUFFER_READ.value): data = bytearray() self._received_data.flushing_data_from_region( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id, data) # data flush has been completed - return appropriate data # the two returns can be exchanged - one returns data and the other # returns a pointer to the structure holding the data return self._received_data.get_region_data_pointer( placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, recording_region_id)
def _retrieve_and_store_data(self, packet): """ Following a SpinnakerRequestReadData packet, the data stored\ during the simulation needs to be read by the host and stored in a\ data structure, following the specifications of buffering out\ technique :param packet: SpinnakerRequestReadData packet received from the\ SpiNNaker system :type packet:\ :py:class:`spinnman.messages.eieio.command_messages.spinnaker_request_read_data.SpinnakerRequestReadData` :rtype: None """ x = packet.x y = packet.y p = packet.p # check packet sequence number pkt_seq = packet.sequence_no last_pkt_seq = self._received_data.last_sequence_no_for_core(x, y, p) next_pkt_seq = (last_pkt_seq + 1) % 256 if pkt_seq != next_pkt_seq: # this sequence number is incorrect # re-sent last HostDataRead packet sent last_packet_sent = self._received_data.last_sent_packet_to_core( x, y, p) if last_packet_sent is not None: self._transceiver.send_sdp_message(last_packet_sent) else: raise Exception( "{}, {}, {}: Something somewhere went terribly wrong - " "The packet sequence numbers have gone wrong " "somewhere: the packet sent from the board " "has incorrect sequence number, but the host " "never sent one acknowledge".format(x, y, p)) return # read data from memory, store it and create data for return ACK packet n_requests = packet.n_requests new_channel = list() new_region_id = list() new_space_read = list() new_n_requests = 0 for i in xrange(n_requests): length = packet.space_to_be_read(i) if length > 0: new_n_requests += 1 start_address = packet.start_address(i) region_id = packet.region_id(i) channel = data = self._transceiver.read_memory( x, y, start_address, length) self._received_data.store_data_in_region_buffer( x, y, p, region_id, data) new_channel.append(channel) new_region_id.append(region_id) new_space_read.append(length) # create return acknowledge packet with data stored ack_packet = HostDataRead( new_n_requests, pkt_seq, new_channel, new_region_id, new_space_read) ack_packet_data = ack_packet.bytestring # create SDP header and message return_message_header = SDPHeader( destination_port=SDP_PORTS.OUTPUT_BUFFERING_SDP_PORT.value, destination_cpu=p, destination_chip_x=x, destination_chip_y=y, flags=SDPFlag.REPLY_NOT_EXPECTED) return_message = SDPMessage(return_message_header, ack_packet_data) # storage of last packet received self._received_data.store_last_received_packet_from_core( x, y, p, packet) self._received_data.update_sequence_no_for_core(x, y, p, pkt_seq) # store last sent message and send to the appropriate core self._received_data.store_last_sent_packet_to_core( x, y, p, return_message) self._transceiver.send_sdp_message(return_message) @property def sender_vertices(self): """ The vertices which are buffered """ return self._sender_vertices @property def reload_buffer_files(self): """ The file paths for each buffered region for each sender vertex """ return self._reload_buffer_file_paths