Source code for spinn_front_end_common.interface.ds.data_specification_base

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Sequence, TextIO, Union

import numpy

from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractmethod
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import DataSpecException

from .data_type import DataType
from .ds_sqllite_database import DsSqlliteDatabase


class DataSpecificationBase(object, metaclass=AbstractBase):
    Base class for all vertex data specification creation

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, p: int, ds_db: DsSqlliteDatabase,
                 report_writer: Optional[TextIO] = None):
        :param report_writer:
            Determines if a text version of the specification is to be
            written and, if so, where. No report is written if this is `None`.
        :type report_writer: ~io.TextIOBase or None
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._p = p
        self._ds_db = ds_db
        self._report_writer = report_writer
        self._content: Optional[bytearray] = None
        self._content_debug: Optional[str] = None
        self._region_num: Optional[int] = None
        self._size: Optional[int] = None

    def _report(self, *args) -> None:
        if self._report_writer is not None:
            text = "".join(
                (repr(arg) if isinstance(arg, bytes) else str(arg))
                for arg in args if arg is not None) + "\n"

    def _flush(self) -> None:
        if self._report_writer is not None:

[docs] def comment(self, comment: str): """ Write a comment to the text version of the specification. .. note:: This is ignored by the binary file. :param str comment: The comment to write """ self._report(comment)
[docs] @abstractmethod def reserve_memory_region( self, region: int, size: int, label: Optional[str] = None, reference: Optional[int] = None): """ Insert command to reserve a memory region. :param int region: The number of the region to reserve, from 0 to 32 :param int size: The size to reserve for the region, in bytes :param label: An optional label for the region :type label: str or None :param reference: A globally unique reference for this region :type reference: int or None :raise RegionInUseException: If the ``region`` was already reserved :raise ParameterOutOfBoundsException: If the ``region`` requested was out of the allowed range, or the ``size`` was too big to fit in SDRAM """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def reference_memory_region( self, region: int, ref: int, label: Optional[str] = None): """ Insert command to reference another memory region. :param int region: The number of the region to reserve, from 0 to 15 :param int ref: The identifier of the region to reference :param label: An optional label for the region :type label: str or None :raise RegionInUseException: If the ``region`` was already reserved :raise ParameterOutOfBoundsException: If the ``region`` requested was out of the allowed range, or the ``size`` was too big to fit in SDRAM """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def switch_write_focus(self, region: int): """ Insert command to switch the region being written to. :param int region: The ID of the region to switch to, between 0 and 15 :raise ParameterOutOfBoundsException: If the region identifier is not valid :raise DataSpecException: If the region has not been allocated """ self._end_write_block() self._report("SWITCH_FOCUS memRegion = ", region) self._size = self._ds_db.get_region_size( self._x, self._y, self._p, region) self._region_num = region if self._size <= 0: raise DataSpecException(f"No size set for region {region}")
[docs] def write_value(self, data: Union[int, float], data_type=DataType.UINT32): """ Insert command to write a value (once) to the current write pointer, causing the write pointer to move on by the number of bytes required to represent the data type. The data is passed as a parameter to this function .. note:: This method used to have two extra parameters ``repeats`` and ``repeats_is_register``. They have been removed here. If you need them, use :meth:`write_repeated_value` :param data: the data to write as a float. :type data: int or float :param DataType data_type: the type to convert ``data`` to :raise ParameterOutOfBoundsException: * If ``data_type`` is an integer type, and ``data`` has a fractional part * If ``data`` would overflow the data type :raise UnknownTypeException: If the data type is not known :raise ValueError: If the data size is invalid :raise NoRegionSelectedException: If no region has been selected """ assert self._content is not None assert self._content_debug is not None data_type.check_value(data) as_bytes = data_type.as_bytes(data) self._report("WRITE data=", data, ", dataType=",, " as ", as_bytes) if len(as_bytes) > data_type.size: self._flush() raise ValueError( f"{data}:{} as bytes was {as_bytes} " f"when only {data_type.size} bytes expected") if len(self._content) % 4 != 0: # check we are at a word boundary if len(as_bytes) % data_type.size != 0: raise NotImplementedError( f"After {len(self._content)} bytes have been written " f" unable to add data of type {data_type}" f" without padding") self._content += as_bytes self._content_debug += f"{data}:{} "
[docs] def write_array(self, array_values: Union[ Sequence[int], Sequence[float], numpy.ndarray], data_type=DataType.UINT32): """ Insert command to write an array, causing the write pointer to move on by (data type size * the array size), in bytes. :param array_values: An array of words to be written :type array_values: list(int) or list(float) or ~numpy.ndarray :param DataType data_type: Type of data contained in the array """ assert self._content is not None assert self._content_debug is not None data = numpy.array(array_values, dtype=data_type.numpy_typename) encoded = data.tobytes() self._report("WRITE_ARRAY ", len(array_values), " elements in ", len(encoded), " bytes") if len(array_values) < 100: self._report(list(array_values), " as ", repr(encoded)) if len(self._content) % 4 != 0: # check we are at a word boundary raise NotImplementedError( f"After {len(self._content)} bytes have been written " f"which is not a multiple of 4" f" write_array is not supported") if len(encoded) % 4 != 0: # check we are at a word boundary raise NotImplementedError( f"Unexpected data (as bytes) length of {len(encoded)}") self._content += encoded self._content_debug += f"{array_values}:Array "
def _check_write_block(self) -> None: assert self._content is not None assert self._size is not None length = len(self._content) self._report("loading ", length, " bytes into region ", self._region_num, " of size ", self._size) if self._size < length: raise DataSpecException( f"Region size is {self._size} " f"so unable to write {length} bytes") if length % 4 != 0: raise NotImplementedError( "Unable to write {length} bytes as not a multiple of 4") def _end_write_block(self) -> None: if self._content is not None and len(self._content) > 0: self._end_block() self._commence_block() @abstractmethod def _end_block(self) -> None: """ Write data to the database. """ raise NotImplementedError def _commence_block(self) -> None: self._content = bytearray() self._content_debug = ""
[docs] def end_specification(self) -> None: """ Insert a command to indicate that the specification has finished and finish writing. """ self._end_write_block()