Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utilities.report_functions.reports

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
import time
from typing import Iterable, Optional, TextIO, Tuple

from spinn_utilities.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from spinn_utilities.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter

from spinn_machine import Chip, MulticastRoutingEntry, Router

from pacman.model.graphs.application import (
    ApplicationEdgePartition, ApplicationVertex)
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import (
    MachineFPGAVertex, MachineSpiNNakerLinkVertex, MachineVertex)
from pacman.model.routing_tables import (
    AbstractMulticastRoutingTable, MulticastRoutingTables)
from pacman.model.routing_info import BaseKeyAndMask, RoutingInfo
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.routing_algorithm_utilities import (
from pacman.utilities.algorithm_utilities.routes_format import format_route

from import FecDataView
from .router_summary import RouterSummary

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

_LINK_LABELS = {0: 'E', 1: 'NE', 2: 'N', 3: 'W', 4: 'SW', 5: 'S'}

_C_ROUTING_TABLE_DIR = "compressed_routing_tables_generated"
_COMPARED_FILENAME = "comparison_of_compressed_uncompressed_routing_tables.rpt"
_COMPRESSED_ROUTING_SUMMARY_FILENAME = "compressed_routing_summary.rpt"
_PARTITIONING_FILENAME = "partitioned_by_vertex.rpt"
_PLACEMENT_VTX_GRAPH_FILENAME = "placement_by_vertex_using_graph.rpt"
_PLACEMENT_VTX_SIMPLE_FILENAME = "placement_by_vertex_without_graph.rpt"
_PLACEMENT_CORE_GRAPH_FILENAME = "placement_by_core_using_graph.rpt"
_PLACEMENT_CORE_SIMPLE_FILENAME = "placement_by_core_without_graph.rpt"
_ROUTING_FILENAME = "edge_routing_info.rpt"
_ROUTING_SUMMARY_FILENAME = "routing_summary.rpt"
_ROUTING_TABLE_DIR = "routing_tables_generated"
_SDRAM_FILENAME = "chip_sdram_usage_by_core.rpt"
_TAGS_FILENAME = "tags.rpt"
_VIRTKEY_FILENAME = "virtual_key_space_information_report.rpt"


[docs] def tag_allocator_report() -> None: """ Reports the tags that are being used by the tool chain for this simulation. """ tag_infos = FecDataView.get_tags() file_name = os.path.join(FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _TAGS_FILENAME) try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar( len(list(tag_infos.ip_tags)) + len(list(tag_infos.reverse_ip_tags)), "Reporting Tags") for ip_tag in progress.over(tag_infos.ip_tags, False): f.write(str(ip_tag) + "\n") for reverse_ip_tag in progress.over(tag_infos.reverse_ip_tags): f.write(str(reverse_ip_tag) + "\n") except IOError: logger.error( "Generate tag report: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
[docs] def placer_reports_with_application_graph() -> None: """ Reports that can be produced from placement given a application graph's existence. """ placement_report_with_application_graph_by_vertex() placement_report_with_application_graph_by_core()
[docs] def router_summary_report() -> Optional[RouterSummary]: """ Generates a text file of routing summaries. :rtype: RouterSummary """ file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _ROUTING_SUMMARY_FILENAME) progress = ProgressBar(FecDataView.get_machine().n_chips, "Generating Routing summary report") routing_tables = FecDataView.get_uncompressed() return _do_router_summary_report(file_name, progress, routing_tables)
[docs] def router_compressed_summary_report( routing_tables: MulticastRoutingTables) -> Optional[RouterSummary]: """ Generates a text file of routing summaries. :param ~pacman.model.routing_tables.MulticastRoutingTables routing_tables: The in-operation COMPRESSED routing tables. :rtype: RouterSummary """ file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _COMPRESSED_ROUTING_SUMMARY_FILENAME) progress = ProgressBar(FecDataView.get_machine().n_chips, "Generating Routing summary report") return _do_router_summary_report(file_name, progress, routing_tables)
def _do_router_summary_report( file_name: str, progress: ProgressBar, routing_tables: MulticastRoutingTables) -> Optional[RouterSummary]: """ :param str file_name: :param ~spinn_utilities.progress_bar.Progress progress: :param ~pacman.model.routing_tables.MulticastRoutingTables routing_tables: The compressed or uncompressed tables being reported :return: RouterSummary """ time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") convert = Router.convert_routing_table_entry_to_spinnaker_route try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(" Routing Summary Report\n") f.write(" ======================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} " f"for target machine '{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") total_entries = 0 max_entries = 0 max_none_defaultable = 0 max_link_only = 0 max_spinnaker_routes = 0 for (x, y) in progress.over( FecDataView.get_machine().chip_coordinates): table = routing_tables.get_routing_table_for_chip(x, y) if table is not None: entries = table.number_of_entries defaultable = table.number_of_defaultable_entries link_only = 0 spinnaker_routes = set() for entry in table.multicast_routing_entries: if not entry.processor_ids: link_only += 1 spinnaker_routes.add(convert(entry)) f.write( f"Chip {x}:{y} has {entries} entries of which " f"{defaultable} are defaultable and {link_only} link " f"only with {len(spinnaker_routes)} unique spinnaker " "routes\n") total_entries += entries max_entries = max(max_entries, entries) max_none_defaultable = max( max_none_defaultable, entries - defaultable) max_link_only = max(max_link_only, link_only) max_spinnaker_routes = max( max_spinnaker_routes, len(spinnaker_routes)) f.write( f"\nTotal entries {total_entries}, max per chip {max_entries} " f"max non-defaultable {max_none_defaultable} " f"max link only {max_link_only} " f"max unique spinnaker routes {max_spinnaker_routes}\n\n") return RouterSummary( total_entries, max_entries, max_none_defaultable, max_link_only, max_spinnaker_routes) except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate routing summary report: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name) return None
[docs] def router_report_from_paths() -> None: """ Generates a text file of routing paths. """ file_name = os.path.join(FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _ROUTING_FILENAME) time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") partitions = get_app_partitions() try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar(len(partitions), "Generating Routing path report") f.write(" Edge Routing Report\n") f.write(" ===================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} " f"for target machine '{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") for partition in progress.over(partitions): _write_one_router_partition_report(f, partition) except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate routing reports: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _write_one_router_partition_report( f: TextIO, partition: ApplicationEdgePartition): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param AbstractSingleSourcePartition partition: """ source = partition.pre_vertex outgoing = source.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(partition.identifier) f.write(f"Source Application vertex {source}, partition" f" {partition.identifier}\n") routing_infos = FecDataView.get_routing_infos() for edge in partition.edges: for m_vertex in outgoing: r_info = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_pre_vertex( m_vertex, partition.identifier) if r_info is None: continue path = _search_route(m_vertex, r_info.key_and_mask) f.write( f" Edge '{edge.label}', " f"from vertex: '{edge.pre_vertex.label}' " f"to vertex: '{edge.post_vertex.label}'{path}\n") # End one entry: f.write("\n")
[docs] def partitioner_report() -> None: """ Generate report on the partitioning of vertices. """ # Cycle through all vertices, and for each cycle through its vertices. # For each vertex, describe its core mapping. file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _PARTITIONING_FILENAME) time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar(FecDataView.get_n_vertices(), "Generating partitioner report") f.write(" Partitioning Information by Vertex\n") f.write(" ===============================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} for target machine " f"'{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") for vertex in progress.over(FecDataView.iterate_vertices()): _write_one_vertex_partition(f, vertex) except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate partitioning reports: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _write_one_vertex_partition(f: TextIO, vertex: ApplicationVertex): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex vertex: """ vertex_name = vertex.label vertex_model = vertex.__class__.__name__ num_atoms = vertex.n_atoms f.write(f"**** Vertex: '{vertex_name}'\n") f.write(f"Model: {vertex_model}\n") f.write(f"Pop size: {num_atoms}\n") f.write("Machine Vertices:\n") # Sort by slice and then by label machine_vertices = sorted(vertex.machine_vertices, key=lambda x: x.label) machine_vertices = sorted(machine_vertices, key=lambda x: x.vertex_slice.lo_atom) for sv in machine_vertices: f.write(f" Slice {sv.vertex_slice} Vertex {sv.label}\n") f.write("\n")
[docs] def placement_report_with_application_graph_by_vertex() -> None: """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by vertex. """ # Cycle through all vertices, and for each cycle through its vertices. # For each vertex, describe its core mapping. file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _PLACEMENT_VTX_GRAPH_FILENAME) time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar(FecDataView.get_n_vertices(), "Generating placement report") f.write(" Placement Information by Vertex\n") f.write(" ===============================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} " f"for target machine '{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") for vertex in progress.over(FecDataView.iterate_vertices()): _write_one_vertex_application_placement(f, vertex) except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate placement reports: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _write_one_vertex_application_placement( f: TextIO, vertex: ApplicationVertex): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex vertex: """ vertex_name = vertex.label vertex_model = vertex.__class__.__name__ num_atoms = vertex.n_atoms f.write(f"**** Vertex: '{vertex_name}'\n") f.write(f"Model: {vertex_model}\n") f.write(f"Pop size: {num_atoms}\n") f.write("Machine Vertices:\n") # Sort by slice and then by label machine_vertices = sorted(vertex.machine_vertices, key=lambda vert: vert.label) machine_vertices = sorted(machine_vertices, key=lambda vert: vert.vertex_slice.lo_atom) for sv in machine_vertices: if isinstance(sv, MachineSpiNNakerLinkVertex): f.write(f" Slice {sv.vertex_slice} on " f"SpiNNaker Link {sv.spinnaker_link_id}, " f"board {sv.board_address}, " f"linked to chip {sv.linked_chip_coordinates}\n") elif isinstance(sv, MachineFPGAVertex): f.write(f" Slice {sv.vertex_slice} on FGPA {sv.fpga_id}, " f"FPGA link {sv.fpga_link_id}, board {sv.board_address}, " f"linked to chip {sv.linked_chip_coordinates}\n") else: cur_placement = FecDataView.get_placement_of_vertex(sv) x, y, p = cur_placement.x, cur_placement.y, cur_placement.p f.write(f" Slice {sv.vertex_slice} on core ({x}, {y}, {p})" f" {sv.label}\n") f.write("\n")
[docs] def placement_report_with_application_graph_by_core() -> None: """ Generate report on the placement of vertices onto cores by core. """ # File 2: Placement by core. # Cycle through all chips and by all cores within each chip. # For each core, display what is held on it. file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _PLACEMENT_CORE_GRAPH_FILENAME) time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") try: machine = FecDataView.get_machine() with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar(machine.n_chips, "Generating placement by core report") f.write(" Placement Information by Core\n") f.write(" =============================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} " f"for target machine '{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") for chip in progress.over(machine.chips): _write_one_chip_application_placement(f, chip) except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _write_one_chip_application_placement(f: TextIO, chip: Chip): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param ~spinn_machine.Chip chip: :param ~pacman.model.placements.Placements placements: """ written_header = False total_sdram = None for placement in FecDataView.iterate_placements_on_core(chip): if not written_header: f.write(f"**** Chip: ({chip.x}, {chip.y})\n") f.write(f"Application cores: {chip.n_processors}\n") written_header = True pro_id = placement.p vertex = placement.vertex app_vertex = vertex.app_vertex if app_vertex is not None: vertex_label = app_vertex.label vertex_model = app_vertex.__class__.__name__ vertex_atoms = app_vertex.n_atoms f.write(f" Processor {pro_id}: Vertex: '{vertex_label}', " f"pop size: {vertex_atoms}\n") f.write(f" Slice: {vertex.vertex_slice}") f.write(f" {vertex.label}\n") f.write(f" Model: {vertex_model}\n") else: f.write(f" Processor {pro_id}: System Vertex: '{vertex.label}'\n") f.write(f" Model: {vertex.__class__.__name__}\n") sdram = vertex.sdram_required f.write(f" SDRAM required: {sdram.fixed}; " f"{sdram.per_timestep} per timestep\n\n") if total_sdram is None: total_sdram = sdram else: total_sdram += sdram if total_sdram is not None: f.write(f"Total SDRAM on chip ({chip} available): " f"{total_sdram.fixed}; {total_sdram.per_timestep} " f"per-timestep\n\n")
[docs] def sdram_usage_report_per_chip() -> None: """ Reports the SDRAM used per chip. """ file_name = os.path.join(FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _SDRAM_FILENAME) n_placements = FecDataView.get_n_placements() time_date_string = time.strftime("%c") progress = ProgressBar( (n_placements * 2 + FecDataView.get_machine().n_chips * 2), "Generating SDRAM usage report") try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(" Memory Usage by Core\n") f.write(" ====================\n\n") f.write(f"Generated: {time_date_string} " f"for target machine '{FecDataView.get_ipaddress()}'\n\n") f.write("Planned by partitioner\n") f.write("----------------------\n") _sdram_usage_report_per_chip_with_timesteps( f, FecDataView.get_plan_n_timestep(), progress, False, False) f.write("\nActual space reserved on the machine\n") f.write("----------------------\n") _sdram_usage_report_per_chip_with_timesteps( f, FecDataView.get_max_run_time_steps(), progress, True, True) except IOError: logger.exception("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file {} for " "writing.", file_name)
def _sdram_usage_report_per_chip_with_timesteps( f: TextIO, timesteps: Optional[int], progress: ProgressBar, end_progress: bool, details: bool): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param int timesteps: Either the plan or data timesteps depending on which is being reported :param ~spinn_utilities.progress_bar.ProgressBar progress: :param bool end_progress: :param bool details: If True will get costs printed by regions """ f.write(f"Based on {timesteps} timesteps\n\n") used_sdram_by_chip = dict() placements = sorted( FecDataView.iterate_placemements(), key=lambda x: x.vertex.label or "") for placement in progress.over(placements, False): vertex_sdram = placement.vertex.sdram_required core_sdram = vertex_sdram.get_total_sdram(timesteps) x, y, p = placement.x, placement.y, placement.p if details: timesteps=timesteps, preamble=f"core ({x},{y},{p})", target=f) else: f.write( f"SDRAM reqs forx core ({x},{y},{p}) is " f"{int(core_sdram / 1024.0)} KB ({core_sdram} bytes)" f" for {placement}\n") key = (x, y) if key not in used_sdram_by_chip: used_sdram_by_chip[key] = core_sdram else: used_sdram_by_chip[key] += core_sdram for chip in progress.over(FecDataView.get_machine().chips, end_progress): try: used_sdram = used_sdram_by_chip[chip.x, chip.y] if used_sdram: f.write( f"**** Chip: ({chip.x}, {chip.y}) has total memory usage " f"of {int(used_sdram / 1024.0)} KB ({used_sdram} bytes) " f"out of a max of " f"{int(chip.sdram / 1024.0)} KB ({chip.sdram} bytes)\n\n") except KeyError: # Do Nothing pass
[docs] def routing_info_report( extra_allocations: Iterable[Tuple[ApplicationVertex, str]] = ()): """ Generates a report which says which keys is being allocated to each vertex. :param extra_allocations: Extra vertex/partition ID pairs to report on. :type extra_allocations: iterable(tuple(~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex,str)) """ file_name = os.path.join(FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _VIRTKEY_FILENAME) routing_infos = FecDataView.get_routing_infos() try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: vertex_partitions = OrderedSet( (p.pre_vertex, p.identifier) for p in FecDataView.iterate_partitions()) vertex_partitions.update(extra_allocations) progress = ProgressBar(len(vertex_partitions), "Generating Routing info report") for pre_vert, part_id in progress.over(vertex_partitions): _write_vertex_virtual_keys(f, pre_vert, part_id, routing_infos) except IOError: logger.exception("generate virtual key space information report: " "Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _write_vertex_virtual_keys( f: TextIO, pre_vertex: ApplicationVertex, part_id: str, routing_infos: RoutingInfo): """ :param ~io.FileIO f: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex pre_vertex: :param str part_id: :param ~pacman.model.routing_info.RoutingInfo routing_infos: """ rinfo = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_pre_vertex( pre_vertex, part_id) # Might be None if the partition has no outgoing vertices e.g. a Poisson # source replaced by SDRAM data passing if rinfo is not None: f.write(f"Vertex: {pre_vertex}\n") f.write(f" Partition: {part_id}, " f"Routing Info: {rinfo.key_and_mask}\n") for m_vertex in pre_vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(part_id): r_info = routing_infos.get_routing_info_from_pre_vertex( m_vertex, part_id) if r_info is not None: f.write(f" Machine Vertex: {m_vertex}, " f"Slice: {m_vertex.vertex_slice}, " f"Routing Info: {r_info.key_and_mask}\n")
[docs] def router_report_from_router_tables() -> None: """ Report the uncompressed routing tables. """ top_level_folder = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _ROUTING_TABLE_DIR) routing_tables = FecDataView.get_uncompressed().routing_tables if not os.path.exists(top_level_folder): os.mkdir(top_level_folder) progress = ProgressBar(routing_tables, "Generating Router table report") for routing_table in progress.over(routing_tables): if routing_table.number_of_entries: generate_routing_table(routing_table, top_level_folder)
[docs] def router_report_from_compressed_router_tables( routing_tables: MulticastRoutingTables): """ Report the compressed routing tables. :param ~pacman.model.routing_tables.MulticastRoutingTables routing_tables: the compressed routing tables """ top_level_folder = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _C_ROUTING_TABLE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(top_level_folder): os.mkdir(top_level_folder) progress = ProgressBar(routing_tables.routing_tables, "Generating compressed router table report") for routing_table in progress.over(routing_tables.routing_tables): if routing_table.number_of_entries: generate_routing_table(routing_table, top_level_folder)
[docs] def generate_routing_table( routing_table: AbstractMulticastRoutingTable, top_level_folder: str): """ :param routing_table: The routing table to describe :type routing_table: ~pacman.model.routing_tables.AbstractMulticastRoutingTable :param str top_level_folder: """ file_name = f"routing_table_{routing_table.x}_{routing_table.y}.rpt" file_path = os.path.join(top_level_folder, file_name) try: with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( f"Router contains {routing_table.number_of_entries} entries\n") f.write(f'{"Index": <5s} {"Key": <10s} {"Mask": <10s} ' f'{"Route": <10s} {"Default": <7s} {"[Cores][Links]"}\n') f.write( f'{"":-<5s} {"":-<10s} {"":-<10s} ' f'{"":-<10s} {"":-<7s} {"":-<14s}\n') line_format = "{: >5d} {}\n" entry_count = 0 n_defaultable = 0 for entry in routing_table.multicast_routing_entries: index = entry_count & _LOWER_16_BITS entry_str = line_format.format(index, format_route(entry)) entry_count += 1 if entry.defaultable: n_defaultable += 1 f.write(entry_str) f.write(f"{n_defaultable} Defaultable entries\n") except IOError: logger.exception("Generate_placement_reports: Can't open file" " {} for writing.", file_path)
def _compression_ratio(uncompressed: int, compressed: int) -> float: """ Get the compression ratio, as a percentage. :param int uncompressed: :param int compressed: :rtype: float """ if uncompressed == 0: return 0 return (uncompressed - compressed) / float(uncompressed) * 100
[docs] def generate_comparison_router_report( compressed_routing_tables: MulticastRoutingTables): """ Make a report on comparison of the compressed and uncompressed routing tables. :param compressed_routing_tables: the compressed routing tables :type compressed_routing_tables: ~pacman.model.routing_tables.MulticastRoutingTables """ routing_tables = FecDataView.get_uncompressed().routing_tables file_name = os.path.join( FecDataView.get_run_dir_path(), _COMPARED_FILENAME) try: with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: progress = ProgressBar( routing_tables, "Generating comparison of router table report") total_uncompressed = 0 total_compressed = 0 max_compressed = 0 uncompressed_for_max = 0 for table in progress.over(routing_tables): x, y = table.x, table.y compressed_table = compressed_routing_tables.\ get_routing_table_for_chip(x, y) if compressed_table is None: f.write(f"No compressed table at {x}:{y}; not compared!\n") continue n_entries_uncompressed = table.number_of_entries total_uncompressed += n_entries_uncompressed n_entries_compressed = compressed_table.number_of_entries total_compressed += n_entries_compressed ratio = _compression_ratio( n_entries_uncompressed, n_entries_compressed) f.write( f"Uncompressed table at {x}:{y} has " f"{n_entries_uncompressed} entries whereas compressed " f"table has {n_entries_compressed} entries. This is a " f"decrease of {ratio}%\n") if max_compressed < n_entries_compressed: max_compressed = n_entries_compressed uncompressed_for_max = n_entries_uncompressed if total_uncompressed > 0: ratio = _compression_ratio( total_uncompressed, total_compressed) f.write( f"\nTotal has {total_uncompressed} entries whereas " f"compressed tables have {total_compressed} entries. " f"This is an average decrease of {ratio}%\n") ratio = _compression_ratio( uncompressed_for_max, max_compressed) f.write( f"Worst case has {uncompressed_for_max} entries whereas " f"compressed tables have {max_compressed} entries. This " f"is a decrease of {ratio}%\n") except IOError: logger.exception( "Generate router comparison reports: " "Can't open file {} for writing.", file_name)
def _search_route( source_vertex: MachineVertex, key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask) -> str: """ :param ~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex source_vertex: :param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask: :rtype: tuple(str, int) """ # Create text for starting point machine = FecDataView.get_machine() text = "" # If the destination is virtual, replace with the real destination chip if isinstance(source_vertex, MachineSpiNNakerLinkVertex): slink = machine.get_spinnaker_link_with_id( source_vertex.spinnaker_link_id) x = slink.connected_chip_x y = slink.connected_chip_y text = f" Virtual SpiNNaker Link {x}:{y} -> " elif isinstance(source_vertex, MachineFPGAVertex): flink = machine.get_fpga_link_with_id( source_vertex.fpga_id, source_vertex.fpga_link_id) x = flink.connected_chip_x y = flink.connected_chip_y text = f" Virtual FPGA Link {x}:{y}-> " else: source_placement = FecDataView.get_placement_of_vertex(source_vertex) x = source_placement.x y = source_placement.y text = f" {source_placement.x}:{source_placement.y}:" \ f"{source_placement.p} -> " text += _recursive_trace_to_destinations( machine[x, y], key_and_mask, pre_space=" ") return text # Locates the destinations of a route def _recursive_trace_to_destinations( chip: Chip, key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, pre_space: str) -> str: """ Recursively search though routing tables till no more entries are registered with this key :param ~spinn_machine.Chip chip: :param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask: :rtype: str """ text = f"-> Chip {chip.x}:{chip.y}" routing_tables = FecDataView.get_uncompressed() table = routing_tables.get_routing_table_for_chip(chip.x, chip.y) entry = _locate_routing_entry(table, key_and_mask.key) if entry is None: text += " -> No Entry" else: new_pre_space = pre_space + (" " * len(text)) first = True for link_id in entry.link_ids: if not first: text += f"\n{pre_space}" link = chip.router.get_link(link_id) if link is None: text += f" -> ({link_id}) !!! no link !!!" continue text += f"-> {link}" if link is not None: text += _recursive_trace_to_destinations( FecDataView.get_chip_at( link.destination_x, link.destination_y), key_and_mask, new_pre_space) first = False return text def _locate_routing_entry( current_router: Optional[AbstractMulticastRoutingTable], key: int) -> Optional[MulticastRoutingEntry]: """ Locate the entry from the router based off the edge :param ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingTable current_router: the current router being used in the trace :param int key: the key being used by the source placement :return: the routing table entry :rtype: ~spinn_machine.MulticastRoutingEntry :raise PacmanRoutingException: when there is no entry located on this router. """ if current_router is not None: for entry in current_router.multicast_routing_entries: if entry.mask & key == entry.key: return entry return None