Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.abstract_spinnaker_base

main interface for the spinnaker tools
import spinn_utilities.conf_loader as conf_loader
from spinn_utilities.timer import Timer
from spinn_utilities import __version__ as spinn_utils_version

# pacman imports
from pacman.executor.injection_decorator import provide_injectables, \
from pacman.model.graphs import AbstractVirtualVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.common import GraphMapper
from pacman.model.placements import Placements
from pacman.executor import PACMANAlgorithmExecutor
from pacman.exceptions import PacmanAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationGraph
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationEdge
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineGraph, MachineVertex
from pacman.model.resources import PreAllocatedResourceContainer
from pacman import __version__ as pacman_version

# common front end imports
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import \
    AbstractSendMeMulticastCommandsVertex, AbstractRecordable
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import \
    AbstractVertexWithEdgeToDependentVertices, AbstractChangableAfterRun
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs.provenance_data_item \
    import ProvenanceDataItem
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities \
    import helpful_functions, globals_variables, SimulatorInterface
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities import function_list
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import ExecutableStartType
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import CommandSender
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.buffer_management.buffer_models \
    import AbstractReceiveBuffersToHost
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.report_functions.energy_report import \
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance \
    import PacmanProvenanceExtractor
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.simulator_state import Simulator_State
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import ProvenanceXMLWriter
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import ProvenanceJSONWriter
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import ChipProvenanceUpdater
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import PlacementsProvenanceGatherer
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import RouterProvenanceGatherer
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.interface_functions \
    import ChipIOBufExtractor
from spinn_front_end_common import __version__ as fec_version

# spinnman imports
from spinnman.model.enums.cpu_state import CPUState
from spinnman import __version__ as spinnman_version

# spinnmachine imports
from spinn_machine import CoreSubsets
from spinn_machine import __version__ as spinn_machine_version

# general imports
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import math
import os
import signal
import sys

from numpy import __version__ as numpy_version
from scipy import __version__ as scipy_version
from data_specification import __version__ as data_spec_version
from spinn_storage_handlers import __version__ as spinn_storage_version
from spalloc import __version__ as spalloc_version

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONFIG_FILE = "spinnaker.cfg"

[docs]class AbstractSpinnakerBase(SimulatorInterface): """ Main interface into the tools logic flow """ __slots__ = [ # the interface to the cfg files. supports get get_int etc "_config", # the object that contains a set of file paths, which should encompass # all locations where binaries are for this simulation. "_executable_finder", # the number of chips required for this simulation to run, mainly tied # to the spalloc system "_n_chips_required", # The ip-address of the SpiNNaker machine "_hostname", # the ip_address of the spalloc server "_spalloc_server", # the URL for the HBP platform interface "_remote_spinnaker_url", # the algorithm used for allocating machines from the HBP platform # interface "_machine_allocation_controller", # the human readable label for the application graph. "_graph_label", # the pacman application graph, used to hold vertices which need to be # split to core sizes "_application_graph", # the pacman machine graph, used to hold vertices which represent cores "_machine_graph", # the mapping interface between application and machine graphs. "_graph_mapper", # The holder for where machine graph vertices are placed. "_placements", # The holder for the routing table entries for all used routers in this # simulation "_router_tables", # the holder for the keys used by the machine vertices for # communication "_routing_infos", # The holder for the ip and reverse iptags used by the simulation "_tags", # The python representation of the SpiNNaker machine that this # simulation is going to run on "_machine", # The SpiNNMan interface instance. "_txrx", # The manager of streaming buffered data in and out of the SpiNNaker # machine "_buffer_manager", # "_ip_address", # "_machine_outputs", # "_mapping_outputs", # "_load_outputs", # "_last_run_outputs", # "_pacman_provenance", # "_xml_paths", # "_extra_mapping_algorithms", # "_extra_mapping_inputs", # "_extra_pre_run_algorithms", # "_extra_post_run_algorithms", # "_extra_load_algorithms", # "_dsg_algorithm", # "_none_labelled_vertex_count", # "_none_labelled_edge_count", # "_database_socket_addresses", # "_database_interface", # "_create_database", # "_database_file_path", # "_has_ran", # "_state", # "_has_reset_last", # "_current_run_timesteps", # "_no_sync_changes", # "_minimum_step_generated", # "_no_machine_time_steps", # "_machine_time_step", # "_time_scale_factor", # "_app_id", # "_report_default_directory", # If not None path to append pacman exutor provenance info to "_pacman_executor_provenance_path", # "_app_data_runtime_folder", # "_json_folder", # "_provenance_file_path", # "_do_timings", # "_print_timings", # "_provenance_format", # "_exec_dse_on_host", # "_use_virtual_board", # "_raise_keyboard_interrupt", # "_n_calls_to_run", # "_this_run_time_string", # "_report_simulation_top_directory", # "_app_data_top_simulation_folder", # "_command_sender", # Run for infinite time "_infinite_run", # iobuf cores "_cores_to_read_iobuf", # "_all_provenance_items", # "_executable_start_type", # mapping between parameters and the vertices which need to talk to # them "_live_packet_recorder_params", # place holder for checking the vertices being added to the recorders # tracker are all of the same vertex type. "_live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type", # the time the process takes to do mapping "_mapping_time", # the time the process takes to do load "_load_time", # the time takes to execute the simulation "_execute_time", # time takes to do data generation "_dsg_time", # time taken by the front end extracting things "_extraction_time", # power save mode. Only True if power saver has turned off board "_machine_is_turned_off", # Version information from the front end "_front_end_versions" ] def __init__( self, configfile, executable_finder, graph_label=None, database_socket_addresses=None, extra_algorithm_xml_paths=None, n_chips_required=None, default_config_paths=None, validation_cfg=None, front_end_versions=None): # global params if default_config_paths is None: default_config_paths = [] default_config_paths.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), CONFIG_FILE)) self._load_config(filename=configfile, defaults=default_config_paths, validation_cfg=validation_cfg) # timings self._mapping_time = 0.0 self._load_time = 0.0 self._execute_time = 0.0 self._dsg_time = 0.0 self._extraction_time = 0.0 self._executable_finder = executable_finder # output locations of binaries to be searched for end user info "Will search these locations for binaries: {}" .format(self._executable_finder.binary_paths)) self._n_chips_required = n_chips_required self._hostname = None self._spalloc_server = None self._remote_spinnaker_url = None self._machine_allocation_controller = None # command sender vertex self._command_sender = None # store for Live Packet Gatherers self._live_packet_recorder_params = defaultdict(list) self._live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type = None # update graph label if needed if graph_label is None: self._graph_label = "Application_graph" else: self._graph_label = graph_label # pacman objects self._application_graph = ApplicationGraph(label=self._graph_label) self._machine_graph = MachineGraph(label=self._graph_label) self._graph_mapper = None self._placements = None self._router_tables = None self._routing_infos = None self._tags = None self._machine = None self._txrx = None self._buffer_manager = None self._ip_address = None self._executable_start_type = None # pacman executor objects self._machine_outputs = None self._mapping_outputs = None self._load_outputs = None self._last_run_outputs = None self._pacman_provenance = PacmanProvenanceExtractor() self._all_provenance_items = list() self._xml_paths = self._create_xml_paths(extra_algorithm_xml_paths) # extra algorithms and inputs for runs, should disappear in future # releases self._extra_mapping_algorithms = list() self._extra_mapping_inputs = dict() self._extra_pre_run_algorithms = list() self._extra_post_run_algorithms = list() self._extra_load_algorithms = list() self._dsg_algorithm = "GraphDataSpecificationWriter" # vertex label safety (used by reports mainly) self._none_labelled_vertex_count = 0 self._none_labelled_edge_count = 0 # database objects self._database_socket_addresses = set() if database_socket_addresses is not None: self._database_socket_addresses.update(database_socket_addresses) self._database_interface = None self._create_database = None self._database_file_path = None # holder for timing related values self._has_ran = False self._state = Simulator_State.INIT self._has_reset_last = False self._n_calls_to_run = 1 self._current_run_timesteps = 0 self._no_sync_changes = 0 self._minimum_step_generated = None self._no_machine_time_steps = None self._machine_time_step = None self._time_scale_factor = None self._this_run_time_string = None self._infinite_run = False self._app_id = helpful_functions.read_config_int( self._config, "Machine", "app_id") # folders self._report_default_directory = None self._report_simulation_top_directory = None self._app_data_runtime_folder = None self._app_data_top_simulation_folder = None self._pacman_executor_provenance_path = None self._set_up_output_folders() self._json_folder = os.path.join( self._report_default_directory, "json_files") if not os.path.exists(self._json_folder): os.makedirs(self._json_folder) # make a folder for the provenance data storage self._provenance_file_path = os.path.join( self._report_default_directory, "provenance_data") if not os.path.exists(self._provenance_file_path): os.makedirs(self._provenance_file_path) # timing provenance elements self._do_timings = self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_algorithm_timings") self._print_timings = self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "display_algorithm_timings") self._provenance_format = self._config.get( "Reports", "provenance_format") if self._provenance_format not in ["xml", "json"]: raise Exception("Unknown provenance format: {}".format( self._provenance_format)) self._exec_dse_on_host = self._config.getboolean( "SpecExecution", "spec_exec_on_host") # set up machine targeted data self._use_virtual_board = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "virtual_board") # Setup for signal handling self._raise_keyboard_interrupt = False # By default board is kept on once started later self._machine_is_turned_off = False globals_variables.set_simulator(self) # Front End version information self._front_end_versions = front_end_versions
[docs] def update_extra_mapping_inputs(self, extra_mapping_inputs): if self.has_ran: msg = "Changing mapping inputs is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if extra_mapping_inputs is not None: self._extra_mapping_inputs.update(extra_mapping_inputs)
[docs] def extend_extra_mapping_algorithms(self, extra_mapping_algorithms): if self.has_ran: msg = "Changing algorithms is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if extra_mapping_algorithms is not None: self._extra_mapping_algorithms.extend(extra_mapping_algorithms)
[docs] def prepend_extra_pre_run_algorithms(self, extra_pre_run_algorithms): if self.has_ran: msg = "Changing algorithms is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if extra_pre_run_algorithms is not None: self._extra_pre_run_algorithms[0:0] = extra_pre_run_algorithms
[docs] def extend_extra_post_run_algorithms(self, extra_post_run_algorithms): if self.has_ran: msg = "Changing algorithms is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if extra_post_run_algorithms is not None: self._extra_post_run_algorithms.extend(extra_post_run_algorithms)
[docs] def extend_extra_load_algorithms(self, extra_load_algorithms): if self.has_ran: msg = "Changing algorithms is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if extra_load_algorithms is not None: self._extra_load_algorithms.extend(extra_load_algorithms)
[docs] def set_n_chips_required(self, n_chips_required): if self.has_ran: msg = "Setting n_chips_required is not supported after run" raise ConfigurationException(msg) self._n_chips_required = n_chips_required
[docs] def add_extraction_timing(self, timing): ms = helpful_functions.convert_time_diff_to_total_milliseconds(timing) self._extraction_time += ms
[docs] def add_live_packet_gatherer_parameters( self, live_packet_gatherer_params, vertex_to_record_from): """ adds params for a new LPG if needed, or adds to the tracker for\ same params. :param live_packet_gatherer_params: params to look for a LPG :param vertex_to_record_from: the vertex that needs to send to a\ given LPG :rtype: None """ self._live_packet_recorder_params[live_packet_gatherer_params].append( vertex_to_record_from) # verify that the vertices being added are of one vertex type. if self._live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type is None: if isinstance(vertex_to_record_from, ApplicationVertex): self._live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type = \ ApplicationVertex else: self._live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type = \ MachineVertex else: if not isinstance( vertex_to_record_from, self._live_packet_recorders_associated_vertex_type): raise ConfigurationException( "Only one type of graph can be used during live output. " "Please fix and try again")
def _load_config(self, filename, defaults, validation_cfg): self._config = conf_loader.load_config(filename=filename, defaults=defaults, validation_cfg=validation_cfg) def _adjust_config(self, runtime): """ Adjust and checks config based on runtime and mode :param runtime: :type runtime: int or bool :raises ConfigurationException """ if self._config.get("Mode", "mode") == "Debug": for option in self._config.options("Reports"): # options names are all lower without _ inside config if (option in ["reportsenabled", "displayalgorithmtimings", "clear_iobuf_during_run", "extract_iobuf", "extract_iobuf_during_run"] or option[:5] == "write"): try: if not self._config.get_bool("Reports", option): self._config.set("Reports", option, "True")"As mode == \"Debug\" [Reports] {} " "has been set to True".format(option)) except ValueError: pass if runtime is None: if self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_energy_report") is True: self._config.set("Reports", "write_energy_report", "False")"[Reports]write_energy_report has been set to " "False as runtime is set to forever") if self._config.get_bool( "EnergySavings", "turn_off_board_after_discovery") is True: self._config.set( "EnergySavings", "turn_off_board_after_discovery", "False")"[EnergySavings]turn_off_board_after_discovery has" " been set to False as runtime is set to forever") if self._use_virtual_board: if self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_energy_report") is True: self._config.set("Reports", "write_energy_report", "False")"[Reports]write_energy_report has been set to " "False as using virtual boards") if self._config.get_bool( "EnergySavings", "turn_off_board_after_discovery") is True: self._config.set( "EnergySavings", "turn_off_board_after_discovery", "False")"[EnergySavings]turn_off_board_after_discovery has" " been set to False as s using virtual boards") def _set_up_output_folders(self): """ Sets up the outgoing folders (reports and app data) by creating\ a new timestamp folder for each and clearing :rtype: None """ # set up reports default folder (self._report_default_directory, self._report_simulation_top_directory, self._this_run_time_string) = \ helpful_functions.set_up_report_specifics( default_report_file_path=self._config.get( "Reports", "default_report_file_path"), max_reports_kept=self._config.getint( "Reports", "max_reports_kept"), n_calls_to_run=self._n_calls_to_run, this_run_time_string=self._this_run_time_string) # set up application report folder self._app_data_runtime_folder, self._app_data_top_simulation_folder = \ helpful_functions.set_up_output_application_data_specifics( max_application_binaries_kept=self._config.getint( "Reports", "max_application_binaries_kept"), where_to_write_application_data_files=self._config.get( "Reports", "default_application_data_file_path"), n_calls_to_run=self._n_calls_to_run, this_run_time_string=self._this_run_time_string) if self._read_config_boolean("Reports", "writePacmanExecutorProvenance"): self._pacman_executor_provenance_path = os.path.join( self._report_default_directory, "pacman_executor_provenance.rpt")
[docs] def set_up_timings(self, machine_time_step=None, time_scale_factor=None): """ Set up timings of the machine :param machine_time_step:\ An explicitly specified time step for the machine. If None,\ the value is read from the config :param time_scale_factor:\ An explicitly specified time scale factor for the simulation.\ If None, the value is read from the config """ # set up timings if machine_time_step is None: self._machine_time_step = \ self._config.getint("Machine", "machine_time_step") else: self._machine_time_step = machine_time_step if self._machine_time_step <= 0: raise ConfigurationException( "invalid machine_time_step {}: must greater than zero".format( self._machine_time_step)) if time_scale_factor is None: self._time_scale_factor = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "time_scale_factor") else: self._time_scale_factor = time_scale_factor
[docs] def set_up_machine_specifics(self, hostname): """ Adds machine specifics for the different modes of execution :param hostname: machine name :rtype: None """ if hostname is not None: self._hostname = hostname logger.warn("The machine name from setup call is overriding the " "machine name defined in the config file") else: self._hostname = self._read_config("Machine", "machine_name") self._spalloc_server = self._read_config( "Machine", "spalloc_server") self._remote_spinnaker_url = self._read_config( "Machine", "remote_spinnaker_url") if (self._hostname is None and self._spalloc_server is None and self._remote_spinnaker_url is None and not self._use_virtual_board): raise Exception( "A SpiNNaker machine must be specified your configuration" " file") n_items_specified = sum([ 1 if item is not None else 0 for item in [ self._hostname, self._spalloc_server, self._remote_spinnaker_url]]) if (n_items_specified > 1 or (n_items_specified == 1 and self._use_virtual_board)): raise Exception( "Only one of machineName, spalloc_server, " "remote_spinnaker_url and virtual_board should be specified " "in your configuration files") if self._spalloc_server is not None: if self._read_config("Machine", "spalloc_user") is None: raise Exception( "A spalloc_user must be specified with a spalloc_server")
[docs] def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): # @UnusedVariable """ handles closing down of script via keyboard interrupt :param signal: the signal received :param frame: frame executed in :return: None """ # If we are to raise the keyboard interrupt, do so if self._raise_keyboard_interrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt logger.error("User has cancelled simulation") self._shutdown()
[docs] def exception_handler(self, exctype, value, traceback_obj): """ handler of exceptions :param exctype: the type of execution received :param value: the value of the exception :param traceback_obj: the trace back stuff """ self._shutdown() return sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, traceback_obj)
[docs] def verify_not_running(self): if self._state in [Simulator_State.IN_RUN, Simulator_State.RUN_FOREVER]: msg = "Illegal call while a simulation is already running" raise ConfigurationException(msg) if self._state in [Simulator_State.SHUTDOWN]: msg = "Illegal call after simulation is shutdown" raise ConfigurationException(msg)
[docs] def run_until_complete(self): """ Run a simulation until it completes """ self._run(None, run_until_complete=True)
[docs] def run(self, run_time): """ Run a simulation for a fixed amount of time :param run_time: the run duration in milliseconds. """ self._run(run_time)
def _run(self, run_time, run_until_complete=False): """ The main internal run function :param run_time: the run duration in milliseconds. """ self.verify_not_running() if (self._has_ran and self._executable_start_type not in [ ExecutableStartType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE, ExecutableStartType.NO_APPLICATION]): raise NotImplementedError( "Only binaries that use the simulation interface can be run" " more than once") self._state = Simulator_State.IN_RUN self._adjust_config(run_time) # Install the Control-C handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) self._raise_keyboard_interrupt = True sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__"Starting execution process") n_machine_time_steps = None total_run_time = None self._infinite_run = True if run_time is not None: n_machine_time_steps = int( (run_time * 1000.0) / self._machine_time_step) total_run_timesteps = ( self._current_run_timesteps + n_machine_time_steps) total_run_time = ( total_run_timesteps * (float(self._machine_time_step) / 1000.0) * self._time_scale_factor) self._infinite_run = False if self._machine_allocation_controller is not None: self._machine_allocation_controller.extend_allocation( total_run_time) # If we have never run before, or the graph has changed, # start by performing mapping application_graph_changed = self._detect_if_graph_has_changed(True) # create new sub-folder for reporting data if the graph has changed and # reset has been called. if (self._has_ran and application_graph_changed and self._has_reset_last): self._set_up_output_folders() # verify that the if graph has changed, and has ran, that a reset has # been called, otherwise system go boom boom if not self._has_ran or application_graph_changed: if (application_graph_changed and self._has_ran and not self._has_reset_last): self.stop() raise NotImplementedError( "The network cannot be changed between runs without" " resetting") if not self._has_ran: self._add_dependent_verts_and_edges_for_application_graph() self._add_commands_to_command_sender() # Reset the machine graph if there is an application graph if self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0: self._machine_graph = MachineGraph(self._graph_label) self._graph_mapper = None # Reset the machine if the graph has changed if (self._has_ran and application_graph_changed and not self._use_virtual_board): # wipe out stuff associated with a given machine, as these need # to be rebuilt. self._machine = None if self._buffer_manager is not None: self._buffer_manager.stop() self._buffer_manager = None if self._txrx is not None: self._txrx.close() self._app_id = None if self._machine_allocation_controller is not None: self._machine_allocation_controller.close() if self._machine is None: self._get_machine(total_run_time, n_machine_time_steps) self._do_mapping(run_time, n_machine_time_steps, total_run_time) # Check if anything is recording and buffered is_buffered_recording = False for placement in self._placements.placements: vertex = placement.vertex if (isinstance(vertex, AbstractReceiveBuffersToHost) and isinstance(vertex, AbstractRecordable)): if vertex.is_recording(): is_buffered_recording = True break # Disable auto pause and resume if the binary can't do it if (self._executable_start_type != ExecutableStartType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE): self._config.set("Buffers", "use_auto_pause_and_resume", "False") # Work out an array of timesteps to perform if (not self._config.getboolean( "Buffers", "use_auto_pause_and_resume") or not is_buffered_recording): # Not currently possible to run the second time for more than the # first time without auto pause and resume if (is_buffered_recording and self._minimum_step_generated is not None and (self._minimum_step_generated < n_machine_time_steps or n_machine_time_steps is None)): self._state = Simulator_State.FINISHED raise ConfigurationException( "Second and subsequent run time must be less than or equal" " to the first run time") steps = [n_machine_time_steps] self._minimum_step_generated = steps[0] else: if run_time is None: self._state = Simulator_State.FINISHED raise Exception( "Cannot use automatic pause and resume with an infinite " "run time") # With auto pause and resume, any time step is possible but run # time more than the first will guarantee that run will be called # more than once if self._minimum_step_generated is not None: steps = self._generate_steps( n_machine_time_steps, self._minimum_step_generated) else: steps = self._deduce_number_of_iterations(n_machine_time_steps) self._minimum_step_generated = steps[0] # Keep track of if loading was done; if loading is done before run, # run doesn't need to rewrite data again loading_done = False # If we have never run before, or the graph has changed, or a reset # has been requested, load the data if (not self._has_ran or application_graph_changed or self._has_reset_last): # Data generation needs to be done if not already done if not self._has_ran or application_graph_changed: self._do_data_generation(steps[0]) # If we are using a virtual board, don't load if not self._use_virtual_board: self._do_load() loading_done = True # Run for each of the given steps"Running for {} steps for a total of {} ms".format( len(steps), run_time)) for i, step in enumerate(steps):"Run {} of {}".format(i + 1, len(steps))) self._do_run(step, loading_done, run_until_complete) # Indicate that the signal handler needs to act self._raise_keyboard_interrupt = False sys.excepthook = self.exception_handler # update counter for runs (used by reports and app data) self._n_calls_to_run += 1 if run_time is not None: self._state = Simulator_State.FINISHED else: self._state = Simulator_State.RUN_FOREVER def _add_commands_to_command_sender(self): for vertex in self._application_graph.vertices: if isinstance(vertex, AbstractSendMeMulticastCommandsVertex): # if there's no command sender yet, build one if self._command_sender is None: self._command_sender = CommandSender( "auto_added_command_sender", None) self.add_application_vertex(self._command_sender) # allow the command sender to create key to partition map self._command_sender.add_commands( vertex.start_resume_commands, vertex.pause_stop_commands, vertex.timed_commands, vertex) # add the edges from the command sender to the dependent vertices if self._command_sender is not None: edges, partition_ids = \ self._command_sender.edges_and_partitions() for edge, partition_id in zip(edges, partition_ids): self.add_application_edge(edge, partition_id) def _add_dependent_verts_and_edges_for_application_graph(self): for vertex in self._application_graph.vertices: # add any dependent edges and vertices if needed if isinstance(vertex, AbstractVertexWithEdgeToDependentVertices): for dependant_vertex in vertex.dependent_vertices(): self.add_application_vertex(dependant_vertex) edge_partition_identifiers = vertex.\ edge_partition_identifiers_for_dependent_vertex( dependant_vertex) for edge_identifier in edge_partition_identifiers: dependant_edge = ApplicationEdge( pre_vertex=vertex, post_vertex=dependant_vertex) self.add_application_edge( dependant_edge, edge_identifier) def _deduce_number_of_iterations(self, n_machine_time_steps): """ operates the auto pause and resume functionality by figuring out\ how many timer ticks a simulation can run before sdram runs out,\ and breaks simulation into chunks of that long. :param n_machine_time_steps: the total timer ticks to be ran :return: list of timer steps. """ # Go through the placements and find how much SDRAM is available # on each chip sdram_tracker = dict() vertex_by_chip = defaultdict(list) # horrible hack. This needs to be fixed somehow provide_injectables( {"MachineTimeStep": self._machine_time_step, "TotalMachineTimeSteps": n_machine_time_steps, "TimeScaleFactor": self._time_scale_factor}) for placement in self._placements.placements: vertex = placement.vertex if isinstance(vertex, AbstractReceiveBuffersToHost): resources = vertex.resources_required if (placement.x, placement.y) not in sdram_tracker: sdram_tracker[placement.x, placement.y] = \ self._machine.get_chip_at( placement.x, placement.y).sdram.size sdram = ( resources.sdram.get_value() - vertex.get_minimum_buffer_sdram_usage()) sdram_tracker[placement.x, placement.y] -= sdram vertex_by_chip[placement.x, placement.y].append(vertex) # Go through the chips and divide up the remaining SDRAM, finding # the minimum number of machine timesteps to assign min_time_steps = None for x, y in vertex_by_chip: vertices_on_chip = vertex_by_chip[x, y] sdram = sdram_tracker[x, y] sdram_per_vertex = int(sdram / len(vertices_on_chip)) for vertex in vertices_on_chip: n_time_steps = vertex.get_n_timesteps_in_buffer_space( sdram_per_vertex, self._machine_time_step) if min_time_steps is None or n_time_steps < min_time_steps: min_time_steps = n_time_steps # clear injectable clear_injectables() if min_time_steps is None: return [n_machine_time_steps] else: return self._generate_steps(n_machine_time_steps, min_time_steps) @staticmethod def _generate_steps(n_machine_time_steps, min_machine_time_steps): """ generates the list of timer runs :param n_machine_time_steps: the total runtime in machine time steps :param min_machine_time_steps: the min allowed per chunk :return: list of time steps """ number_of_full_iterations = int(math.floor( n_machine_time_steps / min_machine_time_steps)) left_over_time_steps = int( n_machine_time_steps - (number_of_full_iterations * min_machine_time_steps)) steps = [int(min_machine_time_steps)] * number_of_full_iterations if left_over_time_steps != 0: steps.append(int(left_over_time_steps)) return steps def _calculate_number_of_machine_time_steps(self, next_run_timesteps): total_run_timesteps = next_run_timesteps if next_run_timesteps is not None: total_run_timesteps += self._current_run_timesteps machine_time_steps = ( (total_run_timesteps * 1000.0) / self._machine_time_step) if machine_time_steps != int(machine_time_steps): logger.warn( "The runtime and machine time step combination result in " "a fractional number of machine time steps") self._no_machine_time_steps = int(math.ceil(machine_time_steps)) else: self._no_machine_time_steps = None for vertex in self._application_graph.vertices: if (isinstance(vertex, AbstractRecordable) and vertex.is_recording()): raise ConfigurationException( "recording a vertex when set to infinite runtime " "is not currently supported") for vertex in self._machine_graph.vertices: if (isinstance(vertex, AbstractRecordable) and vertex.is_recording()): raise ConfigurationException( "recording a vertex when set to infinite runtime " "is not currently supported") return total_run_timesteps def _run_algorithms( self, inputs, algorithms, outputs, provenance_name, optional_algorithms=None): """ runs getting a spinnaker machine logic :param inputs: the inputs :param algorithms: algorithms to call :param outputs: outputs to get :param optional_algorithms: optional algorithms to use :param provenance_name: the name for provenance :return: None """ optional = optional_algorithms if optional is None: optional = [] # Execute the algorithms executor = PACMANAlgorithmExecutor( algorithms=algorithms, optional_algorithms=optional, inputs=inputs, xml_paths=self._xml_paths, required_outputs=outputs, do_timings=self._do_timings, print_timings=self._print_timings, provenance_name=provenance_name, provenance_path=self._pacman_executor_provenance_path) try: executor.execute_mapping() self._pacman_provenance.extract_provenance(executor) return executor except Exception: self._txrx = executor.get_item("MemoryTransceiver") self._machine_allocation_controller = executor.get_item( "MachineAllocationController") ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info() try: self._shutdown() helpful_functions.write_finished_file( self._app_data_top_simulation_folder, self._report_simulation_top_directory) except: logger.warn("problem when shutting down", exc_info=True) raise ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback def _get_machine(self, total_run_time=0.0, n_machine_time_steps=None): if self._machine is not None: return self._machine inputs = dict() algorithms = list() outputs = list() # Add the version information to the provenance data at the start version_provenance = list() version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "spinn_utilities_version"], spinn_utils_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "spinn_machine_version"], spinn_machine_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "spinn_storage_handlers_version"], spinn_storage_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "spalloc_version"], spalloc_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "spinnman_version"], spinnman_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "pacman_version"], pacman_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "data_specification_version"], data_spec_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "front_end_common_version"], fec_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "numpy_version"], numpy_version)) version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( ["version_data", "scipy_version"], scipy_version)) if self._front_end_versions is not None: for name, value in self._front_end_versions: version_provenance.append(ProvenanceDataItem( names=["version_data", name], value=value)) inputs["ProvenanceItems"] = version_provenance # add algorithms for handling LPG placement and edge insertion if len(self._live_packet_recorder_params) != 0: algorithms.append("PreAllocateResourcesForLivePacketGatherers") inputs['LivePacketRecorderParameters'] = \ self._live_packet_recorder_params if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reportsEnabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_energy_report")): algorithms.append("PreAllocateResourcesForChipPowerMonitor") inputs['MemorySamplingFrequency'] = self._config.getfloat( "EnergyMonitor", "sampling_frequency") inputs['MemoryNumberSamplesPerRecordingEntry'] = \ self._config.getfloat( "EnergyMonitor", "n_samples_per_recording_entry") # add the application and machine graphs as needed if self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0: inputs["MemoryApplicationGraph"] = self._application_graph elif self._machine_graph.n_vertices > 0: inputs["MemoryMachineGraph"] = self._machine_graph # add reinjection flag inputs["EnableReinjectionFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "enable_reinjection") # add max sdram size which we're going to allow (debug purposes) inputs["MaxSDRAMSize"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "max_sdram_allowed_per_chip") # Set the total run time inputs["TotalRunTime"] = total_run_time inputs["TotalMachineTimeSteps"] = n_machine_time_steps inputs["MachineTimeStep"] = self._machine_time_step inputs["TimeScaleFactor"] = self._time_scale_factor # If we are using a directly connected machine, add the details to get # the machine and transceiver if self._hostname is not None: self._handle_machine_common_config(inputs) inputs["IPAddress"] = self._hostname inputs["BMPDetails"] = self._read_config("Machine", "bmp_names") inputs["AutoDetectBMPFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "auto_detect_bmp") inputs["ScampConnectionData"] = self._read_config( "Machine", "scamp_connections_data") inputs["MaxCoreId"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "core_limit") algorithms.append("MachineGenerator") algorithms.append("MallocBasedChipIDAllocator") outputs.append("MemoryExtendedMachine") outputs.append("MemoryTransceiver") executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "machine_generation") self._machine = executor.get_item("MemoryExtendedMachine") self._txrx = executor.get_item("MemoryTransceiver") self._machine_outputs = executor.get_items() if self._use_virtual_board: self._handle_machine_common_config(inputs) inputs["IPAddress"] = "virtual" inputs["NumberOfBoards"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "number_of_boards") inputs["MachineWidth"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "width") inputs["MachineHeight"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "height") inputs["MachineHasWrapAroundsFlag"] = self._read_config_boolean( "Machine", "requires_wrap_arounds") inputs["BMPDetails"] = None inputs["AutoDetectBMPFlag"] = False inputs["ScampConnectionData"] = None if self._config.getboolean("Machine", "enable_reinjection"): inputs["CPUsPerVirtualChip"] = 15 else: inputs["CPUsPerVirtualChip"] = 16 algorithms.append("VirtualMachineGenerator") algorithms.append("MallocBasedChipIDAllocator") outputs.append("MemoryExtendedMachine") executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "machine_generation") self._machine_outputs = executor.get_items() self._machine = executor.get_item("MemoryExtendedMachine") if (self._spalloc_server is not None or self._remote_spinnaker_url is not None): need_virtual_board = False # if using spalloc system if self._spalloc_server is not None: inputs["SpallocServer"] = self._spalloc_server inputs["SpallocPort"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "spalloc_port") inputs["SpallocUser"] = self._read_config( "Machine", "spalloc_user") inputs["SpallocMachine"] = self._read_config( "Machine", "spalloc_machine") if self._n_chips_required is None: algorithms.append("SpallocMaxMachineGenerator") need_virtual_board = True # if using HBP server system if self._remote_spinnaker_url is not None: inputs["RemoteSpinnakerUrl"] = self._remote_spinnaker_url if self._n_chips_required is None: algorithms.append("HBPMaxMachineGenerator") need_virtual_board = True if (self._application_graph.n_vertices == 0 and self._machine_graph.n_vertices == 0 and need_virtual_board): if self._config.getboolean( "Mode", "violate_no_vertex_in_graphs_restriction"): logger.warn( "you graph has no vertices in it, but you have " "requested that we still execute.") else: raise ConfigurationException( "A allocated machine has been requested but there are " "no vertices to work out the size of the machine " "required and n_chips_required has not been set") if self._config.getboolean("Machine", "enable_reinjection"): inputs["CPUsPerVirtualChip"] = 15 else: inputs["CPUsPerVirtualChip"] = 16 do_partitioning = False if need_virtual_board: algorithms.append("VirtualMachineGenerator") algorithms.append("MallocBasedChipIDAllocator") # If we are using an allocation server, and we need a virtual # board, we need to use the virtual board to get the number of # chips to be allocated either by partitioning, or by measuring # the graph # if the end user has requested violating the no vertex check, # add the app graph and let the rest work out. if (self._application_graph.n_vertices != 0 or ( self._config.getboolean( "Mode", "violate_no_vertex_in_graphs_restriction") and self._machine_graph.n_vertices == 0)): inputs["MemoryApplicationGraph"] = self._application_graph algorithms.extend(self._config.get( "Mapping", "application_to_machine_graph_algorithms").split(",")) outputs.append("MemoryMachineGraph") outputs.append("MemoryGraphMapper") do_partitioning = True # only add machine graph is it has vertices. as the check for # no vertices in both graphs is checked above. elif self._machine_graph.n_vertices != 0: inputs["MemoryMachineGraph"] = self._machine_graph algorithms.append("GraphMeasurer") else: # If we are using an allocation server but have been told how # many chips to use, just use that as an input inputs["NChipsRequired"] = self._n_chips_required if self._spalloc_server is not None: algorithms.append("SpallocAllocator") elif self._remote_spinnaker_url is not None: algorithms.append("HBPAllocator") algorithms.append("MachineGenerator") algorithms.append("MallocBasedChipIDAllocator") outputs.append("MemoryExtendedMachine") outputs.append("IPAddress") outputs.append("MemoryTransceiver") outputs.append("MachineAllocationController") executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "machine_generation") self._machine_outputs = executor.get_items() self._machine = executor.get_item("MemoryExtendedMachine") self._ip_address = executor.get_item("IPAddress") self._txrx = executor.get_item("MemoryTransceiver") self._machine_allocation_controller = executor.get_item( "MachineAllocationController") if do_partitioning: self._machine_graph = executor.get_item( "MemoryMachineGraph") self._graph_mapper = executor.get_item( "MemoryGraphMapper") if self._txrx is not None and self._app_id is None: self._app_id = self._txrx.app_id_tracker.get_new_id() self._turn_off_on_board_to_save_power("turn_off_board_after_discovery") return self._machine def _handle_machine_common_config(self, inputs): """ adds common parts of the machine configuration :param inputs: the input dict :rtype: None """ down_chips, down_cores, down_links = \ helpful_functions.sort_out_downed_chips_cores_links( self._config.get("Machine", "down_chips"), self._config.get("Machine", "down_cores"), self._config.get("Machine", "down_links")) inputs["DownedChipsDetails"] = down_chips inputs["DownedCoresDetails"] = down_cores inputs["DownedLinksDetails"] = down_links inputs["BoardVersion"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "version") inputs["ResetMachineOnStartupFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "reset_machine_on_startup") inputs["BootPortNum"] = self._read_config_int( "Machine", "boot_connection_port_num")
[docs] def generate_file_machine(self): inputs = { "MemoryExtendedMachine": self.machine, "FileMachineFilePath": os.path.join( self._json_folder, "machine.json") } outputs = ["FileMachine"] executor = PACMANAlgorithmExecutor( algorithms=[], optional_algorithms=[], inputs=inputs, xml_paths=self._xml_paths, required_outputs=outputs, do_timings=self._do_timings, print_timings=self._print_timings, provenance_path=self._pacman_executor_provenance_path) executor.execute_mapping()
def _do_mapping(self, run_time, n_machine_time_steps, total_run_time): # time the time it takes to do all pacman stuff mapping_total_timer = Timer() mapping_total_timer.start_timing() # update inputs with extra mapping inputs if required inputs = dict(self._machine_outputs) if self._extra_mapping_inputs is not None: inputs.update(self._extra_mapping_inputs) inputs["RunTime"] = run_time inputs["TotalRunTime"] = total_run_time inputs["TotalMachineTimeSteps"] = n_machine_time_steps inputs["PostSimulationOverrunBeforeError"] = self._config.getint( "Machine", "post_simulation_overrun_before_error") # handle graph additions if (self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0 and self._graph_mapper is None): inputs["MemoryApplicationGraph"] = self._application_graph elif self._machine_graph.n_vertices > 0: inputs['MemoryMachineGraph'] = self._machine_graph if self._graph_mapper is not None: inputs["MemoryGraphMapper"] = self._graph_mapper elif self._config.getboolean( "Mode", "violate_no_vertex_in_graphs_restriction"): logger.warn( "you graph has no vertices in it, but you have requested that" " we still execute.") inputs["MemoryApplicationGraph"] = self._application_graph inputs["MemoryGraphMapper"] = GraphMapper() inputs['MemoryMachineGraph'] = self._machine_graph else: raise ConfigurationException( "There needs to be a graph which contains at least one vertex" " for the tool chain to map anything.") inputs['ReportFolder'] = self._report_default_directory inputs["ApplicationDataFolder"] = self._app_data_runtime_folder inputs["ProvenanceFilePath"] = self._provenance_file_path inputs["APPID"] = self._app_id inputs["ExecDSEOnHostFlag"] = self._exec_dse_on_host inputs["TimeScaleFactor"] = self._time_scale_factor inputs["MachineTimeStep"] = self._machine_time_step inputs["DatabaseSocketAddresses"] = self._database_socket_addresses inputs["DatabaseWaitOnConfirmationFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Database", "wait_on_confirmation") inputs["WriteCheckerFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Mode", "verify_writes") inputs["WriteTextSpecsFlag"] = self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_text_specs") inputs["ExecutableFinder"] = self._executable_finder inputs["UserCreateDatabaseFlag"] = self._config.get( "Database", "create_database") inputs["SendStartNotifications"] = self._config.getboolean( "Database", "send_start_notification") inputs["SendStopNotifications"] = self._config.getboolean( "Database", "send_stop_notification") # add paths for each file based version inputs["FileCoreAllocationsFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "core_allocations.json") inputs["FileSDRAMAllocationsFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "sdram_allocations.json") inputs["FileMachineFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "machine.json") inputs["FileMachineGraphFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "machine_graph.json") inputs["FilePlacementFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "placements.json") inputs["FileRoutingPathsFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "routing_paths.json") inputs["FileConstraintsFilePath"] = os.path.join( self._json_folder, "constraints.json") algorithms = list() if len(self._live_packet_recorder_params) != 0: algorithms.append( "InsertLivePacketGatherersToGraphs") algorithms.append("InsertEdgesToLivePacketGatherers") inputs['LivePacketRecorderParameters'] = \ self._live_packet_recorder_params if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reportsEnabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_energy_report")): algorithms.append( "InsertChipPowerMonitorsToGraphs") inputs['MemorySamplingFrequency'] = self._config.getfloat( "EnergyMonitor", "sampling_frequency") inputs['MemoryNumberSamplesPerRecordingEntry'] = \ self._config.getfloat( "EnergyMonitor", "n_samples_per_recording_entry") # handle extra mapping algorithms if required if self._extra_mapping_algorithms is not None: algorithms.extend(self._extra_mapping_algorithms) optional_algorithms = list() # Add reports if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled"): if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_tag_allocation_reports"): algorithms.append("TagReport") if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_router_info_report"): algorithms.append("routingInfoReports") if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_router_reports"): algorithms.append("RouterReports") if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_routing_table_reports"): optional_algorithms.append("unCompressedRoutingTableReports") optional_algorithms.append("compressedRoutingTableReports") optional_algorithms.append("comparisonOfRoutingTablesReport") if self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_routing_tables_from_machine_report"): optional_algorithms.append( "RoutingTableFromMachineReport") # only add partitioner report if using an application graph if (self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_partitioner_reports") and self._application_graph.n_vertices != 0): algorithms.append("PartitionerReport") # only add write placer report with application graph when # there's application vertices if (self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_application_graph_placer_report") and self._application_graph.n_vertices != 0): algorithms.append("PlacerReportWithApplicationGraph") if self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_machine_graph_placer_report"): algorithms.append("PlacerReportWithoutApplicationGraph") # only add network specification report if there's # application vertices. if (self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_network_specification_report")): algorithms.append("NetworkSpecificationReport") # only add the partitioner if there isn't already a machine graph if (self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0 and self._machine_graph.n_vertices == 0): full = self._config.get( "Mapping", "application_to_machine_graph_algorithms") individual = full.replace(" ", "").split(",") algorithms.extend(individual) inputs['MemoryPreviousAllocatedResources'] = \ PreAllocatedResourceContainer() if self._use_virtual_board: full = self._config.get( "Mapping", "machine_graph_to_virtual_machine_algorithms") individual = full.replace(" ", "").split(",") algorithms.extend(individual) else: full = self._config.get( "Mapping", "machine_graph_to_machine_algorithms") individual = full.replace(" ", "").split(",") algorithms.extend(individual) # add check for algorithm start type algorithms.append("LocateExecutableStartType") # handle outputs outputs = [ "MemoryPlacements", "MemoryRoutingTables", "MemoryTags", "MemoryRoutingInfos", "MemoryMachineGraph", "ExecutableStartType" ] if self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0: outputs.append("MemoryGraphMapper") # Create a buffer manager if there isn't one already if not self._use_virtual_board: if self._buffer_manager is None: inputs["StoreBufferDataInFile"] = self._config.getboolean( "Buffers", "store_buffer_data_in_file") algorithms.append("BufferManagerCreator") outputs.append("BufferManager") else: inputs["BufferManager"] = self._buffer_manager outputs.append("ExecutableStartType") # Execute the mapping algorithms executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "mapping", optional_algorithms) # get result objects from the pacman executor self._mapping_outputs = executor.get_items() # Get the outputs needed self._placements = executor.get_item("MemoryPlacements") self._router_tables = executor.get_item("MemoryRoutingTables") self._tags = executor.get_item("MemoryTags") self._routing_infos = executor.get_item("MemoryRoutingInfos") self._graph_mapper = executor.get_item("MemoryGraphMapper") self._machine_graph = executor.get_item("MemoryMachineGraph") self._executable_start_type = executor.get_item("ExecutableStartType") if not self._use_virtual_board: self._buffer_manager = executor.get_item("BufferManager") else: # Fill in IP Tag ports (virtual so won't actually be used) for tag in self._tags.ip_tags: if tag.port is None: tag.port = 65534 for tag in self._tags.reverse_ip_tags: if tag.port is None: tag.port = 64434 self._mapping_time += \ helpful_functions.convert_time_diff_to_total_milliseconds( mapping_total_timer.take_sample()) def _do_data_generation(self, n_machine_time_steps): # set up timing data_gen_timer = Timer() data_gen_timer.start_timing() # The initial inputs are the mapping outputs inputs = dict(self._mapping_outputs) inputs["TotalMachineTimeSteps"] = n_machine_time_steps inputs["FirstMachineTimeStep"] = self._current_run_timesteps inputs["RunTimeMachineTimeSteps"] = n_machine_time_steps # Run the data generation algorithms outputs = [] algorithms = [self._dsg_algorithm] if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_provenance_data")): algorithms.append("GraphProvenanceGatherer") executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "data_generation") self._mapping_outputs = executor.get_items() self._dsg_time += \ helpful_functions.convert_time_diff_to_total_milliseconds( data_gen_timer.take_sample()) def _do_load(self): # set up timing load_timer = Timer() load_timer.start_timing() self._turn_on_board_if_saving_power() # The initial inputs are the mapping outputs inputs = dict(self._mapping_outputs) inputs["WriteMemoryMapReportFlag"] = ( self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_memory_map_report") ) algorithms = list() # add report for extracting routing table from machine report if needed # Add algorithm to clear routing tables and set up routing if not self._use_virtual_board: algorithms.append("RoutingSetup") # Get the executable targets algorithms.append("GraphBinaryGatherer") if helpful_functions.read_config( self._config, "Mapping", "loading_algorithms") is not None: algorithms.extend( self._config.get("Mapping", "loading_algorithms").split(",")) algorithms.extend(self._extra_load_algorithms) # add optional algorithms optional_algorithms = list() optional_algorithms.append("RoutingTableLoader") optional_algorithms.append("TagsLoader") if self._exec_dse_on_host: optional_algorithms.append("HostExecuteDataSpecification") if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_memory_map_report"): optional_algorithms.append("MemoryMapOnHostReport") optional_algorithms.append("MemoryMapOnHostChipReport") else: optional_algorithms.append("MachineExecuteDataSpecification") if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_memory_map_report"): optional_algorithms.append("MemoryMapOnChipReport") # Reload any parameters over the loaded data if we have already # run and not using a virtual board if self._has_ran and not self._use_virtual_board: optional_algorithms.append("DSGRegionReloader") # Get the executable targets optional_algorithms.append("GraphBinaryGatherer") # algorithms needed for loading the binaries to the SpiNNaker machine optional_algorithms.append("LoadExecutableImages") # expected outputs from this phase outputs = [ "LoadedReverseIPTagsToken", "LoadedIPTagsToken", "LoadedRoutingTablesToken", "LoadBinariesToken", "LoadedApplicationDataToken" ] executor = self._run_algorithms( inputs, algorithms, outputs, "loading", optional_algorithms) self._load_outputs = executor.get_items() self._load_time += \ helpful_functions.convert_time_diff_to_total_milliseconds( load_timer.take_sample()) def _do_run(self, n_machine_time_steps, loading_done, run_until_complete): # start timer run_timer = Timer() run_timer.start_timing() # calculate number of machine time steps total_run_timesteps = self._calculate_number_of_machine_time_steps( n_machine_time_steps) run_time = None if n_machine_time_steps is not None: run_time = ( n_machine_time_steps * (float(self._machine_time_step) / 1000.0) ) # if running again, load the outputs from last load or last mapping if self._load_outputs is not None: inputs = dict(self._load_outputs) else: inputs = dict(self._mapping_outputs) inputs["RanToken"] = self._has_ran inputs["NoSyncChanges"] = self._no_sync_changes inputs["RunTimeMachineTimeSteps"] = n_machine_time_steps inputs["TotalMachineTimeSteps"] = total_run_timesteps inputs["RunTime"] = run_time inputs["FirstMachineTimeStep"] = self._current_run_timesteps if run_until_complete: inputs["RunUntilCompleteFlag"] = True if not self._use_virtual_board: inputs["CoresToExtractIOBufFrom"] = \ helpful_functions.translate_iobuf_extraction_elements( self._config.get( "Reports", "extract_iobuf_from_cores"), self._config.get( "Reports", "extract_iobuf_from_binary_types"), self._load_outputs["ExecutableTargets"], self._executable_finder) # update algorithm list with extra pre algorithms if needed if self._extra_pre_run_algorithms is not None: algorithms = list(self._extra_pre_run_algorithms) else: algorithms = list() # If we have run before, make sure to extract the data before the next # run if (self._has_ran and not self._has_reset_last and not self._use_virtual_board): algorithms.append("BufferExtractor") # check if we need to clear the iobuf during runs if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "clear_iobuf_during_run"): algorithms.append("ChipIOBufClearer") # Reload any parameters over the loaded data if we have already # run and not using a virtual board and the data hasn't already # been regenerated during a load if (self._has_ran and not self._use_virtual_board and not loading_done): algorithms.append("DSGRegionReloader") # Update the run time if not using a virtual board if (not self._use_virtual_board and self._executable_start_type == ExecutableStartType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE): algorithms.append("ChipRuntimeUpdater") # Add the database writer in case it is needed algorithms.append("DatabaseInterface") if not self._use_virtual_board: algorithms.append("NotificationProtocol") # Sort out reload if needed if self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_reload_steps"): logger.warn("Reload script is not supported in this version") outputs = [ "NoSyncChanges" ] if self._use_virtual_board: logger.warn( "Application will not actually be run as on a virtual board") elif self._executable_start_type == \ ExecutableStartType.NO_APPLICATION: logger.warn( "Application will not actually be run as there is nothing to " "actually run") else: algorithms.append("ApplicationRunner") # add any extra post algorithms as needed if self._extra_post_run_algorithms is not None: algorithms += self._extra_post_run_algorithms # add extractor of iobuf if needed if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "extract_iobuf") and self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "extract_iobuf_during_run") and not self._use_virtual_board and n_machine_time_steps is not None): algorithms.append("ChipIOBufExtractor") # add extractor of provenance if needed if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_provenance_data") and not self._use_virtual_board and n_machine_time_steps is not None): algorithms.append("PlacementsProvenanceGatherer") algorithms.append("RouterProvenanceGatherer") algorithms.append("ProfileDataGatherer") outputs.append("ProvenanceItems") run_complete = False executor = PACMANAlgorithmExecutor( algorithms=algorithms, optional_algorithms=[], inputs=inputs, xml_paths=self._xml_paths, required_outputs=outputs, do_timings=self._do_timings, print_timings=self._print_timings, provenance_path=self._pacman_executor_provenance_path, provenance_name="Execution") try: executor.execute_mapping() self._pacman_provenance.extract_provenance(executor) run_complete = True # write provenance to file if necessary if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled") and self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "write_provenance_data") and not self._use_virtual_board and n_machine_time_steps is not None): prov_items = executor.get_item("ProvenanceItems") prov_items.extend(self._pacman_provenance.data_items) self._pacman_provenance.clear() self._write_provenance(prov_items) self._all_provenance_items.append(prov_items) # move data around self._last_run_outputs = executor.get_items() self._current_run_timesteps = total_run_timesteps self._no_sync_changes = executor.get_item("NoSyncChanges") self._has_reset_last = False self._has_ran = True self._execute_time += \ helpful_functions.convert_time_diff_to_total_milliseconds( run_timer.take_sample()) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.error("User has aborted the simulation") self._shutdown() sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: e_inf = sys.exc_info() # If an exception occurs during a run, attempt to get # information out of the simulation before shutting down try: if executor is not None: # Only do this if the error occurred in the run if not run_complete and not self._use_virtual_board: self._recover_from_error( e, e_inf, executor.get_item("ExecutableTargets")) else: logger.error( "The PACMAN executor crashing during initialisation," " please read previous error message to locate its" " error") except Exception: logger.error("Error when attempting to recover from error", exc_info=True) # if in debug mode, do not shut down machine in_debug_mode = self._config.get("Mode", "mode") == "Debug" if not in_debug_mode: try: self.stop( turn_off_machine=False, clear_routing_tables=False, clear_tags=False) except Exception: logger.error("Error when attempting to stop", exc_info=True) # reraise exception ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = e_inf raise ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback def _write_provenance(self, provenance_data_items): """ Write provenance to disk """ writer = None if self._provenance_format == "xml": writer = ProvenanceXMLWriter() elif self._provenance_format == "json": writer = ProvenanceJSONWriter() writer(provenance_data_items, self._provenance_file_path) def _recover_from_error(self, exception, exc_info, executable_targets): # if exception has an exception, print to system logger.error("An error has occurred during simulation") # Print the detail including the traceback if isinstance(exception, PacmanAlgorithmFailedToCompleteException): logger.error(exception.exception, exc_info=exc_info) else: logger.error(exception, exc_info=exc_info)"\n\nAttempting to extract data\n\n") # Extract router provenance router_provenance = RouterProvenanceGatherer() prov_items = router_provenance( self._txrx, self._machine, self._router_tables, True) # Find the cores that are not in an expected state unsuccessful_cores = self._txrx.get_cores_not_in_state( executable_targets.all_core_subsets, {CPUState.RUNNING, CPUState.PAUSED, CPUState.FINISHED}) # If there are no cores in a bad state, find those not yet finished if len(unsuccessful_cores) == 0: unsuccessful_cores = self._txrx.get_cores_not_in_state( executable_targets.all_core_subsets, {CPUState.PAUSED, CPUState.FINISHED}) unsuccessful_core_subset = CoreSubsets() for (x, y, p), _ in unsuccessful_cores.iteritems(): unsuccessful_core_subset.add_processor(x, y, p) # Find the cores that are not in RTE i.e. that can still be read non_rte_cores = [ (x, y, p) for (x, y, p), core_info in unsuccessful_cores.iteritems() if (core_info.state != CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION and core_info.state != CPUState.WATCHDOG) ] # If there are any cores that are not in RTE, extract data from them if (len(non_rte_cores) > 0 and self._executable_start_type == ExecutableStartType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE): placements = Placements() non_rte_core_subsets = CoreSubsets() for (x, y, p) in non_rte_cores: vertex = self._placements.get_vertex_on_processor(x, y, p) placements.add_placement( self._placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex)) non_rte_core_subsets.add_processor(x, y, p) # Attempt to force the cores to write provenance and exit updater = ChipProvenanceUpdater() updater(self._txrx, self._app_id, non_rte_core_subsets) # Extract any written provenance data extracter = PlacementsProvenanceGatherer() extracter(self._txrx, placements, True, prov_items) # Finish getting the provenance prov_items.extend(self._pacman_provenance.data_items) self._pacman_provenance.clear() self._write_provenance(prov_items) self._all_provenance_items.append(prov_items) # Read IOBUF where possible (that should be everywhere) iobuf = ChipIOBufExtractor() errors, warnings = iobuf( self._txrx, True, unsuccessful_core_subset, self._provenance_file_path) # Print the details of error cores for (x, y, p), core_info in unsuccessful_cores.iteritems(): state = core_info.state if state == CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION: state = core_info.run_time_error logger.error("{}, {}, {}: {} {}".format( x, y, p,, core_info.application_name)) if core_info.state == CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION: logger.error( "r0=0x{:08X} r1=0x{:08X} r2=0x{:08X} r3=0x{:08X}".format( core_info.registers[0], core_info.registers[1], core_info.registers[2], core_info.registers[3])) logger.error( "r4=0x{:08X} r5=0x{:08X} r6=0x{:08X} r7=0x{:08X}".format( core_info.registers[4], core_info.registers[5], core_info.registers[6], core_info.registers[7])) logger.error("PSR=0x{:08X} SR=0x{:08X} LR=0x{:08X}".format( core_info.processor_state_register, core_info.stack_pointer, core_info.link_register)) # Print the IOBUFs self._print_iobuf(errors, warnings) @staticmethod def _print_iobuf(errors, warnings): for warning in warnings: logger.warn(warning) for error in errors: logger.error(error)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Code that puts the simulation back at time zero """"Resetting") if self._txrx is not None: # Stop the application self._txrx.stop_application(self._app_id) # rewind the buffers from the buffer manager, to start at the beginning # of the simulation again and clear buffered out if self._buffer_manager is not None: self._buffer_manager.reset() # reset the current count of how many milliseconds the application # has ran for over multiple calls to run self._current_run_timesteps = 0 # change number of resets as loading the binary again resets the sync\ # to 0 self._no_sync_changes = 0 # sets the reset last flag to true, so that when run occurs, the tools # know to update the vertices which need to know a reset has occurred self._has_reset_last = True
def _create_xml_paths(self, extra_algorithm_xml_paths): # add the extra xml files from the config file xml_paths = self._config.get("Mapping", "extra_xmls_paths") if xml_paths == "None": xml_paths = list() else: xml_paths = xml_paths.split(",") xml_paths.extend( function_list.get_front_end_common_pacman_xml_paths()) if extra_algorithm_xml_paths is not None: xml_paths.extend(extra_algorithm_xml_paths) return xml_paths def _detect_if_graph_has_changed(self, reset_flags=True): """ Iterates though the graph and looks changes """ changed = False # if application graph is filled, check their changes if self._application_graph.n_vertices != 0: for vertex in self._application_graph.vertices: if isinstance(vertex, AbstractChangableAfterRun): if vertex.requires_mapping: changed = True if reset_flags: vertex.mark_no_changes() for partition in self._application_graph.outgoing_edge_partitions: for edge in partition.edges: if isinstance(edge, AbstractChangableAfterRun): if edge.requires_mapping: changed = True if reset_flags: edge.mark_no_changes() # if no application, but a machine graph, check for changes there elif self._machine_graph.n_vertices != 0: for machine_vertex in self._machine_graph.vertices: if isinstance(machine_vertex, AbstractChangableAfterRun): if machine_vertex.requires_mapping: changed = True if reset_flags: machine_vertex.mark_no_changes() for partition in self._machine_graph.outgoing_edge_partitions: for machine_edge in partition.edges: if isinstance(machine_edge, AbstractChangableAfterRun): if machine_edge.requires_mapping: changed = True if reset_flags: machine_edge.mark_no_changes() return changed @property def has_ran(self): return self._has_ran @property def machine_time_step(self): return self._machine_time_step @property def machine(self): """ The python machine object :rtype: :py:class:`spinn_machine.Machine` """ return self._get_machine() @property def no_machine_time_steps(self): return self._no_machine_time_steps @property def timescale_factor(self): return self._time_scale_factor @property def machine_graph(self): return self._machine_graph @property def application_graph(self): return self._application_graph @property def routing_infos(self): return self._routing_infos @property def placements(self): return self._placements @property def transceiver(self): return self._txrx @property def graph_mapper(self): return self._graph_mapper @property def buffer_manager(self): """ The buffer manager being used for loading/extracting buffers """ return self._buffer_manager @property def dsg_algorithm(self): """ The dsg algorithm used by the tools """ return self._dsg_algorithm @dsg_algorithm.setter def dsg_algorithm(self, new_dsg_algorithm): """ Set the dsg algorithm to be used by the tools :param new_dsg_algorithm: the new dsg algorithm name :rtype: None """ self._dsg_algorithm = new_dsg_algorithm @property def none_labelled_vertex_count(self): """ The number of times vertices have not been labelled. """ return self._none_labelled_vertex_count
[docs] def increment_none_labelled_vertex_count(self): """ Increment the number of new vertices which have not been labelled. """ self._none_labelled_vertex_count += 1
@property def none_labelled_edge_count(self): """ The number of times edges have not been labelled. """ return self._none_labelled_edge_count
[docs] def increment_none_labelled_edge_count(self): """ Increment the number of new edges which have not been labelled. """ self._none_labelled_edge_count += 1
@property def use_virtual_board(self): """ True if this run is using a virtual machine """ return self._use_virtual_board
[docs] def get_current_time(self): if self._has_ran: return ( float(self._current_run_timesteps) * (float(self._machine_time_step) / 1000.0)) return 0.0
def __repr__(self): return "general front end instance for machine {}"\ .format(self._hostname)
[docs] def add_application_vertex(self, vertex_to_add): """ :param vertex_to_add: the vertex to add to the graph :rtype: None :raises: ConfigurationException when both graphs contain vertices """ if (self._machine_graph.n_vertices > 0 and self._graph_mapper is None): raise ConfigurationException( "Cannot add vertices to both the machine and application" " graphs") if (isinstance(vertex_to_add, AbstractVirtualVertex) and self._machine is not None): raise ConfigurationException( "A Virtual Vertex cannot be added after the machine has been" " created") self._application_graph.add_vertex(vertex_to_add)
[docs] def add_machine_vertex(self, vertex): """ :param vertex: the vertex to add to the graph :rtype: None :raises: ConfigurationException when both graphs contain vertices """ # check that there's no application vertices added so far if self._application_graph.n_vertices > 0: raise ConfigurationException( "Cannot add vertices to both the machine and application" " graphs") if (isinstance(vertex, AbstractVirtualVertex) and self._machine is not None): raise ConfigurationException( "A Virtual Vertex cannot be added after the machine has been" " created") self._machine_graph.add_vertex(vertex)
[docs] def add_application_edge(self, edge_to_add, partition_identifier): """ :param edge_to_add: :param partition_identifier: the partition identifier for the outgoing edge partition :rtype: None """ self._application_graph.add_edge( edge_to_add, partition_identifier)
[docs] def add_machine_edge(self, edge, partition_id): """ :param edge: the edge to add to the graph :param partition_id: the partition identifier for the outgoing edge partition :rtype: None """ self._machine_graph.add_edge(edge, partition_id)
def _shutdown( self, turn_off_machine=None, clear_routing_tables=None, clear_tags=None): self._state = Simulator_State.SHUTDOWN # if on a virtual machine then shut down not needed if self._use_virtual_board: return if self._machine_is_turned_off:"Shutdown skipped as board is off for power save") return if turn_off_machine is None: turn_off_machine = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "turn_off_machine") if clear_routing_tables is None: clear_routing_tables = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "clear_routing_tables") if clear_tags is None: clear_tags = self._config.getboolean( "Machine", "clear_tags") if self._txrx is not None: if self._config.getboolean("Machine", "enable_reinjection"): self._txrx.enable_reinjection(multicast=False) # if stopping on machine, clear iptags and if clear_tags: for ip_tag in self._tags.ip_tags: self._txrx.clear_ip_tag( ip_tag.tag, board_address=ip_tag.board_address) for reverse_ip_tag in self._tags.reverse_ip_tags: self._txrx.clear_ip_tag( reverse_ip_tag.tag, board_address=reverse_ip_tag.board_address) # if clearing routing table entries, clear if clear_routing_tables: for router_table in self._router_tables.routing_tables: if not self._machine.get_chip_at( router_table.x, router_table.y).virtual: self._txrx.clear_multicast_routes( router_table.x, router_table.y) # clear values self._no_sync_changes = 0 # app stop command if self._txrx is not None and self._app_id is not None: self._txrx.stop_application(self._app_id) if self._buffer_manager is not None: self._buffer_manager.stop() # stop the transceiver if self._txrx is not None: if turn_off_machine:"Turning off machine") self._txrx.close(power_off_machine=turn_off_machine) self._txrx = None if self._machine_allocation_controller is not None: self._machine_allocation_controller.close() self._machine_allocation_controller = None self._state = Simulator_State.SHUTDOWN
[docs] def stop(self, turn_off_machine=None, clear_routing_tables=None, clear_tags=None): """ :param turn_off_machine: decides if the machine should be powered down\ after running the execution. Note that this powers down all boards\ connected to the BMP connections given to the transceiver :type turn_off_machine: bool :param clear_routing_tables: informs the tool chain if it\ should turn off the clearing of the routing tables :type clear_routing_tables: bool :param clear_tags: informs the tool chain if it should clear the tags\ off the machine at stop :type clear_tags: boolean :rtype: None """ if self._state in [Simulator_State.SHUTDOWN]: msg = "Simulator has already been shutdown" raise ConfigurationException(msg) self._state = Simulator_State.SHUTDOWN # Keep track of any exception to be re-raised ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = None, None, None # If we have run forever, stop the binaries if (self._has_ran and self._current_run_timesteps is None and not self._use_virtual_board): inputs = self._last_run_outputs algorithms = [] outputs = [] # stop any binaries that need to be notified of the simulation # stopping if in infinite run if (self._executable_start_type == ExecutableStartType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE): algorithms.append("ApplicationFinisher") # add extractor of iobuf if needed if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "extract_iobuf") and self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "extract_iobuf_during_run")): algorithms.append("ChipIOBufExtractor") # add extractor of provenance if needed if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reportsEnabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "writeProvenanceData")): algorithms.append("PlacementsProvenanceGatherer") algorithms.append("RouterProvenanceGatherer") algorithms.append("ProfileDataGatherer") outputs.append("ProvenanceItems") # Run the algorithms executor = PACMANAlgorithmExecutor( algorithms=algorithms, optional_algorithms=[], inputs=inputs, xml_paths=self._xml_paths, required_outputs=outputs, do_timings=self._do_timings, print_timings=self._print_timings, provenance_path=self._pacman_executor_provenance_path, provenance_name="stopping") run_complete = False try: executor.execute_mapping() self._pacman_provenance.extract_provenance(executor) run_complete = True # write provenance to file if necessary if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reportsEnabled") and self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "writeProvenanceData")): prov_items = executor.get_item("ProvenanceItems") prov_items.extend(self._pacman_provenance.data_items) self._pacman_provenance.clear() self._write_provenance(prov_items) self._all_provenance_items.append(prov_items) except Exception as e: ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info() # If an exception occurs during a run, attempt to get # information out of the simulation before shutting down try: # Only do this if the error occurred in the run if not run_complete and not self._use_virtual_board: self._recover_from_error( e, ex_traceback, executor.get_item( "ExecutableTargets")) except Exception: logger.error("Error when attempting to recover from error", exc_info=True) if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "reportsEnabled") and self._config.getboolean("Reports", "write_energy_report") and self._buffer_manager is not None): # create energy report energy_report = EnergyReport() # acquire provenance items if self._last_run_outputs is not None: prov_items = self._last_run_outputs["ProvenanceItems"] pacman_provenance = list() router_provenance = list() # group them by name type grouped_items = sorted( prov_items, key=lambda item: item.names[0]) for element in grouped_items: if element.names[0] == 'pacman': pacman_provenance.append(element) if element.names[0] == 'router_provenance': router_provenance.append(element) # run energy report energy_report( self._placements, self._machine, self._report_default_directory, self._read_config_int("Machine", "version"), self._spalloc_server, self._remote_spinnaker_url, self._time_scale_factor, self._machine_time_step, pacman_provenance, router_provenance, self._machine_graph, self._current_run_timesteps, self._buffer_manager, self._mapping_time, self._load_time, self._execute_time, self._dsg_time, self._extraction_time, self._machine_allocation_controller) # handle iobuf extraction if never extracted it yet but requested to if (self._config.getboolean("Reports", "extract_iobuf") and not self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "extract_iobuf_during_run") and not self._config.getboolean( "Reports", "clear_iobuf_during_run")): extractor = ChipIOBufExtractor() extractor( transceiver=self._txrx, has_ran=self._has_ran, core_subsets=self._last_run_outputs["CoresToExtractIOBufFrom"], provenance_file_path=self._provenance_file_path) # shut down the machine properly self._shutdown( turn_off_machine, clear_routing_tables, clear_tags) # display any provenance data gathered for i, provenance_items in enumerate(self._all_provenance_items): message = None if len(self._all_provenance_items) > 1: message = "Provenance from run {}".format(i) self._check_provenance(provenance_items, message) helpful_functions.write_finished_file( self._app_data_top_simulation_folder, self._report_simulation_top_directory) if ex_type is not None: raise ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback
[docs] def add_socket_address(self, socket_address): """ :param socket_address: :rtype: None """ self._database_socket_addresses.add(socket_address)
@staticmethod def _check_provenance(items, initial_message=None): """ Display any errors from provenance data """ initial_message_printed = False for item in items: if if not initial_message_printed and initial_message is not None: print initial_message initial_message_printed = True logger.warn(item.message) def _read_config(self, section, item): return helpful_functions.read_config(self._config, section, item) def _read_config_int(self, section, item): return helpful_functions.read_config_int(self._config, section, item) def _read_config_boolean(self, section, item): return helpful_functions.read_config_boolean( self._config, section, item) def _turn_off_on_board_to_save_power(self, config_flag): """ executes the power saving mode of either on or off of the/ spinnaker machine. :param config_flag: config flag string :rtype: None """ # check if machine should be turned off turn_off = helpful_functions.read_config_boolean( self._config, "EnergySavings", config_flag) # if a mode is set, execute if turn_off is not None: if turn_off: if self._turn_off_board_to_save_power(): "Board turned off based on: {}".format(config_flag)) else: if self._turn_on_board_if_saving_power(): "Board turned on based on: {}".format(config_flag)) def _turn_off_board_to_save_power(self): """ executes the power saving mode of turning off the spinnaker \ machine. :return: bool when successful, flase otherwise :rtype: bool """ # already off or no machine to turn off if self._machine_is_turned_off or self._use_virtual_board: return False if self._machine_allocation_controller is not None: # switch power state if needed if self._machine_allocation_controller.power: self._machine_allocation_controller.set_power(False) self._txrx.power_off_machine() self._machine_is_turned_off = True return True def _turn_on_board_if_saving_power(self): # Only required if previously turned off which never happens # on virtual machine if not self._machine_is_turned_off: return False if self._machine_allocation_controller is not None: # switch power state if needed if not self._machine_allocation_controller.power: self._machine_allocation_controller.set_power(True) else: self._txrx.power_on_machine() self._txrx.ensure_board_is_ready() self._machine_is_turned_off = False return True @property def has_reset_last(self): return self._has_reset_last @property def config(self): """ helper method for the front end implementations until we remove\ config """ return self._config @property def get_number_of_available_cores_on_machine(self): """ returns the number of available cores on the machine after taking into account pre allocated resources :return: number of available cores :rtype: int """ # get machine if not got already if self._machine is None: self._get_machine() # get cores of machine cores = self._machine.total_available_user_cores take_into_account_chip_power_monitor = self._read_config_boolean( "Reports", "write_energy_report") if take_into_account_chip_power_monitor: cores -= self._machine.n_chips return cores